
Prof. Anja Willmann

Professorship Energy Design and Simulation

Anja Willmann
Energiedesign und -simulation
Building 2, Room 61


Anja Willmann has been Professor of Energy Design and Simulation at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences since 2022. After training as an interior decorator, she studied architecture in Germany, Liechtenstein and the UK, graduating in 2006 with both a Diploma in Architecture and a postgraduate Master of Science in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building (with distinction). From 2007-2011 she was an architect and project manager at Behnisch Architekten in Stuttgart. Afterwards, she taught and researched at ETH Zurich for 5 years at the Chair of Architecture and Building Systems. From 2017-2019, she was a substitute professor for energy design and energy efficiency in the planning and building process at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Anja Willmann is doing her PhD on Urban Energy Strategies targeting CO2-Emissions for Sustainable City Quarters: Analysis, Simulation and Assessment at the Chair of Building Physics at Bauhaus University Weimar. The focus of her research and teaching is on the application of passive strategies to reduce energy demand and to integrate active measures for the production of renewable energy in individual buildings and city quarters. She is primarily concerned with thermal-dynamic simulation and its integration into the initial design phases of architects.

International Building Performance Simulation Association

DGNB: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen e.V.



Hollermann, Sebastian, Kaiser, Lena, Pesch, Roland und Anja Willmann (Hrsg.) „Spiekeroog. Interdisziplinäres Lehrprojekt." 1. Aufl., Blueprint.edition - galerieverlag, Weimar, Deutschland, 2022. ISNB 9783982388113.


Gottkehaskamp, Ben and Anja Willmann. "Investigating passive strategies in a cold climate – teaching EDDA in architectural education." Sustainable Built Enviroenment Conference Berlin SBE22, Deutschland, 2022. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1078/1/012059

Natschke, Tanja, Proba,Caroline and Lena S. Kaiser. "Methoden der agilen Hochschullehre im interdisziplinären Kontext", CC-BYSA (4.0 ) IN:


Oevermann, Andreas und Anja Willmann. "Oldenburg Energy Design Quarter. Projekt Entwurf & Detail I, Bachelor-Projekt 5. Semester, Jade Hochschule." Oldenburg, Deutschland, 2021. ISBN 978-3-9823881-0-6.

Willmann, Anja; Kaiser, Lena, Pesch, Roland and Sebastian Hollermann. "Inselkita Spiekeroog. Energy Efficient Design of an Environmental Kindergarden for Early Childhood Education on the Island Spiekeroog - A Collaborative-Transdisciplinary Higher Education Teaching Project." International Transdisciplinary Conference ITD21, Zurich, Switzerland. Sept 13-17, 2021. 


Hollermann, Sebastian, Kaiser, Lena, Pesch, Roland und Anja Willmann (Hrsg.) „Inselkita Spiekeroog. Interdisziplinäres Lehrprojekt." 1. Aufl., Brune-Mettcker Druck- und Verlags-GmbH, Wilhelmshaven, Deutschland, 2020. ISNB 9783941929142.


Willmann, Anja; Katscher, Lara and Thomas Leiser. „A Comparison of Bottom-up and Top-down Modelling Approaches in Urban Energy Simulation“. Building Simulation Conference 2019, Rome, Italy, Sept 02-04, 2019. 

Harre, Carolin, Willmann, Anja und Conrad Voelker. “Ermittlung thermischer Eigenschaften der Gebäudehülle mittels Thermografie; Fallstudie Bauhaus-Campus“. Bauphysiktage 2019 in Weimar. Germany, Sept 25-26, 2019.


Willmann, Anja. „Bauhaus Structures – Designing Energy Producing Structures for Public Space on the Bauhaus University Campus in Weimar, Germany“. Shaping Urban Communities: Smart and Sustainable Solutions. 3rd International Conference of the Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA), Frankfurt, Germany, November 26 – 28, 2018.

Seifert, Christoph, Holger Techen and Anja Willmann. "Design and Testing of a Multifunctional Façade System for Energy Generation and Sound Suidance in the Urban Space". Shaping Urban Communities: Smart and Sustainable Solutions. 3rd International Conference of the Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA), Frankfurt, Germany, November 26 – 28, 2018.


Lydon, Gearoid, Philippe Block; Arno Schlueter; Diederik Veenendaal; Jack Bakker; Moritz Begle; Johannes Hofer; Prageeth Jayathissa; Iain Maxwell; Tomás Méndez Echenagucia ; Zoltan Nagy; Dave Pigram; Bratislav Svetozarevic; Rob Torsing; Jochem Verbeek; Anja Willmann. „NEST HiLo: Research and innovation unit for lightweight construction and building energy systems integration“. In: Journal of Building Engineering 12 (2017) 332-341.


