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Freemover overseas

Freemover Application:

If you don´t want to choose one of our partner universities, or did not get an exchange spot, then you can go abroad as a so-called freemover. However, this means that you will have to become active yourself and that you will also have to pay tuition fees. In this case, you will be very well advised by the following free placement agencies:

Step 1 (approx. 9 - 12 months before): Think carefully about where you would like to study and decide whether you would like to apply through an agency such as College Contact or Gostralia (recommended), or whether you would like to organize your stay without any help. Also find out exactly about funding opportunities, such as AuslandsBAFöG, PROMOS or HAW.International. Also consider which courses of the university of your choice can be recognized at Frankfurt UAS.

Step 2 (approx. 9 months before): If you have decided to go through an agency, they will provide you with all the necessary information about the application process at the university of your choice, costs, deadlines, etc. If you do not want to go through an agency, write to the International Office of the respective host university or research on the website of the desired university for programs for "Study Abroad Students", "Visiting Students" or "Freemovers". There you will also find detailed information.

Step 3 (approx. 6 months before): Apply to the respective university and in parallel for scholarships and AuslandsBAFöG. Now think more carefully about which courses abroad can be recognized at Frankfurt UAS and prepare the agreement with the department. Record the agreement with the department in a learning agreement.

Step 4 (approx. 3 - 4 months before): As soon as you have received the acceptance letter from the university of your choice, prepare the visa application (if necessary) and take care of issues such as health insurance, housing, flights, etc.

You can get a refund of your semester ticket fees, please contact the ASTA.

Please keep in mind:

• If necessary, you can finance your tuition fees with Auslands-BAFöG. If approved, the office will reimburse up to 4600 EUR (repayment-free). Even if you do not receive BAföG in Germany, you can still apply for Auslands-BAföG.

• Outgoings are strongly advised to register on the website of the German Foreign Office ("Elektronische Erfassung von Deutschen im Ausland (ELEFAND)") for all trips and especially for trips to regions with a critical security situation.

Please take care of the necessary vaccinations and a good health, accident and liability insurance.

Here you can download the Learning Agreement.

International OfficeID: 9618
last updated on: 08.25.2023