
Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

Professorship of Social Work Organisation and Management

Prof. Dr.
Barbara Klein
Spokesperson research center FUTURE AGING & Head of degree course Digital Health and Case Management (M.Sc.)
Building 2, Room 108
Fax : +49 69 1533-2809

Office hours

By appointment only via email.


Winner of the 2019 Research Award of the Hessian Universities of Applied Sciences

Additional qualifications

  • DGQ Quality Manager in Social Work and Health Care. 
  • DGQ TQM Assessor;
  • Leadership training programme of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft;
  • Further training in knowledge management programme of the RWTH Aachen, the TH Karlsruhe and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
  • University didactic week for newly appointed female professors in Hesse
  • Training measure for didactic course of the Heidelberg University of Education and the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
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Teaching and lecturing

  • Innovations, new technologies and service development in social work and health care.
  • Organisation and management in social work
  • Aids, assistive technologies and robotics: Acceptance and ethical issues

Publications and focus of research

  • New technologies and innovations in social work and health care
  • Assistive technologies, assistive devices, and robotics
  • Strategic, organisational, and process development in social work and health care

Since 2021

Dean of Department 4, Social Work and Health

2019 – 2021

Visiting Professor at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan

Since 2018

Spokeswomen of the FUTURE AGING interdisciplinary research centre

President of the Austrian-German-Swiss Chapter of the International Society for Gerontechnology.

Since 2017

Head of the interdisciplinary master’s programme "Accessible systems - case management"

Member of the Inter-University Doctoral Centre for Social Work


Visiting Professor at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. Intelligent Robotics Laboratory (Ishiguro's Lab).


Research travels: United States, Singapore and Japan on emotional and social robotics (BMBF project: ERimAlter).


Visiting Professor at Northumbria University, Newcastle, England; research stay at Cape Town University, Cape Town, South Africa.


Research stay at the UNAM in Mexico-City, Mexico


Research stay at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia


Vice Dean of the Department of Social Work and Health

Since 2007

Professor for "Organisation and Management of Social Work" in Department 4, Social Work and Health of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences


Lecturer for Sociology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main


Research stay at Northumbria University in Newcastle, England


Lecturer for occupational science in the Department of Health and Care at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences


Director of the Market Strategy Team for Public Health at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, Stuttgart


Lecturer for sociology at the Ludwigsburg University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration


Director of the Market Strategy Team for Public Health at the Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart


Research Assistant at the Fraunhofer IAO, Stuttgart


Doctoral examination at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt (Dr. phil.)


Research Associate and Lecturer in the Department of Applied Social Science at the University of Stirling, Scotland within the framework of an EU "Human Capital and Mobility” grant


Studies of economics and sociology at the Universities of Mainz and Frankfurt as well as Middlesex Polytechnic in London, degree: Dipl.-Soz.



  • Klein, Barbara; Graf, Birgit, Röhricht, Karin; Ringwald, Marina; Schlömer, Inga Franziska; Roßberg, Holger: Robotik in der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Einsatzfelder und Potenziale. Hrsg.: Rhön Stiftung Eugen und Ingeborg Münch. 2. Überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Heidelberg: medhochzwei Verlag GmbH, 2023
  • Lion, K. M.; Murfield, J.; Sriram, D.; Sung, B.; Cook, G.; Estai, M.; Jones, C.; Klein, B.; Liddle, J.; Pu, L.; Moyle, W & The AACT Collaborative (03 Aug 2023) Technology in aged care: a qualitative survey of academic, research, and technology industry professionals, Contemporary Nurse, DOI: 10.1080/10376178.2023.2242978
  • Graf, B.; Klein, B. (2023) Robotik im Krankenhaus. In: Klauber, J.; Wasem, J.; Beivers, A.; Mostert, C. (Hg.) Krankenhaus-Report 2023. Schwerpunkt Personal. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Ringwald, M.; Theben, P.; Gerlinger, K.; Hedrich, A.; Klein, B. (2023) How should your Assistive Robot Look Like? A Scoping Review on Embodiment for Assistive Robots. In Journal of Intelligent of Robotic Systems. 107:12. 


  • Klein, B.; Merkel, S. (Convener) (2022) Current trends in Gerontechnology: Recent findings from the Austrian-German-Swiss chapter. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1.
  • Baumeister, A.; Pascher, M.; Shivashankar, Y.; Goldau, F.; Frese, U.; Gerken, J.; Gardó, E.; Klein, B.; Tolle, P. (2022)) AI for simplifying the use of an assistive robotic arm for people with severe body impairments. Gerontechnology, 21(s),5-5.
  • Ringwald, M.; Sehrt, J.; B. Klein, B.; Solis, H.; J. Umansky, J.; P. Nauth (2022). Evaluation of design options for an assistive robot in augmented reality. Gerontechnology, 21(s),6-6.    
  • Klein, B; Ringwald, M.; Schmidt, M.; Paschou, F.; Trebienė, L.; Lydon, H.; Riccio, A.; Panzironi, M.; Papadopoulos, A.; Karaiskos, K.; Xiari, M.; Papadopoulou, C.; Hannotte, A.; Gomez-Sanchez Otero, T.; Gkeka, K. (2022). Qualification of health and social care professionals in digital technologies. Gerontechnology, 21(s),7-7
  • Küsters, L.; Schmidt, M.; Klein, B. (2022) Can telepresence robots empower people with mental health conditions and intellectual disabilities in everyday life?. Gerontechnology, 21(s),1-1.




  • Klein; B. (2019) Einsatz sozialer Roboter in der Pflege – Roboter als Freund und Begleiter? in: Zentrum für Qualität in der Pflege (ed.) ZQP-Report Pflege und digitale Technik. Berlin: Druckteam Berlin, pp. 84-90.

  • Pascher, M.; Baumeister, A.; Klein, B.; Schneegass, S.; Gerken, J. (2019) Little Helper: A multi-robot system in home healthcare environments. In: Proceedings of International workshop on Human-Drone Interaction a spart oft he Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (iHDI'19)



  • Klein, Barbara; Graf, Birgit, Schlömer, Inga Franziska; Roßberg, Holger; Röhricht, Karin; Baumgarten, Simon: Robotik in der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Einsatzfelder und Potenziale (eds.): Stiftung Münch, Heidelberg: medhochzwei Verlag, 2018
  • Graf, B.; Klein, B.: Robotik in Pflege und Krankenhaus - Einsatzfelder, Produkte und aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten. In: Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik. Vol. 64, Issue 4, 2018, pp. 327-343
  • Klein, B.: Assistive technologies supporting informal care. In: Peer Review on "Improving reconciliation of work and long-term care. Host Country Discussion Paper - Germany, 24-25 September 2018. DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, pp. 12-18 (
  • Baumeister, A.; Pascher, M.; Thietje, R.; Gerken, J.; Klein, B.: Anforderungen an die Interaktion eines Roboterarms zur Nahrungsaufnahme bei Tetraplegie – eine ethnografische Analyse. Poster in: Tagungsband „Active Assisted Living“. Wissenschaftskongress. 11-12 October 2018 Messe Karlsruhe; pp. 100-101
  • Baisch, S.; Kolling, T.; Klein, B. Pantel, J.; Oswald, F.; Knopf, M.: Dynamic interplay between general experience and robot-specific expertise at older adults’ first encounter with a robot: Role for robot acceptance and implications for robot design. In: Gerontechnology. Vol. 17, No 4. pp. 215-231
  • Klein, B.; Baumeister, A.; Papastamatiou, N.; Sofios, A. Panzironi, M.; Hromin, M.: Mastering digitalisation in residencies for people with intellectual disabilities: development of professional training in Care V.E.T. in: Journal of Applied research in Intellectual Disabilities. Abstracts of the Fifth International IASSID Europe Congress. Vol 31. No. 4. July 2018, Athens, p. 577
  • Klein, B., Schlömer, I., Roßberg, H., Baumeister, A.: Robots to assist inactivities of daily living? Approaches or user-centered development. Gerontechnology 2018: 17 (Suppl) 38s;
  • Sofios, A.; Klein, B.; Baumeister, A.; Papastamatiou; N.; Hromin, M.; Korfoxyliotis, P.; Pailopoulos, G.; Papadopoullu, C.: Can a sensor-based toolkit enable staff in healthcare for work in digitised environments? In: Gerontechnology 2018: 17 (Suppl) 35s;
  • Klein, B.; Schlömer, I.; Roßberg, H.; Baumeister, A. Robots to assist in activities of daily living? In: Gerontechnology 2018: 17 (Suppl) 35s;
  • Clarke, C. l.; Titterton, M.; Wilcockson J.; Reed, J.; Moyle, W.; Klein, B.; Marais, S. Cook, G.: Risk time framing for wellbeing in older people: a multi-national appreciative inquiry. In: The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice. Vol. 13 No. 1 2018, pp. 43-53. DOI 10.1108/JMHTEP-12-2016-0060


