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Program Description

The MBA program “Aviation and Tourism Management” is a further education, application-oriented Master Degree Program aimed at a target group with professional experience, in particular from the Aviation and Tourism sectors, in addition to areas of general management including strategy, innovation, transformation, leadership and communication. Graduates have complex and in-depth knowledge in these fields, which are taught based on the results of current research.  The program is designed to enhance the academic skills of graduates and to permanently apply acquired learning methods in such a way that they can follow the technological and academic progress or even continue their studies to obtain a doctorate. They will be the pioneers in the implementation and application of new methods and technologies.

The program is unique in the sense that one does not necessarily need an academic degree to be eligible, but may also get in with the right work experience and qualifications. It is one of the few English language programs that the university offers.

Career Opportunities

After completing this MBA you will work as a consultant or expert within aviation and/or tourism industry. You will advise companies in change processes or general management issues, bring in strategic knowledge and problem-solving skills. You will also be qualified to take on leadership or management positions with tasks in the areas of corporate strategy and sustainable business development. With a unique blend of creative thinking, business acumen and an innovative approach, you have the ability to transform business ideas and products into a marketable offering.

Program Duration

The part-time study course is divided into four semesters (24 months). Teaching takes place in two 11-day blocks per semester at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), a campus of the University of Applied Sciences close to the Frankfurt International Airport.

Program Benefits

  • Enjoy studying at one of the world's largest aviation hub and benefit from our customized MBA part-time program, designed together with well-known industry leaders like DFS, Fraport and MUC Airport.
  • Expand your network, learn from like-minded people, listen to top managers at fireside chats and be inspired by industry experts. You will also receive a globally recognized IATA training certificate.
  • Complement your academic training with seminars developing your rhetoric skills as well as your personality and enjoy networking with the industry's renowned lobbyists.
  • Enhance your knowledge & skills in general corporate management such as strategies, business development, transformational leadership while focusing on the particular requirements of the aviation and tourism industry.

The combination of the practical experience with the acquired theoretical knowledge prepares you for management positions in general management. Additionally you will approve your knowledge in the areas of marketing & sales, operation management, logistics, consulting, finance and controlling in the aviation and tourism industry.

The part-time study course is divided into four semesters (24 months). Teaching takes place in two 11-day blocks per semester at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), a campus of the University of Applied Sciences close to the Frankfurt International Airport. Three modules are held at the partner universities abroad.

  • Prof. Dr. Karl-Rudolf Rupprecht (Program Leader)
  • Prof. Dr. Swen Schneider
  • Prof. Dr. Barbara Lämmlein
  • Prof. Dr. Veronika Kneip
  • Prof. Dr. Tino Michalski
  • Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler
  • Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wegener
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Werner
  • Prof. Dr. Till Vogel


English reading version of the examination regulations MBA Aviation and Tourism Management MA from June 21, 2023 (The English Translation is for Information purposes only. 
The legally binding document is the German version of the examination regulations.)


Website editorial teamID: 5686
last updated on: 07.05.2024