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Protection against infection

Stay healthy!

In connection with the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), Frankfurt UAS provides information on preventive health care. Our goals: We want to protect the health of employees and students and take precautionary measures to best prevent the spread of the Corona virus within our sphere of influence.

Further information on the current risk assessment for Corona infections, hygiene measures and an overview with questions and answers can be found on the website of the Robert Koch Institute and that of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA).

The state of Hessen has set up a citizens' hotline to answer pressing questions regarding the coronavirus.
Tel.: 0800 5554666, Monday to Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

For answers to questions regarding labor law, please visit the Website of Techniker Krankenkasse. Additional information is available on the website of the Frankfurt Public Health Authority (Gesundheitsamt Frankfurt).

Hygiene tips

In everyday life we encounter many pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, most of which are harmless to humans. Nevertheless, it is advisable, especially in the winter months, to protect yourself and others from contagious infectious diseases such as influenza or the coronavirus. The Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) provides regular information on their website regarding hygiene tips that can easily be implemented in everyday life. Many tips can also be implemented in the office.

To avoid the risk of infection with the coronavirus as far as possible, the same recommendations apply as for influenza and other respiratory diseases, especially:

  • Good hand hygiene (soaping your hands for a longer duration of time when washing them; if possible do not touch your face), Advices from the Robert-Koch-Institute.
  • Cough and sneeze etiquette (do not cough into your hand, but into the crook of your arm)
  • No shaking hands
Website editorial teamID: 8059
last updated on: 01.08.2024