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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Martin O. Steinhauser

Professor of Applied Physics and Computer Science

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil.
Martin Oliver Steinhauser
Professor of Applied Physics and Computer Science
Building 8, Room 115
Fax : +49 69 1533-2206

Office Hours

By arrangement

Please go to the German up-to-date version of this webpage where you will find complete information in English

Research Interests

  • Multiscale Materials Modeling and Simulation
  • High-Performance and Parallel Computing
  • Monte-Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  • Shock Wave Physics
  • Numerical Method Development
  • Modeling and Simulation of Material Failure under Shock and Impact
  • Simulation of Biomembranes and Macromolecules
  • Hypervelocity Impact  und Weltraummüll

 Research Gate 

Google Scholar

Further reading

Selected peer-reviewed publications and monographs

Martin O. Steinhauser
Multiscale modeling, coarse-graining and shock wave computer simulations in materials science
AIMS Materials Science, 4, 6, 1319-1357 (2017) doi: 10.3934/matersci.2017.6.1319

Martin O. Steinhauser
Novel Computer Simulations Adressing the Impact Risks in Sapce from Orbiting Debris
Mater. Sci. Eng., 1, 1005, 1-5 (2017)

Erkai Watson, Martin O. Steinhauser
Discrete Particle Method for Simulating Hypervelocity Impact Phenomena
Materials, 4, 379, 1-22 (2017)

Katja Schladitz, Andreas Büter, Michael Godehardt, Oliver Wirjadi, Johanna Fleckenstein, Tobias Gerster, Ulf Hassler, Katrin Jaschek, Michael Maisl, Ute Maisl, Stefan Mohr, Udo Netzelmann, Tobias Potyra, Martin O. Steinhauser
Non-destructive characterization of fiber orientation in reinforced SMC as input for simulation based design
Composite Structures 160, 195-203 (2017)

Martin Oliver Steinhauser, Tanja Schindler
Particle-based Simulations of bilayer membranes: Self-assembly, structural analysis, and shock wave damage
Comput. Part. Mech. 4, 69-86, (2017) doi:10.1007/s40571-016-0126-3

Martin Oliver Steinhauser
On the Destruction of Cancer Cells Using Laser-Induced Shock Waves: A Review on Experiments and Multiscale Computer Simulations
Radiol. Open J. 1, 60-75 (2016) doi:10.17140/ROJ-1-110

Tanja Schindler, D. Kröner, Martin O. Steinhauser
On the dynamics of molecular self-assembly and the structural analysis of bilayer membranes using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1858, 1955-1963 (2016)

Martin Oliver Steinhauser
Discrete Particle Methods for Simulating High-Velocity Impact Phenomena
in: G. R. Liu and Shaofan Li (eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM 2016), 3, 915-923 (2016)

Martin Oliver Steinhauser, Mischa Schmidt
Destruction of Cancer Cells by Laser-Induced Shock Waves: Recent Developments in Experimental Treatments and Multiscale Computer Simulations
Soft Matter 10, 4778-4788 (2014)

Mischa Schmidt, Ulf Kahlert, Johanna Wessoleck, Donata Maciaczyk, Benjamin Merkt, Jaroslaw Macziaczyk, Jens Osterholz, Guido Nikkhah and Martin O. Steinhauser: 
Characterization of a Setup to test the Impact of High-Amplitude Pressure Waves on Living Cells
Sci. Rep. 4, 3849 (2014)

M. O. Steinhauser: 
Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Applications in Hard and Soft Condensed Matter Physics
in Prof. Lichang Wang (ed): Molecular Dynamics - Studies of Synthetic and Biological Macromolecules, InTech (2012), DOI: 10.5772/36289, ISBN: 978-953-51-0444-5, Available from:

M. O. Steinhauser
Modeling Dynamic Failure Behavior in Granular and Biological Materials: Emerging New Applications 
Cover page article in Y. M. Haddad (ed): AES Technical Reviews, International Journal Part C, IJATEMA 1, 1-19 (2012), ISSN: 1916-5366

G. C. Ganzenmüller, S. Hiermaier and M. O. Steinhauser
Energy-Based Coupling of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics and Molecular Dynamics
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 206, 51-60 (2012)

G. C. Ganzenmüller, S. Hiermaier and M. O. Steinhauser
Consistent Temperature Coupling with Thermal Fluctuations of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics and Molecular Dynamics
PLoS ONE 7, e51989 (2012)

G. C. Ganzenmüller, S. Hiermaier and M. O. Steinhauser
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Shock-Wave Impact Failure in Hard and Soft Matter 
in K. Kontis (ed): Shock Waves, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg (2012), ISBN 978-3-642-25687-5

G. C. Ganzenmüller, S. Hiermaier and M. O. Steinhauser
Shock-Wave Induced Damage in Lipid Bilayers: A Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation Study
Soft Matter 7, 4307 (2011)

M. O. Steinhauser, J. Schneider and A. Blumen
Simulating Dynamic Crossover Behavior of Semiflexible Linear Polymers in Solution and in the Melt
J. Chem. Phys. 130, 164902 (2009)

M. O. Steinhauser and S. Hiermaier
A Review of Computational Methods in Materials Science: Examples from Shock-Wave and Polymer Physics
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 10, 5135 (2009)

M. O. Steinhauser, K. Grass, E. Strassburger and A. Blumen
Impact Failure of Granular Materials -- Non-Equilibrium Multiscale Simulations and High-Speed Experiments
Int. J. Plasticity 25, 161 (2009)

Martin O. Steinhauser 
Failure of Granular Materials under Impact: Modeling and Multiscale Simulations 
in E. Oñate and D. R. J. Owen (ed): Particles 2009, CIMNE, Barcelona (2009)

