Leave of absence and part-time studies

Do you require a break or do you have to assume a share of family responsibilities? Information about the application for a leave of absence or part-time studies can be found on this page.

In case of assuming family responsibilities you may also use the offers of the Family office (German only).

Leave of absence

Students may apply for a leave of absence due to an important reason, particularly

  • in the case of a disease that excludes a proper course of study, 
  • for the completion of a study-related internship, which is not part of the course of study,
  • for a study-related stay abroad,
  • for maternity leave/parental leave in accordance with the respective application of the Maternity Protection Act, the parental leave in accordance with § 15 of the Federal Law on child benefits
  • for the care of dependents and close relatives with an assigned level of care with medical certificate,
  • in case of an affiliation to a formed squad on a federal level (A-, B-, C-, or D/C squad) of a professional organization in the German Olympic Sports Federation.
  • in case of an involvement as an appointed or elected representative or appointed or elected representative in the academic or student self-administration. 

The enrollment regulations from April 23, 2013 limits the number of semesters for leave of absence to a total of six!

  • The semester fee must also be paid for the semester taken as leave of absence.
    The reimbursement of the Deutschlandticket for students can be applied for with the General Students' Committee (AStA), the Deutschlandticket will then be made invalid.
  • The application must be in writing. Alternatively you can file for leave of absence directly through your FranCa portal for students.
  • The required proof is to be presented, in case of a disease it may also include health data that will be retained.
  • The leave of absence during the first semester is only possible under certain circumstances, particularly in case of disease.
  • A retroactive leave of absence for a completed semester is excluded.
  • The leave of absence is to be applied for at the beginning of the semester (exempt are leaves due to disease or a parental leave).
  • If a practice-oriented semester (Berufspraktisches Semester-BPS) is part of the examination regulations, a leave of absence due to a practice-oriented semester will not be granted.
  • You will still be a member of Frankfurt UAS, however you do not have the right to vote.
  • Semesters of leave do not count as regular semesters. A leave of absence usually excludes the achievement of study or exam credits, however, lectures can be attended. Exception: Students who are on leave due to parental leave or committee work are entitled to achieve study and exam credits.
  • A leave of absence is only granted in case of an important reason. Important reasons are for instance the type and duration of a disease, completion of a study-related internship, study-related stays abroad, maternity leave, affiliation to a formed squad of the German Olympic Sports Federation on a federal level, and involvement as appointed or elected representative in the academic or student self-administration in accordance with § 8 of the Enrollment Regulations of Hesse.

Part-time studies

Students at institutions of higher education in Hesse may carry out part-time studies in undergraduate studies in accordance with the Hessian Enrollment Regulations from February 24, 2010. These part-time studies must be applied for.

Part-time studies assume that full-time studies cannot take place due to one of the following reasons:

  • Employment – a social insurance relevant employment of at least 14 and at the most 28 hours of regular weekly work is to be proven.
  • Care of relatives – usually when minding a child in the sense of § 25 section 5 BAföG up to the age of ten years.
    The following are also considered the children of the income earners next to his/her own children:
    a. Foster children (children, who he/she is connected to by a family-like bond for a long period of time, if they were taken in to the household and the custody and care relationship to the parents does no longer exist while the child support is mainly paid for by the income earner:
    a. Children of the spouse taken in to the household
    b. Grandchildren taken in to the household.
  • Proven care of close relatives with classified care level in the sense of § 15 section 2 eleventh book of the Social Security Code
  • Chronic diseases or disabilities with study-prolonging effect
  • Other crucial reasons

The institution of higher education must be informed immediately, if these reasons are no longer relevant for the part-time studies.

  • The application for a summer semester should be submitted by the end of May and for the winter semester by the end of November.
  • The application is to be submitted in writing or directly via the FranCa portal for students.
  • Part-time studies are not possible in a double degree course or a Master's degree course.
  • Part-time studies do not substantiate a legal claim for the provision of a special teaching and study offer. Please note that the offers of lectures are based on full-time students and that there are no separate times for part-time students. Part-time studies do not affect the amount of the semester fee. It must be paid in full.
  • The application may be repeated several times however only up to a double of the regular duration of studies. In case of repeated applications, the performance level may is tested.
  • The institution of higher education may withdraw the permission for part-times studies, if more than 50% of the credits/ECTS are supposed to be achieved during full-time studies.
  • Part-time studies may not be approved of after the completion of a semester


Please submit the application for leave of absence or for part-time studies via the quicklink Requests in your FranCa portal for students.

If you no longer have access to your FranCa portal, you can send the application for leave of absence (German only) or the application for part-time studies (German only) via mail to Mrs. Danek.


Bettina DanekStudent Services Office
Building 1, Room 114
Website editorial teamID: 1873
last updated on: 12.03.2024