
Preparatory college

If you have an indirect university entrance qualification, i.e., your school-leaving certificate is not equivalent to the German Abitur, you must attend a preparatory college and successfully pass the assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) before beginning your studies.

After successful application via uni-assist and after processing by the International Office of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, you will receive an invitation to the entrance test (German test) in Frankfurt. This is not yet an admission to the study program. The entrance test takes place twice a year (January and June) on a fixed date. The test may only be repeated twice at the preparatory college in Frankfurt. Kindly note that the entrance tests at the preparatory colleges in Hesse typically all take place on the same day. Exemption from the entrance test is not possible.

The preparatory college usually lasts two semesters and ends with the assessment test. This can only be retaken once. With the certificate of the assessment test, you acquire the “subject-related university entrance qualification”.

Attending the preparatory college is not optional. That means your home certificates decide whether you have to attend the preparatory college or not.

You can only take the external assessment test without prior attendance at the preparatory college under certain conditions.

The supplementary examination aims to extend a subject-related university entrance qualification. You can only take this exam if you have already passed an assessment test at a preparatory college.

Information on these two exams can be found on the website of the preparatory college.

Which course will I be assigned?

Each degree program has one or more subject bindings. If your certificates from your home country allow the first subject binding in the overview, you will be assigned to this course at the preparatory college after your application. Only in exceptional cases, in which the certificates from the home country do not allow the first subject binding, the second subject binding is possible.

Please apply for only one degree program. If you apply for more than one degree program with different subject bindings, only the first degree program you choose will be considered.

For the preparatory college attendance, your previous education certificates from your home country specify the field of study for studies in Germany. This is often limited to one field of study, or even to individual degree programs. Therefore, you can only attend the preparatory college in the course to which your certificates from your home country entitle you.

G-course for humanities and cultural degree programs
M-course for medical, biological and pharmaceutical courses (life sciences)
T-course for mathematical-scientific and technical degree programs
W-course for business and social science degree programs

Your foreign educational certificates are always decisive first. If, for example, you are only allowed to study engineering according to your home country certificates, you are also bound to the engineering specialization, i.e., the T-course, for the preparatory college. It is not possible to study any other subject area, for example business administration, W-course. Only when you have successfully completed a degree program in Germany, your subject binding from your home country will be lifted.

In Frankfurt am Main, the same preparatory college is responsible for both Frankfurt UAS and Goethe University.

Until when do I have to apply?

The deadlines for applying to participate in the entrance test are:

  • March - May 01 for the entrance test in June (Preparatory college starts in winter semester)
  • September - November01 for the entrance test in January (Preparatory college starts in summer semester)


Persons of contact

Ute Kaboth

Ranzhi Liu

Victoria Romano

Mateusz Michal Ziolkowski

Info-Center of the Frankfurt UAS

You can contact the Info-Center of the Frankfurt UAS by phone via +49 69/ 1533 - 0 and the ticket system.

You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ.

Note: If you're using a "gmail" email address, some of our responses are currently being returned as undeliverable. Until the problem is resolved, we kindly ask you to refrain from contacting us via a "gmail" email address.

Open office hours (without appointment)

Tuesdays 2 - 4 pm

Building 1, Room 23

Online appointments will be possible on Wednesdays between 9 am and 12 am.

International OfficeID: 12078
last updated on: 09.10.2024