  • Klein, B.; Schlömer, I.: A robotic shower system. Acceptance and ethical issues. In: Z Gerontol Geriat. Accepted: 15 November 2017. (open access)
  • Klein, B.: Robotik in der Pflege? Chancen, Akzeptanz und ethische Fragen. In: Medical Update (eds.): Selbst:Bewusste Pflege. Abstractband. pflegekongress17. 30 November and 1 December 2017. austria centre vienna: p. 73
  • Klein, B.; Hollmann, S.; Roßberg, H.; Schlömer, I.: Ethisches Assessment eines Duschroboters durch Pflegefachkräfte (Ethical assessment of a obotic shower system by nursing care staff). In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie. Suppl 1. 2017. 514
  • Schlömer, I.; Klein, B.; Roßberg, H.: A Robotic Shower System - Evaluation of a multimodal Human-Robot Interaction for the Elderly. Published by Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. 2017 in: Burghardt, M.; Wimmer, R.; Wolff, C.; Womser-Hacker, C.: (eds.): Mensch und Computer 2017 - Workshop Volume, 10-1 September 2017, Regensburg. pp. 598-603.
  • Baisch, S.; Kolling, T; Rühl, S.; Klein, B.; Pantel, J.; Oswald, F.; Knopf, M.: Emotionale Roboter im Pflegekontext. Empirische Analyse des bisherigen Einsatz und der Wirkungen von Paro und Pleo. In: Z Gerontol Geriat. Accepted: 15 November 2017.
  • Baisch, S; Kolling, T.; Schall, A.; Rühl, S.; Selic, S.; Kim, Z.; Rossberg, H.; Klein, B.; Pantel, J.; Oswald, F.; Knopf, M.: Acceptance of Social Robots by Elder People: Does Pychosocial Functioning Matter? Int J of Soc Robotics, published online: 18 January 2017 (doi: 10.1007/s12369-016-0392-5).
  • Klein, B.; Graf, B.: Robots in care. CNE.fortbildung 02/2017: pp. 10-12
  • Klein, B.: The role of robotics in social care for older people. In: Clarke, C.; Schwannauer, M. Taylor, J. (eds.): Risk and Resilience: Global learning across the age span. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, 2017 (ISBN: 978-1-78046-063-5)



  • Kolling, T.; Baisch, S.; Schall, A.; Selic, S.; Rühl, S.; Kim, Z.; Rossberg, H.; Klein, B.; Pantel, J.; Oswald, F.; Knopf, M.: What Is Emotional About Emotional Robotics? In: Tettegah, S.; Garcia, Y. E.: Emotions, Technology and Health. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2016, pp. 85-103. (ISBN: 9780128017371)
  • Klein, B.; Reutzel, S.; Roßberg, H.; Bienhaus, D.; Lutze, R.; Hofmann, J.; Dallwitz, D.; Sütö, S.; Heinrich, H.; Donath, M.: Anbindung von Hausautomation und Wearables: Akzeptanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit. Zukunft Lebensräume Kongress 2016; 20-21 April 2016; Frankfurt am Main. Berlin, Offenbach: VDE-Verlag GmbH, 2016, pp. 109-115 (ISBN 978-3-8007-4212-7)
  • Klein, B.; Reutzel, S.; Roßberg, H.: Akzeptanz und Nutzung von Wearables – Erste Ergebnisse einer Nutzerstudie des LOEWE-GSMTS-Projektes. In: Waldhör, K.; Lutze, R.: Wearables \at \work. Conference Proceedings. 17 February 2016. Essen: FOM, 2016, pp. 11-17
  • Klein, B.; Cook, C.; Moyle, W.: Emotional Robotics in the Care of Older People: A Comparison of Research Findings of PARO and PLEO Interventions in Care Homes from Australia, Germany and the UK. In: Domínguez-Rué, E.; Nierling, L. (eds.) AGEING AND TECHNOLOGY. Perspectives from the Social Sciences. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. 2016, pp. 205-224
  • Klein, B.: Zwischen Natur und Technik – Künstliche Tiere. Können künstliche Tiere zur Lebensqualität in der Altenhilfe beitragen? In: Fehlmann, M.; Michel, M.; Niederhauser, R. (eds.): Tierisch! Das Tier und die Wissenschaft. Ein Streifzug durch die Disziplinen. Reihe Zürcher Hochschulforum, Vol. 55. Zurich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG at ETH Zurich, 2016. (ISBN 978-3-7281-3596-4)



  • Klein, B.; S. Kortekamp; H. Roßberg: The role of culture and gender in the robotic design process. In: C. Tzafestas; P. Maragos; A. Peer; K. Hauer: Full Day Workshop on Cognitive Mobility Assistance Robots: Scientific Advances and Perspectives. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. IROS'2015. 3-5
  • Klein, B.; Reutzel, S.; Roßberg: Zur Mediatisierung assistiver Technologien – der Hausnotruf als Kommunikationsmedium für ältere Menschen. In: Kutscher, N.; Ley, T.; Seelmeyer, U. (eds.): Zur Mediatisierung assistiver Technologien – der Hausnotruf als Kommunikationsmedium für ältere Menschen. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Vol. 38; 2015, pp.151-168 (978-3-8340-1516-7)
  • Klein, B.; Kaspar, T.; Schetzkens, R.: Leitbilder und strukturelle Verankerung von Lebensqualität pflegebededürftiger Menschen in der stationären Altenhilfe - Anforderungen an die Soziale Arbeit. In: Bretländer, B.; Köttig, M.; Kunz, T. (eds.):Vielfalt und Differenz in der Sozialen Arbeit. Perspektiven auf Inklusion. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH, 2015, pp. 179-191 (ISBN 978-3-17-022252-6)
  • Klein, B.; Inklusion durch die Gestaltung von Lebenswelten am Beispiel der Ausstellung "Barrierefreies Wohnen und Leben" der Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main. In: Bretländer, B.; Köttig, M.; Kunz, T. (eds.): Vielfalt und Differenz in der Sozialen Arbeit. Perspektiven auf Inklusion. Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer GmbH, 2015, pp. 244-252.