M. O. Steinhauser
Static and Dynamic Scaling of Semiflexible Polymer Chains -- A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Single Chains and Melts
Mech. Time-Depend. Mater. 12, 1385 (2008)

M. Kühn and M. O. Steinhauser
Modeling and Simulation of Microstructures using Power Diagrams: Proof of Concept
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 034102 (2008)

M. O. Steinhauser, J. Schneider and A. Blumen
Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Flexible and Semiflexible Polymer Melts 
in R. B. Hall, H. Lu and H. J. Qi (eds): Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Current Associates, 57, Moorehouse Lane, Red Hook, NY, USA pp. 12571 (2008)

M. O. Steinhauser and M. Kühn
The Use of Optimized Power Diagrams for Mesoscopic Shock Wave Modeling 
in A. Khan, B. Farrokh (eds): Plasticity of Conventional and Emerging Materials: Theory and Applications, Neat Press, Cleveland, Ohio, USA pp. 322 (2007)

M. O. Steinhauser
Computational Methods in Polymer Physics 
Chapter in Recent Res. Devel. Physics 7, 59 (2006), ISBN 81-7895-237-8

M. O. Steinhauser, K. Grass, K. Thoma and A. Blumen
Impact Dynamics and Failure of Brittle Solid States by Means of Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Europhys. Lett. 73, 62 (2006)

M. O. Steinhauser and M. Kühn
Numerical Simulation of Fracture and Failure Dynamics in Brittle Solids 
in A. Khan, S. Kohei and R. Amir (eds): Anisotropy, Texture, Dislocations, Multiscale Modeling in Finite Plasticity and Viscoplasticity and Metal Forming, Neat Press, Maryland, USA pp. 634 (2006)

M. O. Steinhauser and M. Kühn
Modeling of Shock-Wave Failure in Brittle Materials  
in P. Gumbsch (ed): MMM Multiscale Materials Modeling, IRB Publishing, Stuttgart, Germany pp. 380 (2006)

M. Kschischo, R. Kern, C. Gieger, M. O. Steinhauser and R. Tolle
Automatic Scoring and Quality Assessment using Accuracy Bounds for FP-TDI SNP Genotyping Data
Applied Bioinformatics 4, 75 (2005)

M. O. Steinhauser and K. Grass 
Failure and Plasticity Models of Ceramics. A Numerical Study 
in A. Khan, S. Kohei and R. Amir (eds): Dislocations, Plasticity, Damage and Metal Forming, Materials Response and Multiscale Modeling, Neat Press, Maryland USA, pp. 370 (2005)

M. O. Steinhauser
A Molecular Dynamics Study on Universal Properties of Polymer Chains in Different Solvent Qualities. Part I. A Review of Linear Chain Properties
J. Chem. Phys. 122, 094901 (2005)

K. Grass, A. Blumen, M. O. Steinhauser and K. Thoma 
Sequential Modeling of Failure Behavior in Cohesive Brittle Materials 
in R. Garcia-Roja, H.-J. Herrmann, S. McNamara (eds): Powders and Grains, A. A. Balkema Publishers, Leiden, pp. 1447 (2005) 

M. O. Steinhauser und K. Thoma 
MMM-Tools: Multiskalen Modellierung und -Simulation 
in Congress Intelligente Leichtbausysteme (ILS), Vogel Industrie Medien, Wolfsburg, pp. 56 (2004)

B. Dünweg, D. Reith, M. O. Steinhauser and K. Kremer 
Corrections to Scaling in the Hydrodynamic Properties of Dilute Polymer Solutions
J. Chem. Phys. 117, 914 (2002)

R. G. Winkler, M. O. Steinhauser and P. Reineker
Complex Formation in Systems of Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Phys. Rev. E 66, 021802 (2002)

Martin O. Steinhauser
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Shock Wave-Induced Failure in Materials Science
Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, 2018

Martin O. Steinhauser
Computational Multiscale Modeling of Fluids and Solids - Theory and Applications
2nd revised and expanded edition, Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, 2017

Martin O. Steinhauser
Quantenmechanik für Naturwissenschaftler
Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, 2017

Martin O. Steinhauser
Computer Simulation in Physics and Engineering
de Gruyter, Leipzig, Berlin, Boston, 2013

Martin O. Steinhauser
Computational Multiscale Modeling of Fluids and Solids: Theory and Simulation
Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin New York, 2008

Available Research Topics for Projects and Master Theses

I am offering research topics for Master students who want to do a research project or their Master Thesis with me. The topics are in the context of applications of Computational Sciences in Biophysics, Polymer Physics, Biochemistry, Materials and Shock Wave Research and will require very good programming skills in C/C++, the willingness to acquire good knowledge of Statistical Physics and to extend existing research codes.

If you are interested, feel free to contact me after one of my lectures or write eMail to me to make an appointment for discussing details.

  • Modeling and simulation of space debris impact on satellite structures.
  • Simulating material failure with machine learning approaches.
  • Simulation of polyelectrolyte complex formation.
  • Investigation of the interaction of macromolecules with biomembranes and vesicles.
  • Exploring the effects of shock waves on biological cells and cellular structures.
  • Modeling and simulation of a polymer network with crosslinkers as a model of a cell's cytoskeleton.
  • Static and dynamic properties of hyperbranched polymers and Viscek fractals.
  • Development of an efficient, optimized and parallelized molecular dynamics computer program.
  • Other topics upon personal agreement...

Former Graduate Students

This is a list of my former graduate students who worked scientifically under my supervision at a Fraunhofer Research Institute in Freiburg, earning their Diploma, respectively their Master of Science. The theses were submitted to and published at different home universities as listed.

Website editorial teamID: 8790
last updated on: 12.11.2022