
Required language proficiency

For German taught degree programs, applicants with international certificates must provide proof of German language proficiency with their application in addition to the university or master's entrance qualification and, if applicable, requirements specific to the degree program. Furthermore, additional language proficiency is required for some degree programs. Information on the required German and, if applicable, additional language proficiency can be found below.

German language proficiency

Your application for admission can only take place if you can prove sufficient German language proficiency with a certificate.

You can only be enrolled if you have a DSH-2 certificate or equivalent certificate (see “Language proof for enrollment”). If you do not have either, then you can apply for a degree program with a C1 certificate or equivalent (see “Language proof for application”), but you have to submit a DSH-2 certificate or equivalent at the time of enrollment.

From the summer semester 2025 onwards, no DSH course and no DSH exam will be offered at Frankfurt UAS.

Kindly note that you must submit a certificate. A certificate of attendance is not sufficient as proof of language proficiency.

Applicants who did not acquire their higher education entrance qualification at a German or German-speaking school must present knowledge of the German language at the level B1 with a certificate at the time of application for the preparatory college. A B2 course that can be proven to have been completed is also sufficient for the application. A certificate of attendance is not sufficient in this case.

ZD 'Certificate German as a foreign language' is the lowest language certificate and is only sufficient for the participation in the admission test for the preparatory college.

Applicants, who have not obtained their access to an institution of higher education at a German or German-speaking school, must already present language proficiency of Level C1 upon application.

The following proofs are sufficient for the application:

  • DSH-1
  • TestDaF as of 14 points (the grade 'below 3' may not be included)
  • Goethe Certificate C-1, Central Mid-Level Examination (Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung - ZMP)
  • Completed vocational training in Germany
  • Certificate of current participation in the DSH-course at another higher education institute in Germany (with examination date)

Study applicants with direct access to institutions of higher education must prove the German language certificate for the access to institutions of higher education (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang, DSH) with the result DSH-2 or DSH-3 upon enrollment.

The following alternatives to the DSH-2 or DSH-3 certificates are possible:

  • Goethe Certificate C2, (formerly called Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP) Goethe-Institut)
  • DSD II – German language diploma of the Kultusministerkonferenz
  • TestDaF 4×4 TDN (one TDN 3 can be compensated by one TDN 5)
  • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule (NOT telc C1) with at least the result “Sufficient”
  • In the passed assessment test in German with at least grade 4
  • The foreign educational certificates listed in the resolution of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK) of June 02, 1995, in the currently valid version

Additional information

Do I need proof of language skills with German citizenship or German as a foreign language at school / university?

German citizenship does not count as proof of your language skills.

Applicants with German citizenship must prove their language proficiency with one of the above-mentioned language certificates or by taking a placement test (at a Goethe or a TestDaF institute). In this case, you can take an examination that confirms equivalence with the language proficiency required by the university. Applicants who have completed a degree in German Studies or who studied German as a foreign language at school or during their studies also need to take a placement test.

An exemption from the DSH exam or the proof of German language proficiency for enrollment is not possible.

Can I get conditional admission without proof of proficiency in German?

When applying, the required German language proficiency (see above) must already be proven by the end of the respective application deadline for the desired degree program. If you are unable to prove the required language proficiency, your application unfortunately cannot be considered. We will not issue a conditional admission in this case.

If you would like to learn the German language in Germany, you have to look for a suitable language school on your own and apply for a visa for study preparation purposes. You can find information about our language courses under “Preparatory Courses”.

Additional language proficiency

For some degree programs, further language skills must be proven in addition to the German language proficiency. An overview of the required language proficiency can be found below.

For the following Bachelor's degree programs, additional language proficiency must be submitted in addition to the required German language proficiency. Accepted English language certificates for Master's degree programs can be found in the PDF.

Degree program

Required language proficiency

Infrastructure and Environmental Protection (B.Eng.)

English B1 (CEFR)

International Business Administration (B.A.)

English (B2 (CEFR): proven by TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate or by another language certificate showing a language competence of at least B2 of the CEFR recommended by the Council of Europe.

International Finance (B.Sc.)

English (B2 (CEFR): proven by TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate or by another language certificate showing a language competence of at least B2 of the CEFR recommended by the Council of Europe.

Mechanical Engineering (German-Spanish Double Degree) (B.Eng.)

Spanish B1 (CEFR)

Social Work :transnational (B.A.)

English B2 (CEFR); alternatively English B1 (CEFR) and another foreign language at level B1 (CEFR)

Urban Planning (B.Eng.)

English B1 (CEFR)

Business Information Systems (B.Sc.)

English B2 (CEFR)

If you have obtained your school or university degree in a country whose official or educational language corresponds to the required language proficiency, you do not need to submit any additional proof of language proficiency. The verification of the official and educational language is done by uni-assist after you have applied application.

If the required language was taught as a foreign language at school, certificates from the European Union must show that the level corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). For certificates from non-EU countries, an additional certificate must be submitted in any case.


Persons of contact

Ute Kaboth

Ranzhi Liu

Victoria Romano Brandt

Mateusz Michal Ziolkowski

Info-Center of the Frankfurt UAS

You can contact the Info-Center of the Frankfurt UAS by phone via +49 69/ 1533 - 0 and the ticket system.

You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ.

Note: If you're using a "gmail" email address, some of our responses are currently being returned as undeliverable. Until the problem is resolved, we kindly ask you to refrain from contacting us via a "gmail" email address.

Open office hours (without appointment)

Tuesdays 9.30 am - 12 am

Building 1, Room 3

Online appointments will be possible on Wednesdays between 9 am and 12 am.

International OfficeID: 12081
last updated on: 11.28.2024