  • Schall, A.; Kolling, T.; Knopf, M.; Klein, B.; Oswald, F.; Pantel, J.: Intention to use and Acceptance of social-emotional robotics in informal and professional elder and dementia care. In: Alzheimer's & Dementia: 10th ed; 4/2014; P766-P787.
  • Klein, B.; Kaspar, T.; Zöller, K.: Intervention with an Emotional Robot on Patients with Unresponsive Wakeful Syndrome. Poster. Universal Village 2014, MIT, Boston, 16th-17th of June 2014
  • Kolling, T.; Knopf, M.; Klein, B.; Oswald, F.; Pantel, J.: Bewertung Emotionaler Roboter aus der Sicht Älterer sowie aus der Perspektive von Personen in der Betreuung Älterer. Poster 7. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2014. Berlin, 21-22 January 2014. ISBN 978-3-8007-3574-7
  • Klein, B.; Meß, J.; Reutzel, S.; Roßberg, H.: Technische Entwicklungen im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen. CNE.fortbildung 02/2014. 2-6 
  • Klein, B. Hilfe aus der Ferne. CNE.fortbildung 02/2014. 7-9 
  • Klein, B.; Selic, S.: Herausforderung Zukunft. CNE.fortbildung 02/2014. 10-13
  • Reutzel, S.; Klein, B.; Roßberg, H.: Akzeptanz und Nutzenpotentiale erweiterter Sensorik eines Hausnotrufs. Erste Ergebnisse der Nutzerbefragung eines Feldtests. 7. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 2014. Berlin, 21-22 January 2014. ISBN 978-3-8007-3574-7



  • Graf, B.; Heyer, T.; Klein, B.; Wallhof, F.: Service robotics for demographic change. Bundesgesundheitsbl 2013, 56:1145-1152; DOI: 10.1007/s00103-1755-9
  • Klein, B.; Reutzel, S.; Roßberg, H.; Cook, G.: can telecare contribute to an independent life at hole with 100? A glance to the UK and initial experiences of the German LOEWE field test on age appropriate sensor based assistance in real estate. In: HIS 2013, Sopot, Poland, 06-08 June 2013. DOI: 10.1109/HSI.2013.6577885
  • Cook, G.; Ellman, J.; Cook, M.; Klein, B.; Everyday usage of home telecare services in England. In: HIS 2013, Sopot, Poland, 06-08 June 2013. DOI: 10.1109/HSI.2013.6577884
  • Klein, B.; Gaedt, L.; Cook, G.: Emotional Robots. Principals and Experiences with Paro in Denmark, Germany, and the UK. In: GeroPsych, 26 (2),2013, 89-99
  • Moyle, W.; Cooke, M.; Beattie, E.; Jones, C.; Klein, B.; Cook, G.; Gray, C.: Exploring the Effect of Companion Robots on Emotional Expression in Older Adults with Dementia. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. In: Journal of Gerontological Nursing. Vol. 39, No. 5, 2013, pp. 46-53



  • Angelova, M.; Holloway, P.M.; Gibson, H.; Ben-Halim, A.; Easton, J.; St Clair Gibson, A.; Cook, G.; Rauch, L. Lambert, E.; Klein, B.: MATSIQEL: Models for Ageing and Technological Solutions for Improving and Enhancing the Quality of Life. In: Conference Proceedings PEOPLE 2012 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions In Horizon 2020. University of Cyprus, 5-6 November 2012. ISBN 978-9963-700-62-2. 92-100
  • Klein, B.; Cook, G.: Emotional Robotics in Elder Care - A Comparison of Findings in the UK and Germany. S.S.Ge et al (eds.): ICSR 2012, INAI 7621, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2012 pp. 108-117
  • Klein, B.: Robot-Therapy in Germany. SICE, Vol. 51, 7/2012, pp. 649-653
  • Klein, B.: Emotional robotics in promoting well-being in nursing care homes. Gerontechnology 2012; 11(2):412 (doi:10.4017/gt.2012.11 February 319.00)
  • Klein, Barbara; Cook, Glenda; Moyle, Wendy; Clarke, Charlotte; Horbach, Annegret; Baily, Catherine: Ambient assisted Living, Telecare, Telehealth - Neue Technologien und Organisationskonzepte. Projekte und Trends in Australien, Großbritannien und Deutschland. 5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress 24-25 January 2012, Berlin. VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Offenbach (electronic resource)



  • Klein, Barbara: Technisierte Versorgung oder mehr Zeit für Kernaufgaben? Auswirkungen neuer Technologien auf die Pflegekräfte. In: Neue Technologien im Gesundheits- und Pflegebereich. Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit. Issue 3, 2011, pp. 86-98
  • Klein, Barbara: Anwendungsfelder der emotionalen Robotik. Erste Ergebnisse aus Lehrforschungsprojekten an der Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main. In: JDZB (ed.): Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion aus interkultureller Perspektive. Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich. Veröffentlichungen des Japanisch-Deutschen Zentrums Berlin, Vol. 62, Berlin 2011, pp. 147-162
  • Klein, Barbara, Gaugisch, Petra: Innovative Lösungen. In: Altenpflege, April 2011, pp. 52-53
  • Klein, Barbara: Anwendungsfelder der emotionalen Robotik - Erste Ergebnisse aus Lehrforschungsprojekten an der Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main. In: Demographischer Wandel - Assistenzsysteme aus der Forschung in den Markt. (Electronic resource) Paper 14.4. 4. Deutscher AAL-Kongress. 25-26 January 2011, Berlin. VDE Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Offenbach



  • Cook, Glenda; Klein, Barbara; Cader, Raffik; Moyle, Wendy; Marais, Sandra; Clarke, Charlotte; Reed, Jan: Potential technological solutions to promote well-being in older age. In: Newsletter of the British Society of Gerontology. Vol. 20, No. 3, 7/2010
  • Klein, Barbara: Neue Technologien und soziale Innovationen im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen. In: J. Howaldt/ H. Jacobsen (Hrsg.), Soziale Innovation. Auf dem Weg zu einem postindustriellen Innovationsparadigma. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2010, pp. 271-296
  • Moyle, Wendy; Clarke, Charlotte, Gracia, Natalie; Reed Jan, Cook, Glenda; Klein, Barbara; Marais, Sandra; Richardon, Elsie: Older people maintaining mental health well-being through resilience: an appreciate inquiry study in four countries. International Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness. 2/2010, pp. 113-121
  • Klein, Barbara: Herausforderung Pflege. In: Stadtmüller, Sven; Klocke, Andreas (eds.): Der demographische Wandel in der Region Frankfurt - Rhein - Main. Frankfurt: Fachhochschulverlag. 2010, pp. 81-104



  • Klein, Barbara; Cook, Glenda: Robotik in der Pflege - Entwicklungstendenzen und Potenziale. In: Public Health. In Public Health Forum. Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2009
  • Klein, Barbara: Zukunft der sozialen Arbeit - Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt und Anforderungen an die Ausbildung. In: Forschung. Entwicklung. Transfer. Innovation. Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main, Vol. 8, 2009, S. 73
    Klein, Barbara; Cook, Glenda: Ein Freund, ein guter Freund … Was kann die elektronische Robbe? In: Dr. med. Mabuse, No. 180, Vol. 34, 2009, pp. 34-36
  • Klein, Barbara: Quality of Life in Nursing Care - Application of Appreciative Inquiry in Teaching Projects. XIXth IAGG World Congress of gerontology and Geriatrics. 5-9 July 2009



  • Klein, Barbara; Gaugisch, Petra; Stopper, Katrin: "Pflege 2015: Neue Arbeitsanforderungen und zukünftige Qualifizierungsbedarfe. Abschlussbericht.- Düsseldorf. 2008, 99 pages (with appendix: Interview guidelines for nursing home staff
  • Klein, Barbara: Pflege 2025 - Eine Herausforderung für den Berufsstand? In: Niederlag, W.; Lemke HU; Nagel, E.; Dössel, O. (eds.): Gesundheitswesen 2025 - Implikationen, Konzepte, Visisonen. Health Academy, Vol. 12, Dresden, 2008, S.263-274
  • Weisbecker, Anette; Klein, Barbara: e-Health zum Wohle des Patienten und der Pflege. Über den klugen Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik im modernen Gesundheitswesen. In: Pflege aktuell, 2006, pp. 192-195



