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Searched for "scholarship"

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  1. Scholarships


    Get informed on scholarships Make the most of your opportunity Your steps to a scholarship Be brave! Research which scholarship providers you fit in with. (Do your Objectives and values match those of the scholarship provider/foundation?)  Find out what the application deadlines are for the selection process. Clarify which documents need to be submitted. (Letter of motivation, CV, certificates,...

  2. Scholarships for refugees at university


    Scholarships for Refugees at University HessenFonds for refugees – highly qualified students and academics The ministry of Hesse for higher education, research, science and the arts (HMWK) grants scholarships within the scope of HessenFonds for talented students with an outstanding academic performance and with refugee status, PhD Students and academics at state universities in Hesse. The funding serves to continue a course of study or...

  3. Semester in Europe


    Erasmus+ Your Exchange Semester in Europe One semester abroad in Europe? Are you interested in studying abroad in Europe? You will find all the information you need for a successful semester abroad here on this page. We will inform you about the Erasmus+ scheme, our 140 partner universities in Europe, the application steps, deadlines and much more.   Application Deadlines for your...

  4. Australia / New Zealand


    Oceania Study Down Under at our partner universities in Australia and New Zealand. Use your semester abroad to improve your English language skills, make new contacts and gather new experiences. Interested? Find out more from the reviews of other students here . Australia Griffith University Victoria University, Melbourne  - all study programmes; possible as Study Abroad with partial...

  5. Overseas FAQ


    Overseas FAQ Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions. Perhaps your question has already been answered?   Otherwise you are welcome to contact us by email. Before the application Who can complete an overseas semester abroad? Every student enrolled at Frankfurt UAS can apply for a semester abroad at the International Office. The earliest semester you can go abroad is the 3rd semester and you need...

  6. Internship abroad


    Internship abroad An internship abroad offers the opportunity to gain work experience worldwide and to get to know foreign working environments and cultures. The expansion of foreign language and specialist knowledge as well as intercultural competence will ease the entry into the labor market down the line. You are responsible to find a suitable internship position through your own initiative. This page might be helpful when looking for an internship position....

  7. North America


    North America The USA and Canada are very diverse countries. Simply by the size of them, a semester abroad can provide very different impressions. You have the opportunity to study at various universities in the USA and Canada. Inform yourself and plan your semester in North America! Do not forget: read interesting testimonials from students! Canada Toronto Metropolitan   only faculty 3, ted Rogers...

  8. Doctoral Studies Affairs


    Doctoral Studies Affairs PhD Studies at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Background Until recently, Hessian universities of applied sciences (Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften / “Fachhochschulen”) were generally not allowed to award doctorates themselves; the law required a cooperation with a traditional university. Consequently, Frankfurt UAS PhD students were (and in many cases still are) subject to the partner...

  9. [Translate to EN:] ERASMUS+ FAQ


    ERASMUS + FAQ Here you will find the answer to frequently asked questions, perhaps your question will already be answered? Otherwise, you are welcome to contact us by email. Who can complete an Erasmus+ semester abroad? How do I find the right host university? Take a look at our application database Mobility Online to find suitable universities for your degree program. You will then have to research the...

  10. Incomings


    Studying at Frankfurt UAS How do I apply? You've made the decision to study at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, but you don't know how to proceed? Here you will find all the important information you need for a successful start to your studies. Please refer to our contacts for information on the office hours provided by the International Office.   ...

Website editorial teamID: 81
last updated on: 01.31.2022