PhD-Retreat "Applied Doctoral Studies at European Universities"

In November 2023, the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences will host a multi-day international retreat on the topic of "Applied Doctoral Studies at European Universities". For this occasion, the university invites doctoral students from its European partner universities to Frankfurt am Main with regard to doctoral studies. Here, the international guests will meet doctoral students from Frankfurt UAS and the other public HAWs in the state of Hesse. On the one hand, the participants should have the opportunity to get to know new and innovative research ideas, methods and approaches for their own academic work. On the other hand, intensive discussions across disciplinary boundaries and scientific exchange with a partly non-specialist audience are to be promoted in a relaxed atmosphere away from the daily business. The event is organised within the framework of the Hessen Horizon project "visiblEU2".

When? November 13 - 17, 2023
Where? Frankfurt UAS Campus (Building 10 / Room 113)


Website editorial teamID: 12573
last updated on: 10.19.2023