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Important Information for Internationals


The most important factor before you can enter Germany is financing. When applying for a visa, you must be able to prove that you have a sufficiently funded blocked account. As of January 1, 2023, the assumed annual standard requirement that must be paid into the blocked account when applying for a visa is 11,208 euros. Information on the blocked account can be found on the website of the German Foreign Office.

In addition to fixed costs such as rent, electricity and internet, there are also costs for study materials, clothing, food, etc. In addition to fixed costs such as rent, electricity and internet, there are also costs for study materials, clothing, food, etc. Please plan sufficient funds for all costs. Information on financing your studies and scholarships can be found on our website.


Currently, it is very difficult to receive a visa for Germany or to get an appointment for a visa in some countries. Therefore, please ensure that you schedule an appointment with the relevant embassy well in advance.

If you have not yet received a visa, you are free to decide whether you would like to enroll at Frankfurt UAS. Although Frankfurt UAS is an institution of higher education that requires students to be present, there is no compulsory attendance. Therefore, from the university's perspective, it is possible to arrive at a later time. However, in order to successfully complete your studies, you must be present on campus. Additionally, it is important to note that after entering Germany you may have to justify few or nonexistent academic achievements to the Foreigners' Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde).

After enrollment, different confirmations of the university can be downloaded independently in the self-service area of the university's internal platform, Fran-Ca, if required.

Should arrival not be possible in time due to a long visa process and a refund of the semester ticket is desired, you will find all relevant information on the regulations of the refund on the pages of the AStA. Questions about the refund can be asked directly to the responsible AStA.


At Frankfurt UAS, there are no student dorms on campus. Since we unfortunately cannot assist you in finding a place to live, you will have to look for accommodation on your own and early on. In addition to student dorms managed by Studierendenwerk Frankfurt, there are also private housing providers and websites offering shared rooms. Enrolled students can find more detailed information about finding housing on our website.

Be prepared that living in Frankfurt is very expensive, so you may want to consider looking for an apartment outside the immediate city area. For this purpose, surrounding towns or nearby cities such as Hanau, Offenbach, Mühlheim or the like may be considered. Thanks to good infrastructure connections, the university is easily reached.

APS India

As of November 2022, according to official regulations by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB), the requirement for all German universities is that an APS certificate must be submitted by applicants from India. It must be submitted at the time of application or by the end of the official application period at the latest. Therefore, please apply for the APS certificate as early as possible.

Information about the APS can be found on the website of the APS India.

International OfficeID: 11811
last updated on: 04.15.2024