  • Spath, Dieter; Klein, Barbara; Schmidt, Martin (eds.): Telemonitoring - zwischen Ethik und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Conference documentation.
  • Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag
  • Klein, Barbara: Pflege vor neuen Herausforderungen? Das Berufsbild, neue Technologien und Anforderungen an die Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege. In: Bsirske, Frank; Paschke, Ellen (eds.): Innovationskraft Mensch. Wie Qualität in der Gesundheitswirtschaft entsteht. Hamburg: VSA-Verlag, pp. 119-135
  • Gaugisch, Petra; Klein, Barbara; Schmidt, Martin: Technologische Innovationen für ein selbstständiges Leben im Alter. In: Kimpeler, Simone; Baier, Elisabeth (eds.) IT-basierte Produkte und Dienste für ältere Menschen - Nutzeranforderungen und Techniktrends. Tagungsband zur FAZIT-Fachtagung »Best Agers« in der Informationsgesellschaft. Stuttgart: IRB-Verlag, 2006, pp. 79-93
  • Klein, Barbara; Gaugisch, Petra; Weiss, Volker: Dealing with pressure sores: too much pressure - too little know-how. In: Altenheim 3/06, pp. 34-36



  • Klein, Barbara; Gaugisch Petra, Weiss, Volker; Wolfsteiner, Carmen: Pflege Ohne Druck: Dekubitus; Ursachen der Entstehung, prophylaktische Maßnahmen und Rahmenbedingungen in der häuslichen und stationären Altenhilfe in Bayern. Eine Studie des Fraunhofer Instituts für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO im Auftrag des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie und Frauen. 2005
  • Blass, Kerstin; Ertel, Michael; Gaugisch, Petra; Klein, Barbara; Richter, Gabriele: Die Gestaltung der Arbeitsbedingungen in der Pflege - aktuelle Projekte im Rahmen der Initiative "Neue Qualität der Arbeit" In: Badura, Bernhard; Schellschmidt, Henner; Vetter, Christian: Fehlzeiten-Report 2004, Gesundheitsmanagement in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeeinrichtungen. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 221-231
  • Klein, Barbara (ed.): Selbstbewertungssystem für stationäre Einrichtungen der Altenhilfe. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2005
  • Gaugisch, Petra; Klein, Barbara: Selbstbewertung als partizipationsorientierte und nachhaltige Methode für die gesundheitsförderliche Gestaltung in der Pflege. In: Fraunhofer IAO - Tätigkeitsbericht 2004, Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2005, pp. 50-51.



  • Ertel, Michael; Gaugisch, Petra; Barbara Klein: In: GfA Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften e.V. (eds.): Arbeit + Gesundheit in effizienten Arbeitssystemen. 50. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft, ETHZ - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, 24 - 26 March 2004, Dortmund, 2004, pp. 547 - 550
  • Steingaß, Silvia; Klein, Barbara; Weiss, Volker et. al: Transparenz in der Pflege - Dekubituserfassung auf Landkreisebene als Instrument der Qualitätssicherung. In: Gesundheitswesen; 66, 2004, pp. 802-805
  • Klein, Barbara: Qualitätsmanagement durch Selbstbewertung - eine Innovationsplattform für die stationäre Altenhilfe. In: Steinhilber, Horst; Winterscheidt, Ursula (ed.): E.U. SenioBench: Entwicklung eines europäischen Benchmarking in der Altenhilfe. Tagungsdokumentation. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2004, pp. 72-84
  • Klein, Barbara; Schmidt, Martin: Mobile Health & Care - IuK in Krankenhaus und Pflege. In: Fraunhofer IAO - Tätigkeitsbericht 2003, Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2004, pp. 64-65



  • Klein, Barbara et al: Zukunft der Heimaufsicht - Wie muss eine zukunftsfähige Fortbildung für die Heimaufsicht gestaltet werden? Eine Untersuchung des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO im Auftrag des Sozialministeriums Baden-Württemberg.
  • Reed, Jan; Klein, Barbara; Cook, Glenda; Stanley, David: Quality improvement in German and UK care homes. In: The International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 16, 5/2003, pp. 248-256
  • Kern, Norbert; Kern, Peter; Klein, Barbara: Selbstbewertung als Innovationsplattform in der stationären Altenhilfe. Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätsverbesserungen - eine Herausforderung für soziale Einrichtungen. In: Landau, Kurt (eds.): Good Practice. Ergonomie und Arbeitsgestaltung. Sonderausgabe der Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft anlässlich des 50-jährigen Bestehens der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft. Stuttgart: Ergonomia Verlag oHG, 2003, pp. 195-211
  • Klein, Barbara: Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs) und deren Auswirkung auf die Mitarbeiter und den Personaleinsatz. Ergebnisse aus den USA, Kanada und Australien. In: Fraunhofer IAO - Tätigkeitsbericht 2002, Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2003, pp. 56-57
  • Spath, Dieter; Klein, Barbara; Gaugisch, Petra; Walter Cornelia; Weiss, Volker: Auswirkungen der DRGs in Österreich, Australien und Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden Studie. In: Landespflegetag 2003. DRGs - Neue Chancen für die Pflege? Tagungsunterlagen. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2003, pp. 6-23



  • Bauer, Wilhelm; Bullinger, Hans-Jörg; Klein, Barbara; Hofmann, Jens; Weiss, Volker: Die Zukunft der Arbeit. Eine internationale Studie. In: Das flexible Unternehmen (loose leaf collection), 2002, pp. 1-13
  • Klein, Barbara: Häusliche Technik und soziale Dienstleistungen zur Unterstützung einer selbstständigen Lebensführung. In: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend: Modellprogramm "Selbstbestimmt Wohnen im Alter". Technologien für ein Wohnen im Alter. Workshop in Tutzing, 2 - 4 May 2000. Berlin: Druck Centre Meckenheim, 2002, pp. 65-78
  • Kern, Peter; Klein, Barbara: Zukunft der Arbeit. Erwartete Veränderungen: Eine weltweite Studie. In: Kilger, Gerhard; Bieneck, Hans-Jürgen (eds.): Neue Qualität der Arbeit. Wie wir morgen arbeiten werden. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 2002, pp. 175-185.
  • Steingaß, S.; Klein, B.; Hube, G.; Pavel, K.; Walter, K.; Weiss, V.: Neue Wege der Qualitätssicherung - Modellprojekt Dekubituserfassung im Ostalbkreis. In: Gesundheitswesen; 64, 2002, pp. 585-591
  • Mittnacht, Barbara; Klein, Barbara: IQM - Institutionen- und berufsgruppenübergreifendes Qualitätsmanagement. In: Fraunhofer IAO - Tätigkeitsbericht 2001, Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, 2002, pp. 72-73
  • Klein, Barbara: Moderne Arbeitswelt. Thesen zu den Perspektiven industrieller Arbeit und industrienaher Dienstlei


  • Participation assistance – Digital solutions for assisted living forms. Call for proposals: Distr@l: Strengthening digitalization - living transfer, funding line 2A: Digital product innovations (research and development). Research sponsor: Hessian Ministry for Digital Strategy and Development. Duration: 1 September 2021 – 31 August 2023. Project management: Frankfurt UAS (Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein). Collaborative partner: PureSec GmbH, Idstein. Application partner: Vitos accompanying psychiatric services

  • DOF-Adaptiv - Adaptive Degree of Freedom Embedding as a Cooperative User Interface for an Assistance Robot. Research Sponsor: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Duration: 1 February 2021 – 31 January 2024. Call for proposals: "Adaptive technologies for society - intelligent interaction of humans and AI". Collaborative coordinator: German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH, Bremen. Other collaborative partners: Westphalian University Gelsenkirchen Bocholt Recklinghausen, Gelsenkirchen; Munevo GmbH, Munich

  • Embodiment for ROSWITHA (Robot System WITH Autonomy)- Development of design options for an assistance robot in care. Research sponsor: Commerzbank Foundation. Duration: 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2023. Participating departments: Dept. 4 (Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein, Marina Weiland M.A.), Dept. 2: Design Lab for Virtual Reality and Prototyping (Prof. Héctor Solis, Dipl. Des. Jessica Sehrt) and Lab for Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Sensor Technology (Prof. Dr. Peter Nauth, Julian Umansky M.Sc.)

