
Good Teaching Conditions for Everyone

Students and teachers with different interests, requirements and expectations meet at our university. In order to meet the needs of all university members, suitable teaching and learning opportunities as well as didactics that focus specifically on the people, processes and tasks at a UAS are required. As a measure of PROFfm, we will therefore develop our own Frankfurt UAS didactics in the next few years. We focus on the conception of didactic methods, teaching concepts, reflection and exchange formats as well as on the promotion of personal skills.

The project consists of five phases:


In terms of content and organization the "Research and Conceptualization of University Didactics" is located at the School of Personal Development and Education (ScoPE).


Current Contributions & Results

Interlinking two teaching methods | 12.9.2023

University teaching is facing new challenges due to political reforms, digitalization and, last but not least, the corona pandemic. Innovative and agile teaching-learning methods are required to prepare students with relevant skills for their future professional lives.

In the scientific center of the School of Personal Development and Education (ScoPE), an interdisciplinary team of researchers is investigating which concepts and formats are particularly suitable for more sustainable learning and skills development. In this context, Sabrina Engelmann, Hannah Lutz-Vock and Kemal Tursun examined whether and how the two teaching methods, inverted classroom and simulation game, can be interlinked. You can read the result here (in German).


Meditation as a didactic element | 28.4.2023

Our society is subject to constant change, e.g. due to globalization, digitalization and diversity of information. This change continually presents us with challenges and requires additional competencies: flexibility, creativity, communication, the ability to solve problems, innovation skills, independent action and the ability to work in a team.

In order to promote these skills in our future university graduates, we at Frankfurt UAS focus not only on methodological and technical skills but also on personality development, autonomy and self-determination. Mindfulness training and meditation practices are very central to this. Our goal is to make students more resilient, critical and responsible. Hannah Lutz-Vock and Karola Szymanski describe how this works in their conference contribution: Meditation as a didactic element (in German).


Hannah Lutz-Vock
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 1012
Franziska HedrichID: 11134
last updated on: 01.31.2025