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Buddy Program

What is the Buddy Program?

The Buddy Program is offered by the International Office of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The program is intended to support international exchange students in settling in Frankfurt and bridging language barriers. German and experienced students play an important role as they function as cultural mediator and friend (Buddy) before, during and after the arrival of international students. They are designed to help solve minor and major problems in German everyday life. Each 'native' buddy is usually assigned 1-2 international students.

Participation in the buddy program is voluntary, that is, without payment.

No special knowledge is required for participation. For newbies (but also old hands) we recommend the participation in the preparatory info event (place and time will be announced by the IO in a timely manner) and the reading of our buddy guide.

To participate in the buddy program you should bring:

  •      Willingness to deal with small and larger intercultural problems
  •      Tolerance and open-mindedness
  •      Reliability
  •      Knowledge of studying at the Frankfurt UAS
  •      Local knowledge to find your way around the city
  • E-mail contact before and after arrival
  • Pick up from the airport / train station
  • Presence during the first days
  • Accompaniment at authorities (translation / mediation)
  • Accompaniment to the flat / Studentenwerk
  • Where can I find something at the Frankfurt UAS? Where can I find something on the Frankfurt UAS website?
  • Where can I find something in Frankfurt?
  • How do I find my way around everyday life in Germany (waste separation, doctor visits etc.)

Above all, the buddy program should offer you the opportunity to gain intercultural experience and to use your own knowledge to support others. In addition, you have the opportunity to participate in various events of the "Frankfurt Loves You" program. Furthermore, you will acquire skills that are in high demand on the job market as soft skills and which we would like to confirm in a certificate of participation.

Click here to register

International OfficeID: 5778
last updated on: 04.01.2020