The Student Services Center welcomes you at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences!

You have been enrolled in your desired degree course! In order to facilitate the start of your start with us we have some information you.

  1. Activate your Campus IT account (CIT account). To activate your CIT account please enter your CIT username and your activation code as found in your application portal on the IDM webpage.
  2. You can check your student email account when accessing the webmail with you CIT credentials.
  3. Register on campUAS. This learning platform is your most important source of information. Here you can find your timetables as well as information on your lectures and classes.

Your university accounts

To ensure that you are technically prepared for your courses, you need to activate the following university accounts.

You will find the activation data in your FranCa portal 24 hours after your enrollment has been confirmed. Please log in again with your applicant account on the FranCa homepage. You will find your activation data, consisting of CIT user name ("uas...") and activation code, in the red box on the start page of the FranCa portal. You will also receive an additional email from Campus IT idm(at) with further information.

With a CIT account you will receive:

  • a personal Frankfurt UAS e-mail address that you will need for your communication with the university.
  • student WiFi: You can use the university's wifi on campus.
  • student VPN: Your access to the university network, allowing you to access over 7,000 library e-books/databases
  • access to other central online services of the university (webmail, etc.)
  • all information about the CIT account and all relevant links can be found on the website of the Campus IT Department

The FranCa portal for students is the university portal for students at Frankfurt UAS.

After activating your CIT account, you can access the FranCa portal using your CIT credentials in the bottom left section For Students.

Functions of the FranCa portal:

  • Printing enrollment certificates of the current semester
  • Printing of BaföG certificates
  • Printing of performance records
  • Registrations for exams
  • Change of address
  • Filing for leave of absence, part-time studies, or reimbursement
  • Information sheet regarding the semester fee payment to re-register for the next semester

Please find additional information on the FranCa portal for students on our FAQ page.

Study Chip - Your student ID card at Frankfurt UAS

Your Study Chip can be used as

  • your student ID card at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • your user card for the library (building 3)
  • a means of payment for using the mensa and the library

If you need a new Study Chip please contact the Student Service Center.

The digital semester ticket (valid from 01.10.2024 to 31.03.2025) is not provided by the Student Service Center, it is provided by the AStA of Frankfurt UAS. You can find more information on the AStA website

Re-registration for subsequent semesters by paying the semester fee

To continue your studies after the first semester, you must re-register on time and independently. The deadlines for re-registration and the amount of the semester fee can be found on the re-registration page. You can also find the payment information for re-registration in the FranCa portal. You will also be informed about re-registration on Facebook.

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Student Services CenterID: 7818
last updated on: 09.25.2024