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Frankfurt UAS ABC

Learn the most important terms related to your studies at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences


Alumni or Alumnae

Alumni are former students of a college or university who have successfully completed their degree. The term alumni (m, singular: alumnus) or alumnae (f, singular: alumna) comes from Latin. They often remain connected to their university and are considered part of an alumni network.

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences offers graduates an Alumni-Portal to stay in touch with fellow students and to receive up-to-date information about the university, continuing education opportunities and alumni meetings.


A “Auslandssemester” is a semester abroad, that means the time during a degree programme that you spend at a university abroad. During the Bachelor's programme, a semester abroad is possible from the 3rd semester onwards. However, preparations for this already begin in the 1st semester. The International Office is the contact for a semester abroad.


The term “Akkreditirung” describes a procedure for the assessment of study programmes at state-recognised higher education institutions. Master's and Bachelor's study programmes are accredited and re-accredited under a resolution of the “Kultusministerkonferenz” (KMK - Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany).


The General Students' Committee, in German "Allgemeine Studierendeausschuss"(AStA), is the executive body of the student body and represents the interests of the students vis-à-vis the university and the public. The AStA of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences is located in the middle of the campus in the red house.

Anerkennung hochschulisch erworbener Kompetenzen

"Anerkennung hochschulisch erworbener Kompetenzen" is the recognition at higher education institutions and refers to competences or achievements that have been gained at higher education institutions and that are recognised with the aim of continuing studies in another degree programme or at another higher education institution. Competences already acquired are neither examined more than once nor are study periods unnecessarily extended. Recognition can refer to individual modules or entire degrees. The basis for recognition in Germany is the Lisbon Convention and the respective state higher education laws. Formally, recognition means establishing the value of a (foreign) educational qualification. In practice, recognition means that the recognising higher education institution treats the work done at another higher education institution or in another degree programme as if it had been done at its own higher education institution or in the same degree programme.

Anerkennung außerhochschulisch erworbener Kompetenzen

Competences and qualifications acquired outside higher education institutions are those that can be acquired in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts. Formally acquired competences are acquired and/or promoted in a targeted manner in organised and structured contexts and are evidenced by a certified qualification (e.g. school-leaving certificate, vocational training and further education qualification or degree). Non-formally (also: non-formally) acquired competences are acquired in the context of planned activities that include a distinct "learning element", but are not documented through transparent curricula and final examinations (e.g. in-company training). Informally acquired competences are acquired through (vocational) practical experience. This type of competence acquisition is usually not intended, organised or planned and is not documented in more detail. Competences acquired in the context of internships and voluntary work (so-called service learning) also count as competences acquired outside of higher education that can be credited with the aim of taking up or shortening higher education studies.

The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences regulates the recognition via the AAEK-Verfahren.


The recognition of equivalent knowledge and skills acquired outside higher education institutions is of central importance for opening higher education institutions to non-traditional student groups and facilitates the transition between vocational and higher education. The aim is to avoid multiple testing of competences already acquired and, if necessary, to shorten study periods in a quality-assured and meaningful way. The competences may have been acquired in different (formal, non-formal or informal) educational contexts. The higher education institutions are generally obliged to credit up to 50 percent of the study credits for competences acquired outside of higher education. Corresponding regulations are to be anchored in the examination regulations. A distinction is made between individual, flat-rate and combined procedures in the design of credit transfer procedures, in German "Anrechnungsverfahren".



The Bachelor's degree is the first degree that can be obtained in academic education. The standard period of study is three to four years (6 to 8 semesters). The Bachelor's degree qualifies for a basic professional activity as well as a Master's degree.


BAföG supports students financially with their studies, among other things. Students are only entitled to BAföG during the standard period of study. The Studentenwerk will advise you on how to apply.


A campus refers to the grounds of a university on which the various facilities and buildings are located. It is the central place of academic life where students, teachers and staff come together. In addition to lecture halls and seminar rooms, the Campus also offers a library, a refectory, and cafés as well as sports facilities.