  • DDSkills - Cutting-Edge Digital Skills for professional care givers of Persons with Disabilities and Mental Health Problems. Research funding body: Erasmus+ Programme, Sector Skill Alliances. Duration: 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2022. Project management is carried out by To Ergastiri; in addition to Frankfurt UAS, other cooperation partners participate in DDSkills - including: National University of Ireland Galway, European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, Federation of European Social Employers, Jaunuoliu dienos centras, Kypriaki Eteria Pistopoiisis, MMC-Mediterranean Management Center Ltd, Tandem Società Cooperativa Sociale Integrata, THEOFANIS ALEXANDRIDIS KAI SIA EE, SenseWorks LTD, Fondazione Santa Lucia.

  • Research Center FUTURE AGING; Funding of research structures at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences within the innovation and structural development budget of the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art; 1 Jan. 2018 – 31 Dec. 2020.

Completed research projects:

  • ChildRescue - Collective Awareness Platform for Missing Children Investigation and Rescue; EU Horizon 2020 funding line; 1 January 2018-31 December 2020. Project management in ChildRescue is carried out by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA); in addition to Frankfurt UAS, other collaborating partners/participants in ChildRescue include: Ellinikos Erythos Stavros (REDCROSS), the European Federation for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children AISBL (MCE), the Fondation pour Enfants disparus et sexuelement exploites (Child Focus), the Made Group Astiki Mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia(MADE), SingularLogic (SILO), Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions Limited (SUITE5), The Smile of the Child (SoC), and Ubitech Limited (UBITECH).
  • MobILe - Physical Human-Robot Interaction for Self-Determined Living, Call for Proposals: "Autonomous Robots for Assistance Functions: Interactive Basic Skills"; Research Sponsor: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF; 07/01/2017 - 06/30/2020; Grant Number: 16SV7866K; Collaborative Coordination: Westphalian University Gelsenkirchen Bochholt Recklinghausen, Gelsenkirchen; Additional Collaborative Partners: FWBI - Friedrich Wilhelm Besselt Institute, Bremen, Hidrex GmbH, Heiligenhaus, pi4 robotics GmbH, Berlin.
  • CareV.E.T. - Innovative training approach for Supportive Living Operators; Research Sponsor: EU Erasmus+ Call 2016 KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, Strategic Partnership for vocational education and Training, Duration until 30.09.2018; Project Code: 2016-1-EL01-KA202-023612; Project Coordination: Omega Technology; Other Project Partners: To Ergastiri, Fondazione et Labora, Tandem Societa cooperativa sociale integrata, SenseWorks Ltd, Cyprus certification Company.
  • I-Supported Bath Robots - I-SUPPORT (HORIZON 2020. PHC 10-2014. EU:643666, 2015-2018).
  • LOEWE -Healthy, Safe and Mobile with Technology and Service Delivery. Prevention - Telecare - Digital Health (GSMTS), (LOEWE -State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence, funding line 3: SME Joint Project HA Project No.: 410/14-10: 2014-2016)
  • HOLM Mobility in old age together with the Goethe University (project leader: Prof. Dr. Oswald) and the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Idstein
  • BMBF - Scientific Pre-Project: Chronic Disease, Functional Preservation and Functional Loss in Old Age - Social and Emotional Addressing through Technology : ERimAlter (2013-2014) together with Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Project Coordination: Prof. Dr. Monika Knopf)
  • BMBF - Demography workshop discussion "With good care to more quality of life" 2013
  • LOEWE - Field test age-appropriate assistance systems in the housing industry (LOEWE - State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence, funding line 3: SME Joint Project HA Project No.: 338/12-28: 2012-2014)
  • AWO Frankfurt am Main and FH FFM: Paro & Co. - Explorative Studies on Emotional and Social Robotics
  • Models for Aging and Technological Solutions for Improving and Enhancing the Quality of Life MATSIQUEL, PEOPLE MARIE CURIE ACTIONS. International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Marie Curie Programme IRSES (2011-2013) (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES-247541-MATSIQEL)
  • Construction of an International Network on Emotional and Social Robotics (eRobotics)
  • Conception and implementation of a Social and Health Care Lab at the Department 4 Social Work and Health of the FH FFM (now: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences), implementation of the scenarios "International Lecture Room" and "Innovative Care", KP II funds (2009-2011)
  • Teaching research projects on "Emotional Robotic" use of a therapeutic seal in different application settings, FH FFM (now: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences) (since 2009) - First results from teaching research projects at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • Future of Social Work - Changes in the World of Work and Requirements for Education, Junior Program of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (2008-2009)
  • International survey of experts in Japan and Australia "New Technologies in Care for the Elderly - Developments and Implementations" Cooperation with Northumbria University Newcastle and own research (2008)
  • Using Appreciative Inquiry as a research method: Managing Well-Being in Old Age. International Study in UK, Australia, Germany and South Africa commissioned by Northumbria University, Newcastle, England
  • Broad implementation of occupational safety and health protection in inpatient geriatric care commissioned by the Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege (BGW), Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg (UKBW)
  • Use of Virtual Reality in occupational safety and health protection in nursing on behalf of the Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege (BGW)
  • Composite research project "Nursing 2020" Development of future strategies and solutions for elderly care on behalf of sponsors and industrial and service companies
  • Nursing 2015: New work requirements and qualification needs on behalf of the Hans Böckler Foundation and ver.di
  • MAVO InMUSens Development of intelligent, multi-modal, mobile sensor systems for applications in medicine, occupational safety and wellness. Market-oriented preliminary research of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
  • Care without pressure - pressure ulcers, causes of development, prophylactic measures and framework conditions in home and inpatient care for the elderly in Bavaria on behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry of Labor and Social Order, Family and Women
  • Self-assessment as a participatory and sustainable method for health-promoting work design in care on behalf of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
  • DAKOR - Opportunities for All. "Dual workplace, education and communication system for older and disabled people - organisation and design of working and living environments. In-house research of the Fraunhofer IAO.


  • Vice President of the International Society for Gerontechnology (ISG 2024)


  • Guest Professor at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
  • President of the German-speaking Chapter of the International Society for Gerontechnology



  • Member of the Social Work PhD Center
  • President of Austrian-German-Swiss Chapters of International Society for Gerontechnology


    • Guest Professor at Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. Intelligent Robotics Laboratory (Ishiguro's Lab)


    • Recognition of the exhibition Barrier-Free Living and Housing by the Hessian State Prize for Universal Design
    • Guest professor at Northumbria University, Newcastle, England.


