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Searched for "studienbüro"

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  1. For prospective students


    For prospective students Information sources Are you about to graduate from high school and want to find out more about the academic programs of the university in the area of Business and Law ? Then you have found the right place. You can find information about our programs, admission requirements, the program branches, and the future professional fields on our internet pages. A personal meeting can provide more specific...

  2. FAQ International


    Note If you're using a "gmail" email address , some of our responses are currently delivered very late or being returned as undeliverable. Until we are able to provide a solution, we kindly ask you to refrain from contacting us via a "gmail" email address in urgent cases. FAQ International Admission How do I apply for admission? To apply for admission to Frankfurt University of Applied...

  3. Frankfurt UAS ABC


    Frankfurt UAS ABC Learn the most important terms related to your studies at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences   A B C D E F H I K L M N P R S T V W Z Alumni or Alumnae Alumni are former students of a college or...

  4. Insurances


    Insurances Insurances will help you throughout your studies. Some of them are mandatory, other require contributions from your salary. Others take care of you without you noticing. On this site, we give international students a first glance of the most important insurances that are needed during your studies. More detailed information about certain insurances is possible during our office hours. We will gladly help with specific insurance questions, like for example health...

Website editorial teamID: 81
last updated on: 01.31.2022