CampUAS is the "Online-Lernplattform" (online Learning Plattform) of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Virtual course rooms are made available here, in which learning processes are organised and work materials from lectures, exercises, tutorials, etc. are made available. Timetables and examination schedules are also stored here.


CampusSport offers students at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences a balance to learning through sporting activities on and off campus.

Career Service

The Career Service of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences offers students a wide range of career entry services and supports students during their studies with, for example, career fairs on campus.

CIT Account

CIT stands for "Campus IT". The CIT account is automatically created during enrollment and enables the use of the Campus IT services. With the activation of the CIT-Accounts (only in german), students have access to their email inboxes and access to the wireless internet (eduroam), among other things. In addition, the CIT account can be used to access the CIT pool (PC pool) in building 1, room 349.

Credit Points

Credit points (CP) are a numerical value that indicates the workload of a course or examination. After a module has been completed, the university awards the credit points defined in the module handbook. The credit points are part of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, ECTS for short. This system makes it possible to compare credit points across Europe. At least 180 CP are required to complete a bachelor’s degree.


The curriculum refers to the entire syllabus and content structure of a degree programme or educational programme. It includes all the required courses, modules and classes that students must complete during their studies. The curriculum specifies what knowledge, skills and competences students are to acquire and how these are to be taught through different teaching methods. It serves as a guide to the sequence and content of the study programme and may vary depending on the study programme and the educational institution.



The German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD for short, promotes international cooperation between universities by organising and implementing international exchange programmes for students and researchers. The DAAD is a self-governing organisation of German higher education institutions.


The Dekan leads and organises a department. The duties of a Dekan*in include monitoring the curriculum, supervising the members of the department, and representing the department externally.


“Dekanat” is the office for the management unit of a department.

Duales Studium

A dual study programme, in German "Duales Studium", is the interlocking of practice and theory. The higher education study programme includes firmly integrated practical assignments in a company or business. The practical assignments and the study phase usually alternate in a regular rhythm.


Dozent/-in is a collective term for all teachers at a university. This includes professors as well as teachers for special tasks (LfbA) and lecturers.


Eduroam (Education Roaming) is an international initiative that enables students and employees of a university or other institute to access the internet. The WLAN can be used both within one's own university and in other universities or institutes that participate in "eduroam". The configuration takes place at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences with the valid user account of the CIT.


The credit points (CP) of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) are intended to enable the uniform crediting of academic achievements across countries. ECTS credits are not a form of assessment, but express the amount of time spent learning based on defined learning outcomes and the associated average student workload (workload in hours) associated with a module. This is a consequence of the Bologna Process.


At universities, evaluation is understood as the assessment of a (teaching) event or a process with the involvement of students. With the help of an evaluation (usually by means of questionnaires), the quality can be recorded and, if necessary, further developed.


Removal from the list (matriculation) of students is called “exmatriculation”. This means that the student status is lost. Exmatriculation occurs, for example, when students change universities or after completing their studies and is implemented by the Student Secretariat.


Fachbereich, in English, department is an organisational unit within the university. There are four departments at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. A department is headed by the dean.


The students of a department form the departmental student council. The departmental student councils look after the subject-related concerns and university-political interests of the students in their area. They advise the students and contribute to the promotion of study matters.


A Fachsemester is a semester studied within a specific degree programme. The number of subject semesters corresponds to the number of semesters in a specific degree programme. In a combined degree programme, different subject semesters are studied in parallel. The university semester, on the other hand, describes all the semesters spent in higher education.


FranCa is our new portal for university applications and, above all, for students. FranCa offers a wide range of services for your student organisation:

  • In FranCa you can now submit your applications online (e.g. for leave of absence, part-time study or exmatriculation).
  • You have direct access to a wide range of current certificates or simply download them via the portal.
  • In FranCa you will find all the necessary information for your re-registration, including a detailed list of fees in each case.
  • The exam registration, which you initially continue to do in the HIS portal, can also be accessed directly via FranCa.
  • If there is an important occasion for which you need to be contacted by the Student Affairs Office or if there are certificates to download from your portal, you will receive a short email to your university email address.

