E1, Fundamentals of Design (shape): “perceiving space“, is the main focus of this seminar. In Fundamentals of Design (E1), during the first semester of the bachelors program, spatial perception and visual intelligence are being trained. First spatial models are being developed from discs, volumes and poles. After different exercises which engage with perception of the real spatial environment, then in exchange of two- and three-dimensional techniques of representation more and more abstract drawings or models are being developed. The ability to compose, cognition, experience, comprehension, invention and finding of a space is being trained. The semester ends with a first scaled spatial design assignment which is presented in public.
E2, Fundamentals of Design: “Designing a space“, is the focus of this seminar. In Fundamentals of Design (E2) during the second semester of the bachelors program concepts for accessibility and functional-spatial requirements are combined with design principles like “addition“, “subtraction“ and “folding“, architecture develops. Therefor a spatial guiding principles are being developed which are put into context of alternative composition principles and with appropriate concepts for accessibility and material in different scales. Three small designs will be developed, of which at the end of the semester one will be selected in respect to color/material/light and further improved. The exercises are accompanied by four lectures on topics of „Perception“, “Spatial Composition“, “Choreography or Accessibility“, and “Atmosphere: Light & Color“.
Extras: Further events and activities of the bachelors program are a first semester workshop „White Welcome“, excursion within the module E1/2 and classes like “Entwerfen 5“ E5 as well as elective subjects in the 5th semester.
E789 “Entwerfen“, Design: : In the master´s program design topics with the headline "Design and Build" are paramount. In combination with ongoing research projects, topics like "Öko-Lodge im Ituri Regenwald", „Raum Plus”, „Forschungspavillon für das FFIN”, “SpacerFabric_Pavillon“, the competition “Blaue Lagune“ (competition urban mining), “Suitcase Architecture“, „Infocenter für die Internationale Bauausstellung 2027“ etc. have been offered in the past. The topic is design, planning and detailing including constructing the whole project or parts in scale 1:1 by the participants of the seminar.
The Elective subject “Sondergebiete des Materials“ (special domain of material): This is about research and elaboration of materials and their application, which conserve energy or produce energy and at the same time have a great design potential. At the end of the semester the theoretical knowledge will be tested with a small, constructed application. WP Leicht SpacerFabricKokon
Thesis: Exemplary assignments from years before are i.e. “VelotelX“ (2018), “Pier F, Osthafen Frankfurt“ (2015), “Hauptverwaltung Würth Künzelsau“ (2012), “Bad Berg, Stuttgart“ (2009), “Outletcenter, Frankfurt a. Main“ (2006) etc.. Additionally supervised design and thesis projects, which are proposed independently or by colleagues. Besucherzentrum Kap Arkona UB 2025

ReFaTex - Reversible, foldable, energetically effective 3D-textile for construction
ReFaTex - Reversible, foldable, energetically effective 3D-textile for constructionFunded Research Projects
The research focuses on material development, the application of materials and the design of building components in the architectural sector. These should be energetically sensible and at the same time demanding in design. Overarching topic is sustainable architecture with special focus on textile based lightweight construction and building integrated photovoltaic.
Research Project 6dTEX 6dTEX: Lightweight components made of 3d textiles in combination with 3d printing (2021-2023)
Research initiative Zukunft Bau
6dTEX deals with the combination of two process technologies that were previously considered separately. The synergetic combination of the production of 3D textiles and 3D printing processes is being investigated. The aim is to gain insights into new lightweight construction applications in architecture by optimizing technical 3D textiles in combination with additive 3D printing processes.
ge3TEX – Gewebt, gewirkt, geschäumt: 3D-Textilien für die Gebäudehülle (2018-2020)
Research initiative Zukunft Bau
ge3TEX engages with structure differentiated mono-material for the building envelope. Goals are recyclable, compression and tension resistant as well as insulating lightweight construction components for the building envelope, with high fire safety characteristics and low expenditure in assembly. Combinations of a material group are being investigated: Basalt fiber with aerated concrete, glass fibers with expanded glass and PET-fibers with PET-foam.
Sanitary partition walls systems made by stabilized spacer fabrics (2018)
CATO Gmbh & Co. KG
Development of new textile based portion walls: In the course of a material study and subsequent application of a prototypical Element is being investigated, which advantages result for interior construction by applying technical textiles; technical and creative in relation to weight, assembly and design.
ReFaTex - Reversible, foldable, energetically effective 3D-textile for construction (2015-2018)
IFOFO Förderlinie Großprojekte
Development of reversible foldable elements for energetic optimization of building envelopes in the opening area: Investigating the suitability of elements made of three-dimensional textiles for the application in the area of solar protection.
3DTex - Textile lightweight wall element (2015 - 2017)
Research initiative Zukunft Bau
Development of textile lightweight wall elements by applying three-dimensional textile technologies and textile joining technologies for the application as self-supporting, ventilated facade or wall elements in the field of renovation and new construction. Spacer fabrics (this means multi-layer textile bar stock) are the main focus.
