Become a professor at our University of Applied Sciences (UAS)
The UAS-professorship is a varied profession that allows you to combine personal interests with social commitment. In contrast to a regular university professorship, you do not need a habilitation for a UAS-professorship, but instead have impressive practical and teaching experience. Our professors can freely shape their research focus and teaching, pass on their knowledge to students through personal exchange, develop transfer projects together with companies and organizations and organize their private lives flexibly. For many, this turns their profession into a vocation.
At Frankfurt UAS we offer the following professorship formats in addition to the full professorship:
Tandem professorship (German only)
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to combine theory and practice and actively train the specialists of tomorrow!
- Flexible working hours
- Family-friendly university
- Mobile working
- Company pension scheme
- Ticket for Public Transport in Hesse
- Good traffic connections
- Attractive continuing education program
- Health management and CampusSport
- Further benefits
Regardless of whether you have already applied for a professorship with us or are still planning to do so, you will find below the most important tasks that await you at Frankfurt UAS.
- Conception and implementation of courses within the framework of 18 semester hours per week in the Bachelor's and Master's program of the respective department and, if applicable, in the Studium Generale
- Preparation of exams and assessment of the corresponding examination results
- Supervision of final theses
- Participation in the international activities of the university, including teaching in English
- Involvement in academic self-administration, e.g. participation in committees such as departmental councils or examination boards, taking over the management of a degree program, participation in appointment committees, etc.
- Application-oriented research and publication activities, if possible with the acquisition of third-party funding
- Gender- and diversity-sensitive actions and active commitment to equal opportunities
- Completed university degree
- Pedagogical and didactic skills, which should be demonstrated by teaching experience
- Proof of aptitude for academic work, usually through a good doctorate
- at least 5 years of relevant professional experience after graduation, of which at least 3 years outside a university or additional academic achievements
- Willingness to teach courses in basic education in all degree programs of the department and to participate in the Studium Generale
- Willingness to take on tasks in the self-administration of the university
- Gender and diversity sensitivity
- Motivation to accompany students with diverse backgrounds on their personal educational path
- Social responsibility and an interest in educating the 'shapers of the future'
- strong research skills
- A desire to network with lecturers from other departments, research institutions and cooperation partners from business, administration and society
- Letter of motivation
- Curriculum Vitae/ application profile with
- Details of practical professional experience
- Details of academic background
- Details of previous teaching experience
- Details of previous research activities
- Details of projects
- List of publications
- Proof of doctorate and academic degrees
- Proof of practical professional experience (references)
- Proof of teaching activities (topics, teaching evaluations if available)
- Teaching concept
- Research concept
- Concept for the acquisition of third-party funding
Note for applicants with foreign degrees:
If you have obtained a university degree abroad, you will find further important information on our subpage for international applicants.
Your teaching concept should be two to three pages long and should describe your main topics. Please explain how you prepare, conduct and follow up your courses didactically. Please also explain how you integrate new media into your teaching, motivate students and incorporate practical experience into your teaching. Please also describe how you see your role as a teacher in the future. We would also like to know what other subject areas you can cover and whether you already have experience in teaching and examinations. You may already have ideas on how you can contribute to academic self-administration - if so, we would be pleased if you could also briefly explain this. Please attach any teaching evaluations of your courses to the appendix.
The research concept should also be two to three pages long and include in particular your current and planned research focus. You should also describe any scientific publications, collaborations, etc. that you have published or will soon be submitting. You should also describe how the research field is developing and how you position yourself within it. This should include references to possible collaborations and synergy effects at the university. What is your long-term vision? Where do you want to publish? Which conferences would you like to attend or organize? Which institutes or academic disciplines, possibly also outside the university, would you like to collaborate with? How do your research topics fit in with the department?
The concept for acquiring third-party funding is closely linked to the research concept. This should be approximately one to two pages long and should outline how you intend to acquire third-party funding in the future and/or which project funding you have already acquired. What activities are you planning? What programs are you considering? Which cooperation partners would you like to approach? The topic of transfer, combined with the question: “How have you become and will you become visible?”, is also important to us. Please describe here what you would do to gain visibility in, for example, non-scientific media. You are also welcome to explain which measures have led to your success so far.
1. find a suitable position
In our target group-specific job portal you will find all current professorial vacancies in our four departments.
2. submit your application
Send us your application to the address given in the job advertisement and enclose all the required documents. You will find a list of all required documents in the job advertisement relevant to you as well as under “Required documents” and the checklist provided.
3 Your application will be reviewed
After the application deadline, all documents received will be reviewed by the appointment committee. The selection is based on the principle of selecting the best candidates (Art. 33 of the German Constitution), the prohibition of discrimination (AGG), the requirement to promote women (HGLG) and the requirement to promote persons with disabilities (SGB IX) as well as the criteria in the framework text of the call for applications.
4. conduct a trial course
If your skills have convinced us, we would like to get to know your teaching skills in a trial course. Both the appointment committee and our students are involved in this.
5. expert opinions are obtained
The appointment committee obtains external expert opinions on the suitable applicants.
6. appointment proposal is drawn up
7. Senate takes a position
After the Senate has issued its opinion, you will be informed whether you have been placed on the appointment list.
8. negotiate target agreement and accept appointment
If we have also been able to fully convince you, we look forward to welcoming you as a new member of our university soon.
Part-time employment is possible under certain conditions.
When first appointed to a professorship, employment is initially in a probationary civil servant relationship or in a permanent employment relationship with a 3-year probationary period. An age limit in accordance with § 11 HLV applies to the appointment as a civil servant.
The recruitment requirements and other duties are set out in §§ 67-69, 75 and 76 HessHG; can be viewed at
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences is committed to increasing the proportion of women in employment and therefore strongly encourages women to apply. People with a severe disability and applicants with equivalent status will be given preferential consideration within the framework of the applicable regulations.