This makes the student organisation more transparent for you, more up-to-date and a lot more digital. You can register for FranCa via your CIT account (as with Zoom and campUAS).

If you have any questions about FranCa, please contact the Customer Centre "Kundencenter des Studienbüros"of the Student Office or take a look at the FAQs.


The “Hochschulsemester” are the semesters that students have spent in total in a higher education area. Subject semesters, on the other hand, only record the semesters of a specific degree programme in which students are enrolled. Semesters on leave of absence do not count as subject semesters, but as university semesters.


The "Hochschulzugangsberechtigung", also HZB, is a collective term for certificates from school and higher education. It entitles the holder to study at a German higher education institution.

Interdisziplinäre Studium Generale

The Interdisciplinäre Studium Generale (!SG) is a compulsory module for all Bachelor's degree programmes at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Within the framework of this module, students work together on a project across disciplines, i.e. with students from other departments.


Immatrikulation means matriculation or enrolment and is the successful admission to a higher education institution and is the prerequisite for participation in courses and examinations.


Proof of enrolment, which can be downloaded in FranCa.

International Office

The International Office (IO) coordinates the international relations of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The IO supports international students with questions about applying with international certificates as well as domestic students and academics at the university with advice and support services for questions about stays abroad.


Kolloquium describes a scientific discussion among experts. The colloquium often takes the form of a discussion after the submission of a scientific paper, e.g. the Bachelor's thesis.


Designation for fellow students.


Konsekutivregelung means that for some modules there are prerequisites for participation in the module examination, e.g. "successful completion of all module examinations of the first two semesters". These regulations can be found in the module handbook of the respective degree programme. Find out in good time if there are such regulations so that you can plan your studies well.


Adjunct lecturers teach courses at the university without having a civil servant or employee relationship with the university. Lecturers are mostly freelancers.


Students receive a printout for completed coursework (Leistungsnachweis), which can be downloaded in FranCa. Certificates of achievement can be acquired through examinations, homework, presentations, etc.


The Master's degree is the second highest academic degree and follows the Bachelor's degree. A Master's degree usually lasts three to four semesters.


The matriculation number (Matrikelnummer) is the student's personal number and is assigned by the university upon enrolment. The matriculation number is used first and foremost to precisely identify the student. For example, the matriculation number must also be given for examinations. The number can be found on the study chip and on the study certificate.


The Canteen (Mensa) of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences is run by the Studentenwerk Frankfurt and offers students and staff affordable food "Essen". The canteen is in the middle of the campus in building 4.


A module is a teaching and learning unit defined in terms of content and time in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes. It can consist of several courses such as lectures, exercises, practicals and seminars as well as examinations. After the desired qualification has been proven, for example by a written examination, the credit points to be achieved are awarded.


Based on the respective examination regulations of a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme, the module handbook (Modulhandbuch) provides an overview of the individual modules and their contents as well as the learning and qualification objectives of a degree programme. The module handbook is therefore indispensable for the practical organisation of the study programme.


Nomen Nominandu (Latin for name [yet] to be named) is used as an abbreviation when the name of a teacher or staff member is not yet known.

NC / Numerus Clausus

Numerus Clausus, or NC for short, is the term used to describe the restriction of admission to a subject. This means that only a limited number of students are admitted to NC degree programmes, as the number of applications often exceeds the capacity of the study places.


With Panopto, teachers can record videos and screencasts of lectures, exercises and seminars and integrate them into the campUAS course rooms.


A professor is a high-ranking academic designation for a person who teaches and conducts research at a college or university. Professors usually have a doctorate and are distinguished by their expertise and research performance. They give lectures, supervise students and contribute to the scientific development of their field.


Prüfungsamt means examination office and it is a permanent institution at a university and administers students' examination results. The tasks of the office are based on the examination regulations. For example, the examination office records the examinations taken, issues certificates and advises students on questions regarding the examination regulations. All faculties of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences have their own examination offices.