Foamed Textile Structures (2013-2014)
Forschung für die Praxis
Material development for lightweight applications in the architecture field: Composite material made of spacer fabrics (textile) and inflated or foamed material, in each case from sustainable raw materials for pre-fabricated, tailored, foamed spaces or construction components.
MehrWerkstoffe (Symposium 2006)
Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Symposium about new materials in the building industry, which beyond their design potential possess an additional value, because they only need a small amount of energy for fabrication, contribute to energy conservation or produce energy.
Moderation Prof. Nicola Stattmann, Dipl.-Ing. Christiane Sauer, Prof. Werner Lorke und Prof. Claudia Lüling. PDF-MehrWerkstoffe
Energizing Architecture - Design and Photovolatics (Architektur unter Strom - Photovolatik gestalten) (1999 - 2009)
Würth Solar GmbH + Technologiestiftung Berlin
Semiconductor materials are one of the few actual „smart“ materials. Due to their ability to convert light into energy they are a predestinated component for building envelopes. In the project Energizing Architecture or Architektur unter Strom, Photovoltaic is researched less as a technical installation, but more as an energy producing and design effective construction material.
New Move – Architektur in Bewegung (2019)
Edited by: Michael Schumacher, Michael-Marcus Vogt, Luis Arturo Cordón Krumme
Birkhäuser Publishing House GmbH
Language German/English
ISBN 978-3-0356-1353-7
Text contribution "4dTEX", Claudia Lüling, Johanna Beuscher, p.94-97
About the publication: New Move
Architecture Fully Fashioned - Abstandstextilien in der Architektur (2019)
Melliand Newsletter
Online Ausgabe 9/2019
Text: Claudia Lüling
Article >> Melliland Newsletter
„4dTEX – Exploration of Movement Mechanisms for 3D-Textiles Used as Solar Shading Devices”, Prof. Dipl.Ing. Claudia Lüling, Johanna Beuscher (2019), Powerskin Journal of Façade Design and Engineering (JFDE), Vol 7 /No.1 2019, S. 159-172
„Textile Bewegungsmechanismen für Fassaden“, detail research (04.04.2019)
„Faserwerkstoffe mit neuer Textur, Form und Funktion“, Sigmund B., Detail – Zeitschrift für Architektur und Baudetail, (4.2019) S. 16-18
Textil Stoff der Zukunft, Bauen mit Abstandstextilien: Exempla 2019 München - Sonderschau: - Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, S. 30-32
„Gewebt, Gewirkt, Geschäumt“, Claudia Lüling, db – Deutsche Bauzeitung (4/2019), S. 66-70
„TechTex Innovation Guide - Kompetenzatlas Faserbasierte Werkstoffe“, Lüling, C. (5/2019) Hrsg.: AFBW – Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V., S.184-185
„ZUKUNFT BAU: FORSCHUNG FÜR PLANUNG UND PRAXIS“ Austellung des Bundesministeriums des Innern, für Bau und Heimat / Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, 18.06. – 20.07.2019, CLB Berlin
Technical Textiles - Bewegung in das Thema Beschattung bringen Kettenwirkpraxis Textilinformationen (03/2019), S.20-22, Hrsg.: Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH
»Material und Konstruktion«, Veranstaltung, München // Rückblende
„ZeltHAUS“ Competition Campus Award
„Neu bei der AFBW: das Frankfurter Forschungsinstitut FFin“
„3DTex- Textile Leichtwandelemente“, Zukunft Bau Magazin, Lüling, C. (1/2018) S. 42-44, Bonn
„Leichtbau in Hessen – Potenziale, Projekte, Akteure“, Lüling, C. (5/2018) Hrsg.: Hessen Trade and Invest GmbH (HTAI), S. 56
„Eine runde Lösung aus Dreiecken“, Kettenwirkpraxis Textilinformationen (02/18), S.27, Hrsg.: Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH
Hochschulwettbewerb “Moderner Aus- und Leichtbau“, Prämierung in der Kategorie VISION UND UTOPIE / LEICHTBAU TEXTIL, Marius Mersinger, Johann Iwan Liwitschenko und FFin
„Spacer Fabric Pavilion“, Mletzak, V.(1-3/2017) Competition Magazin
„Powerskin - Fully Fashioned“ Prof. Dipl.-Ing Claudia Lüling, Dipl.-Ing. Iva Richter (2017). 19.01.2017 Munich Powerskin Conference Proceedings. Published by Delft: TU Delft Open / TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, S. 253
„Architecture Fully Fashioned - Exploration of foamed spacer fabrics for textilebased building skins“ Prof. Dipl.-Ing Claudia Lüling, Dipl.-Ing. Iva Richter (2017), The Journal of Facade Design and Engineering (JFDE) Vol 5, No 1 (2017), S. 77
„3dTEX - Textiler Leichtbau mit Abstandstextilien“, DBZ DeutscheBauzeitung (1/2017), S.70
„MaterialPREIS 2017“ Raumprobe (6/2017)
Finalist „aed neuland 2017", (6/2017)
„Smart Materials - Werkstoffe in allen Facetten“, interior fashion - more than furniture, (3/2017) S.10-11, Fürth
„TEXTILE LIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTION 3DTEX“, Combining architectural design and structural functionality, ditf.de
