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Your student body loves you!

Greetings – Engagement – That’s how you find us!

Dear fellow students,

Welcome at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences! We are happy you chose to study here!
Maybe you already know where your studies will take you or maybe you are still wondering whether you made the right decision. No matter how you feel right now, let us tell you: Use the time at your university!
No matter whether you plan to stay abroad, try a new type of sport, be active in higher education policy or learn a new language – you choose your way.  But what is even more important: Have a great time and enjoy it, because it is going to pass much faster than you might think! Walk this road with open eyes, meet nice people, maybe even friends for life.
We wish you successful studies with a final thought such as: This was an amazing time in my life!
We as your student body want to contribute to that feeling. Not only do we organize parties and special events, we also party with you! J If you encounter a problem with a lecturer or need help in different matters we are happy to support you and try to find a solution. Furthermore, we advocate your and your fellow students’ interests in front of the head of the faculty and the university administration and try every day to improve your experience at Frankfurt UAS. You too have the opportunity to initiate change, along the lines of: Leave your university better than you found it.
Come to our students’ union room (building 4, room 104). Drink a cup of coffee with us, find out when our next team meeting is and join in. You are talented? We have opportunities!
We are looking forward to seeing you and your involvement and wish you pleasant and successful studies!
And one thing is for sure: Your student body loves you!
The student council of the faculty 3: Business and Law
P.S.  Like and follow us on Facebook to always be up-to-date: 

E-mail: anfrage(at)  

Webteam Faculty 3ID: 8047
last updated on: 12.15.2020