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  1. English


    English language courses Welcome! Technical English is offered for all faculties, in almost all degree courses. In addition, you have the opportunity to improve your English skills in intensive courses during the semester break. We offer general language courses from A2 to C1 and special courses for the technical language certificate.     Quicklinks News from the...

  2. English for University Staff


    English for University Staff Practice and improve your English with our English offer for all staff members and teaching staff! Do you need English for your work and are looking for some help and support? Has your English gotten a little rusty over time? Is your English quite good and you want to keep it that way? Then you have come to the right place! We are here to help you as a staff member at the Frankfurt UAS and we have a...

  3. - | 16:00 to 18:00 | Online

    Hidden champions and start-ups (in English)


    Germany is known as a country of inventors and technology. This has led to many companies being global brands today. All of these companies started small and so today Germany is a country where numerous start-ups in different sectors are running many exciting new projects. In the lecture „Working in Start Ups“, our lecturer Marijan Misetic CEO of MDM Consulting & Personal GmbH will explain the advantages for graduates with numerous practical examples of working in Start Ups. Start-ups in...

  4. - | 16:00 to 18:00 | Online

    Professional Networking - Grow a valuable network to create the best career for yourself (in English)


    As a student, you have very likely been advised to build a good network if you want to find the best job opportunities, student jobs or internships - but how do you actually network or moreover: Find a job through your network? If so far the whole business of networking has remained a bit of a mystery to you, you are very welcome to join this 2 hour training session. Together we will explore: • What networking REALLY means • How to make the best of your existing network • How to...

  5. - | 16:00 to 18:00 | Online

    Interview Training (in English)


    Have you ever had a job interview in Germany or are you planning to apply in Germany in the future? This workshop is specifically designed for international students of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Together with HR expert Jana Köhler, we will take a look behind the scenes of job interviews in Germany, practice important interview situations and learn how to successfully master the interview. This Workshop Will Cover: How job interviews work in Germany and what...

  6. - | 16:00 to 18:00 | Online

    Ask the recruiter (in English)


    To apply is sometimes very difficult and time-consuming. In this workshop, you will get practical advise on how to apply easily from a recruiter’s perspective. Dominique Tadayeski will give you a few insights and helpful information such as Do’s and Don’ts. Feel free to ask all your questions during our online session “Ask the Recruiter”. Please register here. Trainer: Dominique Tadayeski has been working as a recruiter for more than 10 years. She mainly worked in the...

  7. - | 16:00 to 18:00 | Online

    German Resume Rockstar 2 (in English)


    Training description This training consists of two parts and is held in English. The German Resume Rockstar is geared towards international students studying in Germany who plan on applying for employment opportunities in Germany. Students will be introduced to the application process in Germany and particularities with applying for work in English in Germany. The bulk of the workshop is centered on equipping students with the knowledge necessary for drafting a resume that speaks to...

  8. - | 16:00 to 18:00 | Online

    German Resume Rockstar 1 (in English)


    Training description This training consists of two parts and is held in English. The German Resume Rockstar is geared towards international students studying in Germany who plan on applying for employment opportunities in Germany. Students will be introduced to the application process in Germany and particularities with applying for work in English in Germany. The bulk of the workshop is centered on equipping students with the knowledge necessary for drafting a resume that speaks to...

  9. - | 16:00 to 18:00 | Online

    Must-knows for your career kickoff: Surviving German bureaucracy (in English)


    Deep dive into employment visa and residence permit application. Contents: The most important information for your start of employment How to get your residence permit for employment in Germany Your employment contract: Vacation days, probationary period and other important things to know How salary payment works in Germany Methods: Input by trainer Discussion phases Q&A session and sharing of personal experience Please...

  10. - | 10:00 to 11:30 | Online

    Life hacks to get a part time job (in English)


    Are you looking for an internship or student job? Would you like to work in Germany after your studies? Then join this Zoom session to get efficient lifehacks for your career in Germany. Stefanie Brunn from the International Career Service in the International Office advises international students how to improve your chances on the German job market. The session deals with very practical topics, such as preparing suitable application documents, negotiating starting salaries or preparing for job...

Website editorial teamID: 81
last updated on: 01.31.2022