„Competition Campus Award 2016“, Innovationspreis. Erster Artikel | Zweiter Artikel
„Architekturstudierende der Frankfurt UAS für SpacerFabric Pavilion ausgezeichnet“, Blaß,S. (2/2016) Innovationsreport
„Innovationen aus der Uni“ (4-6/2016) Competition Ausgabe, Seite 7
„Spacer Fabric“, Beuscher J.& Biehl, S.(10 /2016) Zeitschrift AIT, S.64-68
„SpacerFabric Pavilion“, Pasajes Arquitectura N°141 2016, S.26
„3D-Textilien als Leichtbauwerkstoffe in der Architektur preisgekrönt“ via intelligente architektur, S. 024-025, 04-06/15
„Textile Strukturen für neues Bauen 2015“, TECHTEX AWARD
„SpacerFabric-Pavilion: Textile Leichtbauhülle“, Siegmund, B.(9/2015) Detail.de online
„Textile Strukturen für neues Bauen“, Wettbewerb, 28.5.2015
„Extrem leichte Struktur. Pavillon aus geschäumten Textilien“, Siegmund (9/2014) Detail.de online
2024 European Textile Award in Gold, research category, student project "BOW"
2021 Establishment of the ReSULT research focus on sustainable lightweight construction
2021 Innovation professorship at Frankfurt UAS
2020 Member of the selection committee for research funding from the Ministry of Construction, supported by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR)
2019 Innovation Award of the Frankfurt UAS Association together with Prof. Dr.-Ing Petra Rucker-Gramm and Prof. Dr.-Ing Agnes Weilandt for outstanding achievements in the field of teaching and further education
2018 „ArchitektInnen - Projekte aus der Forschung“, Organization of Symposium at the DAM (German Architecture Museum Frankfurt am Main) within the exhibition „Frau Architekt“
2018 „Sanitärtrennwandsystem aus stabilisierten Abstandstextilien“, contract research CATO GmbH & Co. KG, Ummendorf
2018 “SpacerFabric_HOME“, student work, Competition Campus Award 2018
2017 “SpacerFabric_HOME“, student work, finalist “aed Neuland 2017“, category “Architecture & Engineering“
2017 Membership in AFBW (Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg)
2017 “SpacerFabric_Pavilion“, student work, materialPREIS 2017, category “Studie und Vision“ (“Studies and Vision“)
2016 “SpacerFabric_Pavilion“, student work, Innovation Prize of Competition Campus Award 2016
2015 “FabricFoam© Pavillon”, student work, Special Award for Micro Architecture “Textile Structures for New Building 2015“ (TechTex)
2015 „FabricFoam© Pavillon”, student work, Stuttgarter Leichtbaupreis 2014
Since 2015 research funding “ReFaTex - Reversible, foldable, energetically effective 3D-textile for construction“ (IFOFO Förderlinie Großprojekte) and “3dTEX - Textile lightweight wall element“ (Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau)
2012 „Geschäumte Textilkonstruktionen“ („Foamed Textile Structures“) funding body „Forschung für die Praxis“
2012 Member of FFin, Frankfurt Forschungsinstitut für Architektur • Bauingenieurwesen • Geomatik (Frankfurt Research Institute for Architecture • Structural Engineering • Geomatic)
2011 Member of Solar-Competence Network (SOCO) FH Frankfurt/Main
2010 Founding member of Solar-Competence Network (SoCo) FH Frankfurt/Main
2010 Visiting Critic Washington University St. Louis USA, Dept. of Architecture “Value Added Materials in Architecture”
2009 “Energizing Architecture – Design and Photovoltaics” Hrsg./Autorin C. Lüling, Jovis Verlag Berlin (publisher)
2005 “MehrWerkstoffe”, organization symposium at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences about the topic „new materials“
Since 2003 Professor at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Fundamentals of Presentation and Design
2002-2003 Deputy Professorship at the Universität der Künste Berlin (University of Arts Berlin), in the field of structural design Prof. Peter Bayerer
2000 „Architektur unter Strom – Photovoltaik gestalten” Hrsg. /Autorin Claudia Lüling, TU Berlin Verlag (publisher)
1995-2000 Research Associate, TU Berlin (Technical University Berlin)
1995 Member of the Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg (Chamber of Architects in the state of Baden-Württemberg)
1991-1997 Associate Architekten BHHS, Barerer Hanson Heidenreich Schuster & Partner, Berlin, Project Management New Construction Wertdruckgebäude der Bundesdruckerei Berlin
1991 Master of Architecture, Southern California Institute of Architecture, Los Angeles
1990-1991 Associate Morphosis Architects und Dagmar Richter Studio, Los Angeles
1990 Fulbright Scholarship
1989-1991 Architectural Studies, Fulbright Scholarship USA, Masters Program SCI-ARC, Southern California Institute of Architecture, Los Angeles
1981-1989 Architectural Studies at the Universität Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Technical University Darmstadt)