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Searched for "vpn"

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  1. VPN


    VPN (FortiClient) VPN, short for Virtual Private Network, allows members of the University to connect to the network off‐campus with their CIT account and use University services as if they were on campus. Via VPN you can access the library’s online resources like e‐books, e‐journals, and databases (with the exception of Beck-online for which another authentication method is needed). To use VPN, you need to install the software FortiClient on your device...

  2. VPN & remote access


    Remote access Remote access Frankfurt UAS students and staff can access the library's databases, e-books and e-journals from anywhere in the world. With the exception of the German law database Beck-online off-campus access is possible via VPN, using the software FortiClient. In addition, some databases offer remote access via Shibboleth. In this case there is no need to install any software on your computer. ...

  3. Electronic Journals Library (EZB) terms


    Electronic Journals Library (EZB) terms Access to the library’s e-journals relies upon IP address authentication. The publisher checks to see if the requesting computer is within the list of IP addresses provided by the Frankfurt UAS. Therefore, when you are on campus you do not need any user account or password to use e-journals. The terms of use of the respective publishers have to be observed. In general: Access to the full texts is only permitted to registered...

  4. FAQ e-books and e-journals


    FAQ e-books, e-journals and databases Searching How do I find e-books and e-journals? All e-books can be found through the library catalog , which includes both printed and electronic material. You can search for e-books as you would for a printed book, using title and author information.  Having found an e-book the hyperlink  full text will take you directly to the e-book. How can I find...

  5. Tips for your search


    Tips for your search How do I find a specific book? Search the library catalog for print and e-books by keyword, author surname or with an author-title combination. The tab books & more lists all items the library holds matching your search terms. The results list indicates whether a title is available as a print copy or e-book and if it is available or currently on loan. E-books : The link  full text  takes you directly  to the e-book.  ...

  6. Standards


    Standards Which standards are available from the Library? Available online through the database Nautos (formerly Perinorm) DIN Standards, German Institute for Standardization , (includes access to DIN-EN, DIN-ISO, not included are DIN-VDE) VDI Guidelines, The Association of German Engineers DWA Set of Rules, The German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste , (includes ATV process sheets and codes of practice) Available online through...

  7. Shibboleth


    Shibboleth Some databases can be accessed outside the campus network by using authentification via Shibboleth. Instead of installing software on your computer, you can log in with your own CIT account to access the content. List of databases with authentification via Shibboleth. Steps and log-in Select the database you want to use from the list above. The link will lead you to a website in DBIS with more information about the selected...

  8. Service FAQ


    FAQ library services Registering with the library / renew library card How do I register with the library as a student? Your student card serves as your library card. By enrolling at the Frankfurt UAS a libary account has been set up automatically. Your login for your library account as well as for reserving items and using the self-service facilities is the the library card number on your study...

  9. FAQ for Freshmen


    FAQ for Freshmen On this page we have compiled important questions for you about starting your studies. If you feel that important topics are missing, please contact our team at  willkommen(at)fb2.fra-uas. remove-this. de .  Do you have questions that are not answered by our FAQs - or would you simply like to talk to a real person before you start?           Just ring through on ☎  +49 69 1533 2006 Where...

  10. Beginning your studies


    The Student Services Center welcomes you at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences! You have been enrolled in your desired degree course! In order to facilitate the start of your start with us we have some information you. Activate your Campus IT account (CIT account). To activate your CIT account please enter your CIT username and your activation code as found in your application portal on the IDM webpage . You can check your student email account ...

Website editorial teamID: 81
last updated on: 01.31.2022