    • Delegate to the German Society for Quality DGQ


    • Member of the Presidential Forum of the BMBF/VDE Innovation Partnership Ambient Assisted Living

    Since 2008

      • Expert in various national and country-related programs

      Since 2007

      • Expert at the "International Collaborative Network on Risk Construction and Management in Ageing Populations"

      Since 2007

      • Member of the Ethics and Medical Advisory Board of ATEGRIS Regionalholding GmbH


      • International Fellowship, University of Northumbria in Newcastle, England

      2002, 2003, 2004

      • Awards of the model project "New Ways of Quality Assurance - Internet-based Method for Reducing the Prevalence of Decubital Ulcers in the Ostalbkreis" (2004: KHK-Stiftungspreis (Hospital Hygiene Foundation Award; 2003: Recognition in the context of the Innovation Award for Talents and Patents of the Ostalbkreis; 2002: Quality Promotion Award Health Baden-Württemberg)


      • Honorary Research Appointment, Faculty of Health, Social Work and Education, University of Northumbria, England
      • DGQ TQM Assessor, DGQ Quality Manager in Health and Social Care, DGQ EOQ Auditor


      20 March 2021
      Overcoming Social Isolation: Potential of social and
      emotional robots in elderly care. ANCORIS Day 2021. online event. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      12 November 2020
      Ethical challenges in the use of robots in nursing. German Nursing Day 2020. HP-22 How close does the robot come to us? The field of action of nursing in times of assistance systems, virtual 12 November 2020. Lecture by Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      7 October 2020
      Effects in communication with a babylike robot. ISG 2020
      ISG's 12th World Conference of Gerontechnology. Virtual 7 October 2020. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      16 January 2020
      Barriers to use of assistive technologies. Workshop on diffusion of age appropriate assistance systems - key data collection and identification of
      barriers to use (DASS_KIN). 16-17 January 2020. Regensburg Centre for Health Sciences and Technology.16 January 2020 Lecture Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      10 November 2019
      Welfare technology to support independent living of the elderly and people with disabilities. Seminar at Osaka University, Japan
      Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      19 September 2019
      Missing unaccompanied minors in migration as a high-risk group. Migration and poverty, Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research. 19-20 September 2019. Salzburg, Austria, 19 September 2019. Presentation: Isabelle Brantl

      21 August 2019
      Differences in constructing the belonging of missing children. European Sociological Association Conference. 20-23 August 2019. Manchester, England, 21 August 2019. Presentation: Isabelle Brantl

      10 June 2019
      Substance abuse as a risk factor for runaway incidents of minors. Stockholm Criminology Symposium. 10-12 June 2019. Stockholm, Sweden, 10 June 2019. Presentation: Isabelle Brantl

      29 March 2019
      Assistive technologies - service development, acceptance and ethical issues. AG Participation research in the Research Federation for Social Law and Policy of the University of Fulda and the University of Kassel. Workshop: Research Questions in Participation Research III. 28-29 March 2019. Bad Hersfeld, 29 March 2019. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      9 May 2018
      Robots to assist in activities of daily living? Approaches for user-centred development. 11th World Conference ISG 2018. International Society for Gerontechnology. 7 May -10 May 2018 St. Petersburg, Florida. 9 May 2018. lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      21 April 2017
      Ethical assessment of a shower robot by elders and nursing professionals. 12th Joint Austrian Geriatrics Congress, 57th Congress of the Austrian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. 20-22 April 2017, University of Vienna. 21 April 2017

      18 March 2017
      Assistive technologies and barrier-free environments for independent living. Ethical, legal, social and technical aspects of health and care in an interdisciplinary perspective. Symposium on the foundation of the Regensburg Centre for Health Sciences and Technology. OTH Regensburg, 17 and 18 M2017. lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      08 December 2016
      Assistive technologies and robots in social and health care. Use, acceptance and ethics. Contexts of lifelong development - space, technology, mobility. HGGS Heidelberg Graduate School for Humanities and Social Sciences. Heidelberg. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      18 November 2016
      Living with assistance systems, emergency detection, current trends. SophienHof evenings of ABGnova, in cooperation with the Association of German Master Builders, Architects and Engineers, Frankfurt am Main. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      1 November 2016
      How technology can support independent living and care at home. Event: The aging society. Living today and in the future - technology in the everyday lives of older people. Dietzenbach District Hall. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      30 September 2016
      Independent Living, Autonomy and Dignity with an I-SUPPORT Shower Robot. The 10th World Conference of Gerontechnology, 28-30 September 2016, Nice in France. Poster presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      9 September 2016
      Ageing with Robots - A New Future? Symposium Aging with technologies: fundamental positions, potential and challenges. Gerontology and Geriatrics Congress 2016. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      31 August 2016
      Utilisation and Acceptance Factors of AAL - Experiences from Two LOEWE Projects" and discussion at the Health Congress of the State of Hesse in the expert forum "Digital Education & Prevention". Mobile Health Forum, Frankfurt am Main. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      10 June 2016
      Emotional Robots: Experiences with Waking Coma Patients. 8th Dortmund Symposium Technical Orthopedics. DSW21-Werkssaal, Dortmund. Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      13 May 2016
      Quality of life and technology in old age. Symposium "Tablet - Sensor - Assistant, Autonomy in everyday life helpful technology", City Hall Wiesbaden. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      21 April 2016
      Connecting wearables to home automation and emergency call: acceptance and usability. Zukunft Lebensräume conference, Frankfurt am Main. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      8 April 2016
      Age and technology from a social science perspective. Workshop of the DGGG, Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      9 March 2016
      Using new technologies to increase well-being and quality of life of older adults- research methods. Fort Garry Campus, University of Manitoba, Canada. Presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      8 March 2016
      Increasing the Well-Being and Quality of Life of People with Dementia Using New Technologies. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Alzheimer Society Manitoba, Dementia Care & Brain Health, Winnipeg, Canada. Presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      7 March 2016
      From Assistive Technologies to Robots in the Healthcare Sector. Workshop at the Deer Lodge Centre, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      17 February 2016
      Acceptance and use of wearables - first results of a user study of the LOEWE-GSMTS project. Scientific symposium wearables\at\work 2016. FOM University Centre Munich. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein and participation in the panel discussion "Wearables - where does the road lead?"


      15 December 2015
      Robotics and Living. Support through assistance systems and robots:
      Series: SophienHofAbende. Energy efficiency: energy - living - mobility. ABGnova, Frankfurt am Main. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      9 December 2015
      Possible applications of emotional robotics.
      Series of events: Health in old age - giving the years more life. Of therapeutic seals and assistance dogs - offers for dementia patients in Frankfurt. Frankfurt am Main Health Department. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      25 November 2015
      Service Learning around the exhibition Barrier-free Living and Housing of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Poster presentation at the fall conference of the University Network Education through Responsibility "And there is magic in every beginning...“ 25-26 November 2015 Poster presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein, Daniela Richter.

