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Searched for "admission fee"

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  1. Semester fee


    Semester fee To continue your studies (in the same program) you need to re-register by paying the semester fee in time. The amount has to be on the university bank account until 1 st March for summer semester and 1st September for winter semester. If this day is a Saturday or Sunday, the deadline does not change to the next working day (§ 31 Abs. 3 Satz 1 des Hessischen Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetzes). This guide shows you how to find the payment request in the FranCa...

  2. DSH preparatory course


    Studienvorbereitender C1-Kurs mit DSH-Vorbereitung The Frankfurt UAS offers a preparatory German course for the DSH exam next to the DSH exam  itself. This course is for applicants, who already possess good, but not sufficient German language skills in order to complete specialized studies at the Frankfurt UAS. The preparatory German courses usually take one semester and end with the DSH exam.  Prerequisite for the participation is proof of level B2 (CEFR). ...

  3. Three steps to your enrollment


    Three Steps to your enrollment Enrollment Before you can be enrolled, you have to have successfully submitted an application on uni-assist.de and received an admission letter from us. Three steps to your enrollment If you received an admission, please follow these steps enroll: 1. Complete online...

  4. Student Services Center


    Student Services Center Please use our customer center or send an e-mail to studienbuero(at)fra-uas. remove-this. de . Please state your application number if you have a request reagarding your application or enrollment. If you are enrolled at our university, please use your student e-mail-adress and state your matriculation number. Current information Maintenance of systems on May 7th Due to a university system...

  5. Refugees from Ukraine


    Information and options for Refugees from Ukraine Due to the current situation in Ukraine, the federal government, the states and the universities have agreed to provide refugees from Ukraine with quick and uncomplicated access to the German education system. With this in mind, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences offers various opportunities to start or continue studies or preparatory courses on site: If you have a residence status in Germany according to §24 AufenthG...

  6. Study abroad overseas


    Study Abroad Semester Application for a Study Abroad stay: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences has concluded so-called "Study Abroad Agreements" with a small number of universities overseas. This means that although you have to pay study abroad fees, all students at Frankfurt UAS receive a discount of usually 10%. Please inform yourself about the possibility to counter-finance tuition fees with Auslands-BAFöG. If you apply for a Study Abroad program and submit all documents on...

  7. Dual degree programs


    Dual degree programs A variety of dual study programs are offered at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. A dual degree program is defined by the fact that you complete practical training in one of our cooperating companies in addition to your studies. If you have international educational qualifications, you must request for recognition of your international certificates at the International Office before applying for a training position and for your studies. Below, we...

  8. FAQ International


    Note If you're using a "gmail" email address , some of our responses are currently delivered very late or being returned as undeliverable. Until we are able to provide a solution, we kindly ask you to refrain from contacting us via a "gmail" email address in urgent cases. FAQ International Admission How do I apply for admission? To apply for admission to Frankfurt University of Applied...

  9. Renewable Energy (M.Eng.)


    Study Renewable Energy (M.Eng.) Information for prospective students of Renewable Energy (M.Eng.) Climate targets can only be achieved through a sustainable energy supply – and renewable energies play a key role in this process. Would you like to help shape the energy supply of the future? Then our Master's program Renewable Energy (M.Eng.) could be the right one for you: This degree program will provide you...

  10. Advanced Architecture (M.Sc.)


    Study Advanced Architecture (M.Sc.) The study program concentrates on the combination of design and construction. Furthermore, „Advanced Architecture“ means designing and constructing on all scales, from urban contexts to the one-to-one detail. Advanced, future-oriented concepts are developed and dealt with in study projects, in office internships, with the FFin, as well as in close collaboration with our cooperation partners from the construction...

Website editorial teamID: 81
last updated on: 01.31.2022