Center for Health Management and Law (ZGWR)
The Center for Health Management and Law (ZGWR) bundles the skills of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in the fields of Health Management, Health Economy, and Health Law and serves as a platform for interdisciplinary, inter-faculty cooperation. The scientific center was founded on December 3, 2009 in cooperation of the faculties of Business and Law and Social Work and Health Management.
Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region have a great number of health care institutions and providers of health services. Health management is the business branch with the greatest employment effect. As in the entire Federal Republic, health care institutions are currently subject to dramatic change concerning the requirements for structure, financing, quality assurance, networking, and contract design. This results in a continually growing need for practice-oriented research and continuing education.
The ZGWR has set itself the goals to become a contact partner for health care businesses, service providers, statutory health insurances, advocacy groups, and the interested public in the region, to promote the anchoring of teaching and research contents from the health care field at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, and to enhance the appeal of the university for competent teachers and executives interested in continuing education from all areas of health management. The center is also intended to support networking between university and health care sector in the region.
It is intended to support and promote its members in projects in research, development, consulting, teaching, and continuing education, in particular by acquiring third-party funding. The founding meeting, in which 8 scientists and 3 employees of the university took part, elected the professors Busse and Meyer as Directors of the ZGWR. Both directors are considered proven experts in the field of health care management and law and their lecture and consulting skills are in demand far beyond the boundaries of the City of Frankfurt.
The ZGWR started its work on January 1, 2010. In 2013, it organized two symposia on sector-spanning supply in the health care field. Current projects include the "OP Barometer" of Prof. Busse which appears every 2 years and the bi-monthly report on the European medication laws titled "Blick nach Brüssel" by Prof. Meyer. Together with the doctoral candidate Stefanie Kortekamp M.A., he has conducted the research project "Process optimization in medication management under special consideration of the medication supply in retirement homes and care institutions" (ProMmt).
Managing Director
- Busse, Thomas, OP-Management-Fibel, 3. Aufl., Neuss 2016.
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Rabattierbarkeit von Großhandelszuschlägen gem. § 2 AMPreisV und Rechtsnatur von Rabatten und Skonti, Anmerkung zum Urt. d. LG Aschaffenburg v. 22. Oktober 2015, Az.: 1 HK O 24/15, PharmR 2016, S. 60-64.
- Busse, Thomas, OP-Barometer 2015, Heidenheim 2016.
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Anmerkung zum BGH-Urt. v. 5. März 2015, A&R 2015, S. 181-184.
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Dringender Handlungsbedarf! Anmerkungen z. Urt. d. Bundesgerichtshofs v. 5. März 2015, Az.: I ZR 185/13, DAZ 2015, S. 3292 - 3295.
- Busse, Thomas, Gould, Greiling, Gründel, Fromme, Klemann, Knoefel, Roleff, Tsekos, Wenning: OP-Effizienz - Erfolgreich steuern durch Kennzahlen, Heidelberg 2015
- Busse, Thomas, Christoph Pfeffer: Größe des Aufsichtsrats und wirtschaftliche Lage, in: Augurzky, Krolop, Hentschker, Pilny, Schmidt, Krankenhaus Rating Report 2014, Heidelberg 2014
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Überblick über die Preisbildungsinstrumente für Arzneimittel. In: Dörner, H./Ehlers, D. et al. (Hrsg.), 19. Münsterische Sozialrechtstagung: Regulierung der Arzneimittelverordnung - Zu viel des Guten?, Karlsruhe 2014, S. 47 - 70.
- Meyer, Hilko J./ Kortekamp, Stefanie (Hrsg.): Medikationsmanagement in stationären Pflegeeinrichtungen - Teamarbeit der Solisten., Frankfurter Schriften zu Management und Vertragsgestaltung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft, Bd. 1, Göttingen 2014. Cuvillier Verlag
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Current Legislation On Cross-Border Healthcare In The European Union. In: Glenn Cohan (ed.), The Globalization of Health Care, Legal and Ethical Issues, Oxford New York 2013. Oxford University Press
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Anmerkung zum Urteil des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts vom 30. August 2012, Az.: 3 C 24.11, Arzneimittel & Recht 6/12, S. 283 - 285.
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Der Erstattungsbetrag – ein Trauerspiel, Warum die Vertragspartner gefordert sind und nicht das BMG, DAZ 31/2012, S. 64 - 67.
- Busse, Thomas: OP-Barometer 2011, Arbeitssituation und Arbeitsumfeld der Funktionspflege im OP-Bereich, Melsungen 2012
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Versorgungsvertrag zwischen einer Krankenhausapotheke und einem Krankenhaus, Anmerkung zum Urteil des Oberverwaltungsgerichts Nordrhein-Westfalen vom 19. Mai 2011, Arzneimittel & Recht 4/11, S. 154-158.
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Current legislation on cross-border healthcare in the European Union, Paper presented at the Conference on “The Globalization of Health Care: Legal and Ethical Challenges”, 21 May 2011, Harvard Law School.
- Busse, Thomas: OP-Personalreport Pflege 2010, Frankfurt am Main 2011
- Busse, Thomas: OP-Management Fibel, 2. Auflage, Neuss 2010
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Der Kontrahierungsanspruch der vollversorgenden Arzneimittelgroßhandlung gegenüber dem pharmazeutischen Unternehmer (Teil 2). In: Arzneimittel & Recht 3/2010, S. 115 - 122.
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Der Kontrahierungsanspruch der vollversorgenden
Arzneimittelgroßhandlung gegenüber dem pharmazeutischen Unternehmer
(Teil 1). In: Arzneimittel und Recht 2/10, S. 66 - 74. - Busse, Thomas: OP-Barometer 2009, Melsungen 2010
- Meyer, Hilko J.: Blick nach Brüssel, zweimonatliche Kolumne in: Arzneimittel & Recht, Zeitschrift für Arzneimittelrecht und Arzneimittelpolitik (seit 2005).