Stellen und Lehraufträge
Lehraufträge im Fachbereich 2
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Lehrauftrag Data Warehouses
Der Bachelor-Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik sucht zum Sommersemester 2024 (April-September) Lehrbeauftragte für das Modul Data Warehouses.
Das Modul umfasst 6 Semesterwochenstunden (Vorlesung/Übung) und findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Intended learning outcomes / acquired competences:
Students have an in-depth understanding of the data warehousing approach. They know the strategic meaning of consolidated, integrated data for enterprise-relevant decisions, are able to explain data warehouse architectures, design and implement multidimensional data structures, comprehend extract, transform and load strategies, describe database technologies used in context of data warehousing and are able to create complex evaluations of data for analytical purposes. They are able to explain relevant trends in data warehousing and suggest possible outcomes.
The skills and competencies acquired in this course support students in starting their professional career in various employment areas within the business information systems area, especially in data warehousing and business intelligence.
Contents of the unit:
Organizational and strategic approaches to support decisions on a high level
Data Warehousing Concept and Architecture
Modeling multidimensional data structures (inter alia star-, snowflake-schema, fact- and dimension tables, slowly changing dimensions),
Extraction - Transformation – Loading technologies
Query Processing and Optimization techniques
Planning and Managing the Data Warehouse Project,
Reporting and ad-hoc analysis
Business Intelligence, OLAP-Frontend-Systems, Data Mining: overview, principles and tools
Von den Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern erwarten wir Kenntnisse im Bereich Data Warehaouses, Spaß am Umgang mit jungen Menschen und mindestens einen Bachelor- oder Diplomabschluss Wirtschaftsinformatik oder einem der Wirtschaftsinformatik verwandten Studiengänge.
Nähere Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltung / Modul erhalten Sie durch Prof. Dr. Chistian Rich, Studiengangsleiter Wirtschaftsinformatik am Fachbereich 2: Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, E-Mail: