
Study International Finance (B.Sc.)

If you study with us today, you can change the world tomorrow. The International Finance degree program prepares you for a career in the financial sector in a very practical way. Learn how to combine knowledge, methodology and creativity and reap the returns in the form of your future success. We're all about future, Monday through Friday.

Why us – why here?

Small groups, direct contact with the lecturers, practical relevance to companies, open-minded atmosphere on campus, great opportunities on the job market, exciting practical case projects, internationality and semesters abroad guaranteed - and last but not least: a professional and personal education as a return on investment for life.


Degree Program

International Finance


Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Standard period of study

7 semesters

Type of study


ECTS credits


Lecture language

German, English

Admission requirements



ZEvA until 30.09.2032

Start of studies*

Every year in summer and winter semester*

Application deadline for the summer semester


Application deadline for the winter semester


*To the semester dates.


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Description of the degree program

With a degree in International Finance, you will secure the next generation of managers for multinational companies. Recognized specialists from the finance industry or the finance department of multinational companies thoroughly prepare you for the international finance world. The lecturers are recognized specialists in their field who are or have been active in responsible positions in practice, often including guest lecturers from abroad. Particular emphasis is placed on combining practical knowledge, mathematical methods and applicability through "soft skills". The finance-related content is rounded off by a specially tailored legal component. Case studies instead of dry theory: Based on the requirements of practice, the study program focuses more on learning in projects and on examples, similar to international business schools. From the very beginning, you will work on practice-related topics and only deal with theory after you have worked out your own solution. The work is often done in small groups during the courses or in term papers, for which you are in direct and intensive contact with your supervisor: Each supervisor offers special class sessions in which they are available to provide individual guidance for your assignments. Since you will present your work regularly, you will learn early on how to prepare your found results, present them freely in front of groups, and defend them against criticism.

Career prospects

Graduates of the program typically work in the finance industry or in the finance department of multinational companies, e.g. in:

  • banks, insurance companies and other financial service providers
  • in the treasury, investment and financing departments of industrial companies
  • management consultancies, auditing firms

Study structure

The international degree program is designed for seven semesters. The fifth semester takes place entirely abroad. Some places are available at our partner universities for this purpose, but you can also look for places at other foreign universities. In these cases, please discuss the combination of subjects you would like to choose with us in advance. The program offers room for a wide range of possibilities here. There are few restrictions in terms of content, because the higher semesters are organized in modules that can be combined in any way and you can largely determine your own focus. We prepare you thoroughly for the semester abroad, for example through information events and by ensuring that the fourth semester is held in English throughout.

Note in advance:

The degree program is a Bachelor of Science and therefore assumes that you enjoy working with computers and are confident with school mathematics up to the high school graduation level. If you do not feel completely " sattelfest " here, we recommend a visit of the "Vorkurs Mathematik" (Pre-course mathematics) at our university before starting your studies.

1st to 3rd semester

Investment and Financing, Mathematics, Introduction to Economics, Introduction to Law, Scientific Work, Capital Markets, Mathematical Statistics I, Macroeconomics and Foreign Trade, External and Internal Accounting, Introduction to Financial Law, Portfolio Management, Mathematical Statistics II, Business Information Systems I, International Management I, International Law

4th semester - in English throughout

Computer Based Investment Analysis, Comparative Banking, Accounting for Finance, Multinational Finance, International Taxation, Interdisciplinary Studium Generale

5th semester

Semester abroad at the partner university (one semester at a foreign partner university is mandatory!)

6th semester

Bachelor project

Deepening of studies through elective modules

7th semester

Bachelor thesis with colloquium

Deepening your studies through compulsory elective modules

As part of your studies, you can choose eight from a total of 19 different compulsory elective modules.

  • The International Finance program comprises 210 credit points (ECTS) and has been accredited by FIBAA.
  • Upon successful completion of your studies, we will award you the internationally recognized and professionally qualifying Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.) degree.

In addition to many good reasons for a stay abroad, there are also many ways to fulfill this dream. We support you from the initial idea through the application process to the actual planning.

Other documents such as class schedules, applications, etc. can be found at: My studies.


Prof. Dr.
Erika Graf
Director of Internationalisation Strategy
Building 4, Room 518
Prof. Dr.
Marco Sunder
Professor of Economics and Quantitative Methods, especially transport economics
Building HoST, Room B 03 319
Prof. Dr.
Benjamin Bierwirth
Head of degree course: Global Logistics (M.Sc.)
Building HoST, Room B 03 319
Prof. Dr.
Christian Rieck
Head of degree course: International Finance
Building 4, Room 503

Think ahead and then study in the master's degree program!



Diplom Betriebswirtin (FH), MBA
Gülsüm Keskin
Fb3: Wirtschaft und Recht
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 809

Application and enrollment with national degrees

Application and enrollment with international degrees

Advising for the mandatory semester abroad

Non-European countries
Ruth ConradsOverseas Student Mobility Coordinator
Building 1, Room 9
Fax : +49 69 1533-2748
Commissioner for foreign affairs at Faculty 3
Prof. Dr.
Erika Graf
Director of Internationalisation Strategy
Building 4, Room 518

Head of degree course

Prof. Dr.
Christian Rieck
Head of degree course: International Finance
Building 4, Room 503

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1439
last updated on: 11.20.2024