TalkBar: How to set & achieve goals. Key to sucessful learning & study

(Let's talk together) Setting and planning goals and achieving goals are at the core of what it takes to be successful - in your studies and in life in general. In this session, we will look at what tools are available to get better at this very process. We will discuss strategies for goal setting, goal pursuit and goal fulfillment that can be applied to any physical or cognitive endeavor.
We'll learn about nine science-backed tools that anyone can apply to their goals. And explain what 'space-time bridging' is all about.

Speaker: Marc Oliver Maier, Lerncoach, Frankfurt UAS

This event will be held in english.

Einwahldaten für Zoom (keine vorherige Anmeldung nötig):

Meeting-Kennwort: TalkBar


When and where?

10:30 to 12:00
Website editorial teamID: 13137
last updated on: 12.06.2023