      26 November 2015
      Housing counseling for people with dementia.
      Annual meeting of the Hessian care support points 2015 and expert conference dementia
      Titus Forum, Frankfurt. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      26 November 2015
      Robots in social and health care.
      Event series "Altersfacetten" of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Frankfurt am Main. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      22 October 2015
      Suitability of a Telepresence Robot for Services on Home Modification and Independent Living.
      New Friends 2015, The 1st international conference on social robots in therapy and education. 22-23 October 2015 Almere, The Netherlands. Poster presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      13 October 2015
      Companion Robots in the Healthcare Sector
      International Psychogeriatric Congress, Berlin 13-16 October 2015. Long-Term Care Colloquium 13 October 2015: Cutting Edge Technologies in Care of Older People. Presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      28 September 2015
      The Role of Culture and Gender in the Robotic Design Process.
      IROS'2015. Full Day Workshop on Cognitive Mobility Assistance Robots: Scientific Advances and Perspectives. Hamburg. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      15 June 2015
      Can a tele-operated android contribute to well-being of persons suffering from dementia? - Risks and chances of robot technology. University of Edinburgh. Repositioning Risk and Resilience Academic Colloquium 15-16 June 2016. Edinburgh, UK. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      30 April 2015
      Accessible Housing and Living Exhibition. AAL Congress 2015. Frankfurt. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      29 April 2015
      Emotional robotics, chatbots and other "stimulation machines".
      AAL-Congress 2015. S02: Robotics at home and in care
      Frankfurt. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      23 March 2015
      Designing Robots in order to Enhance Communication and Contribute to Well-being and Quality of Life. What are appropriate Research Methods and Tools on Designing Acceptance for Robots for the Healthcare Sector
      Intelligent Robotics Laboratory (Ishiguro's Lab). Osaka University, Osaka, Japan. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      2 March 2015
      Enhancing Communication. User Experiences and Research Methods and Tools on Designing Acceptance for Robots for the Healthcare
      Sector. JST CREST / Patient@home
      SOSU North Future Lab. Workshop on portable androids. Aalborg, Denmark. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      15 January 2015
      Helpers in every day life - engineering (not only) for seniors
      Series: Future of Old Age. Self-determined living and active designe.
      Cooperation of the University of Paderborn and the Heinz Nixdorf Museum Forum
      Paderborn. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      18 November 2014
      Living with assistance systems. Emergency detection, current trends.
      SophienHofAbende Energieeffizienz. ABGnova in cooperation with
      Bund Deutscher Baumeister, Architekten und Ingenieure. Frankfurt. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      27 October 2014
      Emotional Robots - Experiences with Patients with Unresponsive Wakeful Syndrome. ICSR 2014, Social Robots & Health Workshop. Powerhouse Museum Sydney. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      30 September 2014
      Emotional and Social Robots - Developments and Fields of Application. HFW Wohnen im Alter, Tagungshaus der AWO. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      25 September 2014
      Legal framework of the use of emotional and social robotics in old age. Susanne Beck, Leibniz University, Hanover; Stefan Huster, Ruhr University, Bochum. DGGG Symposium, Halle. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      18 September 2014
      Keynote: Perspective Dialogue AAL-Competence at Work. Symposium "AAL-Kompetenz im Beruf - Wege in die Zukunft". Hanover. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      08 September 2014
      R&D-Group Assistive Technologies for vulnerable groups to achieve independence and quality of life. ATR Research Group Hiroshi Ishiguro. Kyoto. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      4 September 2014
      Experiences with the therapeutic seal PARO in Germany. Event of Japanese nursing facilities using PARO. Yokohama. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      24 June 2014
      Fields of application of telepresence robotics in social and health care. BMBF Vision Workshop. Research and innovatipon of human-technology interaction, Berlin. Poster presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      17 June 2014
      Interventions with an Emotional Robot on Patients with Unresponsive Wakeful Syndrome. Barbara Klein, Thomas Kaspar, Kordula Zöller, AWO District Organisation, MIT: UV 2014, Boston. Presentation and poster: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      11 June 2014
      Better Living in Old Age with Technology. Barbara Klein, Sebastian Reutzel, Holger Roßberg. Symposium of the Landesseniorenvertretung Hessen e.V., Bensheim. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      08 May 2014
      Care of the Future - Technological Innovations and their Impact on Care. Opening lecture 10th Bremen Nursing Congress. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein
      Challenges of robotics and assistive systems. Bremer Pflegekongress, Workshop New Technologies. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      14 February 2014
      Robots for Stimulating Emotions - First Experiences with Patients with Unresponsive Wakeful Syndrome. International Conference: "Going Beyond the Laboratory - Ethical and Societal Challenges for Robotics". 13-15 February 2014, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) - Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhort. Poster presentation

      17 January 2014
      Social and emotional robotics in the healthcare sector. MATSIQEL End of Year Conference, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK: presentation by Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      06 December 2013
      Can social and emotional robotics contribute to a better quality of life in elderly care? Lecture series of the Internet Working Group "Enigma "Current developments on the Internet and new technologies" U3L University of the 3rd Age, Goethe University. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      7 November 2013
      Innovative Services Today "Living in your own home until 100". Barbara Klein, Sebastian Reutzel, Holger Roßberg. Conference: Living & Services Better Living through Technology in cooperation with ABGnova and Frankfurter Rundschau. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      21 October 2013
      With good care to more quality of life - results of the demography workshop discussions. 1st BMBF Future Congress on Demography 21-22 October 2013, Kalkscheune, Berlin. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      10 October 2013
      Healthy and self-determined living in old age. IT-based intelligent assistance systems and offers - today and tomorrow. Barbara Klein, Sebastian Reutzel, Holger Roßberg. In cooperation with the House of IT and the F.A.Z. Institute, Frankfurt. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      6 September 2013
      Usage of telecare services by older people in the UK and Germany - future directions. Barbara Klein, Sebastian Reutzel, Holger Roßberg. MATSIQEL Reporting Conference: Insights from low and middle income countries. Cape Town, Sports Science Institute, South Africa. Presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein
      Social and emotional robotics in the healthcare sector - current developments and future directions. Barbara Klein, Glenda Cook, Northumbria University, Newcastle, England; Wendy Moyle, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. MATSIQEL Reporting Conference: Insights from low and middle income countries. Cape Town, Sports Science Institute, South Africa. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      27 September 2013 and 13 June 2013
      Emotional robots in care facilities?
      Results of a project on the use of the cuddly seal PARO in elderly people with dementia and in people with persistent vegetative state. 2nd PARO user meeting 27 September 2013, MATERNUS Christinen-Stift, Baden-Baden. And action week aging. Arbeiterwohlfahrt Frankfurt Johanna-Kirchner-Stiftung on 13 June 2013. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      8 June 2013
      Can telecare contribute to an independent life at home with 100?. Barbara Klein, Sebastian Reutzel, Holger Roßberg, Glenda Cook, Northumbria University, Newcastle, England. HSI 2013, Sopot. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      31 January 2013
      Opportunities and risks of emotional and social robotics in elderly care. NAR seminar "Technology in old age" Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      29 October 2012
      Emotional Robotics in Elder Care: A Comparison of Findings in the UK and Germany. ICSR 2013 PM Track 3: Situated Interaction and Embodiment. Chair: Ben Robins; Laura Boccanfuso. Chengdu, 29 October 2012. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      28 September 2012
      Social Opportunities and Risks of the Use of New Technologies in Care. Workshop: technical assistance systems in care arrangements. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis 27 and 28 September 2012. Lecture: Barbara Klein

      21 September 2012
      Age appropriate assistance systems - living longer and safer at home. Self-determined living in old age in Europe. Haus am Dom. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      24 August 2012
      Implementation of outpatient before inpatient in Hesse - Qualification Model "Exhibition Barrier-free Living and Housing" at the FH Frankfurt am Main. Delegation of representatives of the municipality in Hiroshima. Lecture: Barbara Klein and leadership together with Jörg Wagner

      12 June 2012
      Organisation and realisation of the international conference: Welfare State Technologies and their impact on Service Provision and Well-Being of Frail Older People- International Experiences, 12 June, Frankfurt 2012. Durhführung im Rahmen der ;MATSIQEL Summerschool (11 June -15 June 2011) (around 100 participants from various countries)

      9 May 2012
      Ambient Assisted Living und Robotics - Effects on nursing care. State Nursing Conference of Baden-Württemberg. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      23 April 2012
      B Klein. Future of nursing care. Forum 3: Outpatient before inpatient. What does this mean for society? Images of old age in transition. Promoting and maintaining quality of life. 2nd State Conference of Hesse and Senior Congress of the Hessian State Government, Congress Park Hanau

      18 April 2012
      New technologies and organisational concepts in the healthcare sector - the role of telecare, telehealth and robotics. Conference on complexity and multidiscipline: new approaches to health. UNAM, Mexico-City, 16 -19 April Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      14 March 2012
      Telecare: new technologies and changed organisational design. Workshop at the MATSIQUEL Summer School, Northumbria University, (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES-247541-MATSIQEL) Professor Barbara Klein 13 March 2012.