Together with the Dekan’s office or the Dekan’s offices of the participating faculties or the president, the examination board ensures that the provisions of the examination regulations are observed and that the examinations are conducted in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. The examination board has six members: three members of the professorial group, one academic staff member and two student members. All faculties of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences have their own examination board.


The examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung) define the requirements for the study programme and the examinations. They regulate the admission requirements and the examination procedure. You can view the examination regulations for all degree programmes.


The Regelstudienzeit (standard period of study) is the number of semesters intended for full-time study according to the examination regulations of the degree programme. Exceeding the standard period of study can have consequences for BAföG, scholarships, student loans, etc.


The “Semesterbeitrag” is a sum of money that must be paid to the university by the deadline each semester to remain enrolled. The semester contribution includes social contributions to the Studentenwerk, for the AStA, insurance contributions, the price of the semester ticket and administrative costs.

Semesterticket (RMV-Ticket)

The semester ticket is paid automatically with the semester fees when you enrol or re-register. Since summer semester 2024, the semester ticket is no longer integrated into the Study Chip. It is available via a smartphone app and is only valid in conjunction with your official photo ID. The area of validity refers to the use of all public transport in Germany that is included in the area of validity of the Deutschlandticket.


A seminar is a course that takes the form of a discussion. In contrast to a lecture, a seminar is characterised by greater interactivity between teachers and students.


SHK stands for Student Assistant (Studentische Hilfskraft). There are a variety of student job opportunities at the university every semester. Interested in working as a SHK at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences? Click here to go to the portal with the job advertisements.


A Stipendium is usually financial and/or non-material support for students. The scholarship can be awarded by public bodies, foundations or similar. The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences awards the Deutschlandstipendium.


Studiendekan*in is the dean of Studies and is responsible for teaching and studies.


A degree programme (Studiengang) is a defined programme of a subject or combination of subjects at a higher education institution that works towards a specific academic degree and covers a specific subject area.

Study Chip

The personalised study chip is issued at the beginning of your studies. It has several functions. The Study Chip is:

  •     Your Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences student ID card
  •     Your user card for the library (Building 3)
  •     a means of payment for using the canteen and the library (top-up function)

In the event of a defect or loss, please contact the Student Office.

SWS / Semesterwochenstunde

Semester hours per week, abbreviated to SWS, are the amount of time a course takes in a semester. A course with two semester hours per week means that two hours (2x 45 minutes) per week are scheduled for this course during the lecture period. The time for preparation and follow-up is not included.

Transcript of Records

The Transcript of Records (ToR) is an overview of the academic and examination achievements that can be downloaded in FranCa. This document is required, for example, for submission to the BAföG office, when studying abroad or changing universities.


A Tutorium is a course similar to an exercise and is designed to give students a better understanding of topics covered in the lecture. Tutorials are usually conducted by students (tutor*in) from higher semesters.


The lecture period (Vorlesungszeiten) is the time when lectures, tutorials, seminars, etc. take place regularly. A distinction is made between the "lecture period" and the "lecture-free period".


A “Wahlmodul” is an elective module and is a study module that offers students the opportunity to choose from a selection of courses or subject areas. Unlike compulsory modules, which are prescribed in the curriculum, elective modules allow students to customise their course of study and deepen interests. Elective modules can be offered in various subjects. Elective modules can be offered in different subject areas and serve to increase the flexibility and breadth of the degree programme.


A compulsory elective module (WP module) is a compulsory course in which the choice is made from a catalogue of alternative topics.  A compulsory elective module (WP module) is a compulsory course in which the choice is made from a catalogue of alternative topics. 

Zentrale Studienberatung

The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) advises and supports prospective students and schools in their choice of study programme. It is the point of contact for students in every phase of the student life cycle (study entry phase, study-accompanying phase and the study completion phase) for concerns and problems.


Zweitstudium is a second degree programme, another undergraduate degree programme that is taken up after a completed degree programme. Accordingly, a second degree programme is not a further degree programme such as the Master's degree. A first degree programme is deemed to have been completed upon receipt of the degree certificate.

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last updated on: 07.03.2024