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Core values

Our guidelines were formulated on April 23, 2008 and passed by the Faculty Council. They are updated if new programs or institutes are added to the faculty. We were already cutting-edge in 2008 with all our other assertions and still are.

How we see ourselves

We see ourselves as an institution for science-based and application-oriented teaching, research, continuing education, and consulting in the areas of economic, legal, and social sciences. Our profile reflects the special economic and social significance of the Frankfurt am Main metropolitan area and the Rhine-Main region as an international business and finance center, a European traffic and logistics hub, and as a scientific and cultural region.

We have used the Bologna process to completely reposition ourselves as a modern Business and Law School in Frankfurt am Main. The faculty exclusively offers accredited programs.

In focus: Teachers and students

We support the application-oriented research and consulting activities of our professors – especially as they are the guarantors of a top-notch education. The faculty in particular promotes the priority areas in the fields of our Master programs.

We offer ambitious students an attractive academic program oriented towards international standards. Our science-based, application and profession-oriented training promotes students’ ability to develop solutions independently and present them in a professional manner.

The program that makes careers

Success in our program is supported by small groups; innovative teaching and learning methods; the meshing of teaching, research, and continuing education; and the effective design of the subject-related and organizational framework of the program. Working on complex questions during the practical program phases, the practical case projects, and the simulations deepen the subject-related, methodological, and social skills of students, as do the scientific take-home exams and final papers. The program is supported by an efficient information technology infrastructure and the use of new media.

Our Bachelor programs

Our Bachelor programs lead to a career-qualifying degree.

  • Our core programs, Business Administration and Business Law, offer students a choice of career-oriented subjects based on a well-founded basic education.
  • Our more specialized Bachelor programs, such as International Finance, Public and Non-Profit Management, and Business Information Systems, enable students to receive early preparation for specific professional fields.
  • Our dual Bachelor programs, such as Public Administration and Aviation Management, closely collaborate with partner businesses and institutions and offer a compact university program with intensive practical experience.

Our Master programs and MBAs

Our Master programs offer qualified management and legal training at the graduate level.

  • Our advanced programs in leadership, strategic information management, negotiation, contract design, and industrial engineering provide our graduates with advanced qualification opportunities, but they are also addressed at decision-makers from the professional world.
  • Our career-integrated continuing education program is tailored to the needs of the region and is continually updated. Our MBAs: Aviation and Tourism Management and Entrepreneurship & Business Development

Get an overview

To the overview of the programs in the faculty 3.

Discrimination – no thanks!

Discrimination-free integration of different cultures is a living practice in our faculty.

Development – yes please!

We offer students the opportunity for personal development and a space for taking their own initiative; we also expect and encourage the achievements of our students, teachers, and employees. This includes taking quality assurance measures as well as internal and external evaluations. We feel that the continuing education of faculty members is an important prerequisite for the optimization of their performance potential.

Local and global cooperation

We believe that international relationships are very important. Joint academic programs and exchange programs for students and teachers target the intensive cooperation with foreign partner institutions. We promote the necessary language skills through a qualified foreign language program and English-language courses.

We are continually expanding our cooperation with partners from business and society in the region while preserving our independence. We offer a wide range of cooperation opportunities, ranging from research projects, internships, practical case projects, and final thesis papers to dual academic programs, sponsoring and endowed professorships.

Facts, data, and figures

The faculty of Business and Law at Frankfurt UAS …

  • … is one of the well-established Law and Economics faculties in Germany with approximately 3,000 students.
  • … offers a variety of subjects for all types of potential students with 19 Bachelor and Master programs in the areas of Business Administration, Business Law, Business Information Systems, and Industrial Engineering – in particular with flexible programs for working professionals.
  • … accepts about 700 new students every year.
  • … employs about 60 professors and 130 adjunct lecturers from the practical world and a team of more than 30 committed staff.
  • … maintains more than 1,500 trusting partnerships all over Germany from business and politics.
  • … provides students with high-quality, efficient academic programs.
  • … ensures sustainable success in the program via small groups, innovative teaching and learning methods, and valuable personal contact with the lecturers.
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