      Independent living at home in old age - Contribution of new technologies and organisational concepts to maintain independence and quality of life. "International Collaborative Network on Risk Construction and Management in Ageing Populations". Edinburgh, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      6 March 2012
      "Social Robots and Social Pedagogical Approaches - Suitable client groups, different ways to use social robots and appropriate methods to document the effects". EU Robotics Forum 2012, Odense, Denmark. Conception and realisation of the workshop. Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein together with Lone Gaedt, Danish Institute of Technology 24 February 2012.

      Challenges of robotics and AAL technologies for nursing research. Symposium of the German Society for Nursing Science e.V. "Technology Development in Nursing - Challenge for Nursing Science. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      25 January 2012
      Ambient Assisted Living, Telecare, Telehealth - New technologies and organisational concepts. Projects and trends in Australia, Great Britain and Germany. 5th German AAL Congress, Berlin. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      8 November 2011
      Opportunities and risks of new technologies in care. 21. Annual conference of the MDK Hessen. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      2 November 2011
      "Independent living at home in old age" - Workshop at the Independent Living Centre, Parramatta Sydney, AustraliaPresentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      26 October 2011
      "Contribution of new technologies and organisational concepts to maintain independence and quality of life." Practise innovation series. Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      26 September 2011
      Ambient Assisted Living, Telecare, Telehealth ... Anything goes?
      Opportunities and risks of innovative technologies for the care and support of the elderly and people with disabilities. Annual conference of the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungsanpassung. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      22-23 September 2011
      Emotional Robotics. Symposium at the joint annual conference of sections III and IV of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG), Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein together with Prof. Dr. Frank Oswald, 22-23 September 2011, Frankfurt am Main

      On the importance of technology and "emotional robotics" in old age. Lecture Frank Oswald, Barbara Klein

      Moderation of the paper session "Technology and Aging". Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      19 September 2011
      Staying at home in old age - Contribution of new technologies and organisational concepts to maintain independence and quality of life. International Workshop on Health & Well Being, INRIA Sophia Antipolis France, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      22 June 2011
      On the importance of technology and "emotional robotics" in old age. Lecture series on aging research in Frankfurt, FAWP Forum Alternswissenschaften und Politik, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Frank Oswald, Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      14 June 2011
      "He who rests, rusts". On the importance of different (new) approaches in social care. Symposium of the home advisory boards. Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein, Dennis Kempel, Bianca Zenglein

      10-14 June 2011
      Hessentag 2011: Conception and realisation of an exhibition stand on "Barrier-free living and living with new technologies" Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein, Ute Müller-Hesselbach, Christian Krauter and Bettina Rudhof

      6 April 2011
      How does technology enter care? What does a seal do in care? Morning Academy "Does Man Need Man?" Lecture by Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      31 May 2011
      Does technology make life easier in old age? Symposium "Living in old age" in the context of the action week "Getting older 2011" of the city of Frankfurt Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      26-27 March 2011
      Therapeutic Robotics. Interdisciplinary College IK 2011 "Autonomy, Decisions and Free Will, Günne, Workshop

      10 February 2011
      Chances and risks of new technologies. Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein
      Impact of innovative technologies on nursing. Workshop: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein. Berlin Brandenburg Nursing Day 2011

      25 January 2011
      Fields of Application of Emotional Robotics - First Results from Teaching Research Projects at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main
      4th German AAL Congress, 25-26 January 2011, Berlin, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      7 December 2010
      Emotional Robotics - Impact on Social Interaction in different application fields. First Experiences of Teaching Research Projects with PARO, Symposium on Human-Robot Interactions from an Intercultural Perspective: Japan and Germany Compared. Berlin, 7-8 December 2010, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      4 November 2010
      Robotics and other technologies in nursing. WiMiCare Workshop on assistance in old age: needs-oreinted development of technology, InHaus, Duisburg, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      06 May 2010
      Research Activities on Quality of Life Issues "International Collaborative Network on Risk Construction and Management in Aging Populations " Northumbria University, Newcastle, England, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      21 May 2010
      Opportunities and risks of robotics for disabled people and people in need of care using the example of emotional robotics. First experiences with the therapeutic seal PARO FAWP Forum Alternswissenschaften und Alterspolitik, Goethe University, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      15 January 2010
      Results of the online survey of hospitals, care facilities and outpatient services in Hesse on the "Future of Social Work", Event on the Future of Social Work. Changes in the world of work and requirements for qualification. University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main, Lecture and panel discussion: Barbara Klein


      26 October 2009
      Social innovations in social and health care. Ethics and medical advisory board of ATEGRIS Regionalholding GmbH. Protestant Hospital Oberhausen, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      27 May 2009
      How can we simplify life in old age? Capital City Forum on Health Policy. Capital City Congress. Berlin, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      6 July 2009
      Quality of Life in Nursing Care - Application of Appreciative Inquiry in Teaching Projects. XIXth IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 5-9 July 2009, Poster presentation: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      26 June 2009
      New Technologies and Social Innovations in Social and Health Care. 5. Workshop "Social Innovations in the Health and Care Sector". Social Research Center Dortmund, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      28 March 2009
      Challenge Care. "Demographic Change and the Consequences for Large Cities", an event of the Research Center for Demographic Change of the University of Applied Sciences FFM, and the Hessian State Center for Political Education, Frankfurt, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      18 November 2008
      Symposium "Shaping the future - concepts and strategies for the further development of facilities and services of the catholic elderly care" Fulda, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      13 November 2008
      Shaping care. Project: Designing health and social services innovatively in the context of the working group on services. Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      July 2008
      Developments in the Care Sector in Germany, 25 July 2008: Kagawa Prefectural College of Health Science, Takamatsu, Japan, 29 July 2008: Hitachi, MERL in Katsuta, Japan, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      25 July 2008
      Caring in Germany - Overview on Structures and Developments. Takamatsu Hospital, Takamatsu, Japan, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      26 April 2008
      Managing Well-being in Old Age. Appreciative Inquiry as Research Method in the UK, Australia, Germany and South Africa. Presentation of German Results, Northumbria University, Newcastle, England, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      23 April 2008
      The role of new technologies in the provision of social and healthcare services in Germany, International Risk Network: Risk Construction and Management in Ageing Populations Northumbria University, Newcastle, England, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein


      31 October 2007
      Information and Communication Technology and Independent Living, The US/German Dialogue on Long-Term Care, Delegation of the Federal Ministry of Health Washington, DC, USA, Lecture: Prof. Dr. Barbara Klein

      Annalies Baumeister
      House of Science and Transfer HoST
      Phone: +49 69 1533-3834
      Mail: annalies.baumeister(at)

      Isabelle Brantl
      BCN, Room 1015
      Phone: +49 69 1533-3830
      Mail: brantl.isabelle(at)

      Melanie Schmidt
      House of Science and Transfer HoST
      Phone: +49 69 1533-3799

      Jessica Sehrt
      House of Science and Transfer HoST
      Mail: Jessica.sehrt(at)

      Kerem Türkogullari
      BCN, Room 1013
      Tel. : +49 69 1533-3341
      Tel. : +49 172 9332646
      Mail: kerem.tuerkogullari(at)

      Marina Weiland
      House of Science and Transfer HoST
      Phone: +49 69 1533-3832

      Research and student assistants:

      • Emin Gaplan
      • Ken Gerlinger
      • Leya Küsters
      • Sehzat Uddin
      Website editorial teamID: 3950
      last updated on: 09.11.2024