Nagy, Zoltan, Bratislav Svetozarevic, Prageeth Jayathissa, Moritz Begle, Johannes Hofer, Gearoid Lydon, Anja Willmann and Arno Schlueter. „The Adaptive Solar Facade: From Concept to Prototypes“. In: Frontiers of Architectural Research 5.2 (2016): 143-156

Willmann, Anja, Sasha Cisar, Zoltan Nagy and Arno Schlueter. „Energy and the City: Investigating Spatial and Architectural Consequences of a Shift in Energy Systems on District Level“. Paper handed in at the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) regional conference 2016, Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2016.

Fonseca, Jimeno A., Daren Thomas, Anja Willmann, Amr Elesawy and Arno Schlueter. „The City Energy Analyst Toolbox V0.1“. Paper handed in at the Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) regional conference 2016, Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2016.


Lydon, Gearóid, Anja Willmann, Johannes Hofer, Zoltan Nagy, and Arno Schlüter. “Balancing Operational and Embodied Emissions for the Energy Concept of an Experimental Research and Living Unit.” Paper presented at the International Conference CISBAT 2015 on Future Buildings and Districts - Sustainability form Nano to Urban Scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 9-11, 2015.

Fonseca, Jimeno A., Anja Willmann, Corinne Moser, Michael Stauffacher, and Arno Schlüter. Assessing the Environmental Impact of Future Urban Developments at Neighborhood Scale.” Paper presented at the International Conference CISBAT 2015 on Future Buildings and Districts – Sustainability form Nano to Urban Scale, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 9-11, 2015.


Schlüter, Arno, Michele Leidi, Sasha Cisar, and Anja Willmann. Taiki-Cho: Transient Boundaries. Zurich: SuAT, Architecture and Sustainable Building Technologies, ETH Zürich, 2013.


Leidi, Michele, Anja Willmann, Schlueter Arno, and Christian Hersberger. “Transient Boundaries.” Paper presented at the International University Architectural Competition “Next Generation Sustainable House in Taiki-Cho”, Tokyo, Japan, April 27, 2012.

Schlueter, Arno, and Anja Willmann. “Stadt der Netze - Energie.” In Glatt!: Manifest für eine Stadt im Werden, edited by Sascha Roesler, 133-154. Zürich: Park Books, 2012.



2022     Hirn gehört. Oldenburger Wissensschnack. Folge 14 mit Prof. Anja Willmann ". Online 17.02.2022



2019     Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ.

Ausstellung des Forschungsprojektes „Bauhaus2050: Energetische Quartierssanierung zur Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen unter Berücksichtigung denkmalgeschützter Bauten in Weimar“ in: Houston, we have a problem. Ökologie und Verantwortung. Projektsammlung von 150 Visionen und Ideen. Berlin, Germany. June 12 – July 7, 2019.



"Mit Praxispartnern lernen - Studierende erarbeiten Entwürfe zur Erweiterung einer Schule im Holzmodulbau in Kooperation mit der Firma ERNE AG Holzbau"  IN: Jade Welt. Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth. Online 18.02.2022.

"Nachhaltiges Bauen auf der Insel Spiekeroog - Studierende erarbeiten mit agiler Didaktik zukunftsorientierte Bau-Projekte"  IN: Jade Welt. Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth. Online 10.02.2022.

"Interdisziplinäres Lehr-Lernprojekt auf der Insel Spiekeroog - Studierende erarbeiten fachübergreifend komplexe praxisorientierte Aufgaben"  IN: Jade Welt. Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth. Online 11.11.2021.

"Wer nachhaltig wohnen will, muss in Hinblick auf Energie aktiver werden!". Interview mit Prof. Willmann. IN: online 01.09.2020

„Lüttje Loog“, eine Kita für Spiekeroog… oder: wie aus sechs Studierenden ein kreatives Team wird. IN: online 06.08.2020.

„Wo ist die Theaterwerkstatt?“ Interdisziplinäres Lehrprojekt „Inselkita Spiekeroog“. IN: Jade Welt. Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth. Online 18.06.2020.

"HAWs und Corona: STUDIERENDE DER JADE HS UND HS EMDEN/LEER ARBEITEN GEMEINSAM"  Interdisziplinäres Lehrprojekt „Inselkita Spiekeroog“. IN: Unglaublich Wichtig. 50 Jahre Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften. Online 18.06.2020.

Klimagerechtes Design. Bauen gegen den Klimawandel. IN: Almanach 2018 - INTEGRIEREN. Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. 2018.

Autonome Energie. Nachhaltige Versorgung verdichteter Stadtquartiere. IN: Almanach 2018 - INTEGRIEREN. Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. 2018.

A Lodge for Palawan. IN: Frankfurt 18. Jahrbuch der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences - Fachbereich 1 Architektur Bauingenieurwesen Geomatik. 2018.



Website editorial teamID: 12521
last updated on: 12.19.2023