
Schedule of the first semester introduction

Please note that most events will take place in German.

Here you will find the exact schedule for the first semester introduction of your degree program from the beginning of October.  Please check this page regularly for updates.




October 16th, 17th and 18th

Introductory sessions for bachelor’s degree programs

October 18th

Introductory sessions for the German master’s programs

October 16th, 17th and 18th

Introductory sessions for the English speaking master’s program HIS, IT and Renewable Energy

October 16t and 17th

Introductory sessions for the English speaking master’s program for Urban Agglomeration

October 16t

Introductory sessions for the English speaking master’s program for Advanced Architecture

October 16t and 17th

Introductory sessions for the English speaking master’s program for Global Logistics

Schedule details

You do not know which department you are in? Here you will find the answer.

Introductory sessions by tutors for all bachelor's degree programs

The schedules will be published shortly.
There may still be some changes to times or rooms in the programs after publication. Please check regularly for updates.

Their introductory program will be held on October 16th, 17th and 18th

Please note: Some of our tutors offer WhatsApp- or Telegram-groups for connecting in advance. Should you accept the offer, please observe the following  netiquette. Participation is voluntary and the groups will be deleted two weeks after the start of lectures.


Your introductory sessions will take place on Oct. 16th, 17th and 18  th
For more information about the introductory sessions, visit the department's freshman web pages.

  • Bioverfahrenstechnik (B.Eng.)
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik (B.Sc.)
    WhatsApp  (ab sofort)
  • Elektro- und Informationstechnik (B.Eng.)
    Telegram  (ab sofort)
  • Informatik (B.Sc.)/ Informatik - mobile Anwendungen (B.Sc.)
  • Maschinenbau (B.Eng.)/ Maschinenbau dt.-span. Doppelabschluss (B.Eng.)
  • Maschinenbau Online (B.Eng.)
    Achtung: Ihre Einführungsveranstaltung findet eintägig online per Zoom  statt. Infos folgen.
  • Mechatronik (B.Eng.)
  • Produktentwicklung und Technisches Design (B.Eng.)
    WhatsApp (ab sofort)
  • Service Engineering (B.Eng.) Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Service
    WhatsApp (ab sofort)
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Online (B. Eng.)
    Achtung: Ihre Einführungsveranstaltung findet eintägig am  online per Zoom  statt. Infos folgen.

Please note: Some of our tutors offer WhatsApp- or Telegram-groups for connecting in advance. Should you accept the offer, please observe the following  netiquette. Participation is voluntary and the groups will be deleted two weeks after the start of lectures.

Introductory sessions will take place on October 16th, 17th and 18th. Please participate in the program on all three days.

  • Betriebswirtschaftslehre – Business Administration (B.A.)
    WhatsApp  (ab sofort)
  • International Business Administration (B.A.)
    WhatsApp (ab sofort)
  • International Finance (B.Sc.)
    WhatsApp  (ab sofort)
  • Public and Non Profit Managment
  • Wirtschaftsrecht – Business Law (Bachelor of Laws, LL.B.)
    WhatsApp (ab sofort)

Please note: Some of our tutors offer WhatsApp- or Telegram-groups for connecting in advance. Should you accept the offer, please observe the following  netiquette. Participation is voluntary and the groups will be deleted two weeks after the start of lectures.


Tutor program for the master's degree programs

The master introductory program will take place on Friday, October 18th

The master introductory program will take place on Wednesday, October 16th

  • Advanced Architecture
    In case you have any further questions regarding your course, please send us an e-mail
  • Urban Agglomeration 

Please note: Some of our tutors offer WhatsApp- or Telegram-groups for connecting in advance. Should you accept the offer, please observe the following  netiquette. Participation is voluntary and the groups will be deleted two weeks after the start of lectures.

The introductory program will take place between October 16th and 18th

  • Allgemeiner Maschinenbau (M.Eng.)
    Programm am 18. Oktober 2024
  • High Integrity Systems (M.Sc.)
    Program on October 16th, 17th and 18th
    Allgemeine Informatik (M.S.)
  • Programm am 18. Oktober 2024
    Mechatronik und Robotik (M.Sc.)
  • Programm am 18. Oktober 2024
    WhatsApp  (ab sofort)
    Mechatronik und Automobiltechnik (M.Sc.)
  • Programm am 18. Oktober 2024
    WhatsApp (ab sofort)
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik (M.Sc.)
    Programm am 18. Oktober 2024
  • Renewable Energy
    Program on October 16th , 17th and 18th

Please note: Some of our tutors offer WhatsApp- or Telegram-groups for connecting in advance. Should you accept the offer, please observe the following  netiquette. Participation is voluntary and the groups will be deleted two weeks after the start of lectures.

The introductory programme for the master courses will take place from October 16th to 18th. Please check the program for details 

Please note: Some of our tutors offer WhatsApp- or Telegram-groups for connecting in advance. Should you accept the offer, please observe the following  netiquette. Participation is voluntary and the groups will be deleted two weeks after the start of lectures.

Website editorial teamID: 8731
last updated on: 10.08.2024