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Historical developments and current challenges in aviation

Civil aviation is subject to constant change which equally affects airlines, airports, and air traffic control. Seven articles depict the wide spectrum of current challenges and historical developments of the system partners in aviation. The articles range from the airport business model, the changes and challenges of air freight, and aviation sales to the modern remote tower concepts being used in air traffic control.

This commemorative publication was created for the occasion of the 10-year anniversary of the dual program in Aviation Management at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. It provides a small look into the large spectrum of practical lectures that are regularly held as part of the lecture series for Aviation Business in which more than 50 program lecturers from the profession address topics from aviation history and current issues in aviation. The authors have been working in the aviation industry for many years and have additionally committed as program lecturers or adjunct lecturers at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. 

The commemorative publication (German only) is available from Cuvillier Verlag.

Authors: S. Grandy, P. Häfner, O. Haßa, C.Schmidt-Ehemann, J. Troester, H. van de Sand, K. Walther
Publisher: Martin Harsche, Kirstin Zimmer


Geschäftsmodell Flughafen – Öffentliche Daseinsvorsorge und Kerngeschäft
Knut Walther

Luftfracht im Wandel der Zeit – Vom Marketinggag zum globalen Wirtschaftsfaktor
Carl Schmidt-Ehemann

Luftfracht – Entwicklung, Prozesse und Sicherheit
Patrick Häfner

Chancen in der Business Aviation: Private Jet – ein strategisches Produkt der Deutschen Lufthansa
Stephan Grandy

Luftfahrtvertrieb gestern, heute und morgen – Modernisierung von Technologie und Abläufen im Luftfahrtvertrieb durch IATAs „New Distribution Capability“
Jörg Troester

Regulatorische Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung innovativer Remote Tower Konzepte – Kombination von Sicherheit und Innovation 
Holger van de Sand

Simulationen im Flugverkehrsmanagement – Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung 
Oliver Haßa

Website editorial teamID: 6233
last updated on: 02.10.2020