
Study Healthcare Management (M.A.)

Information for prospective students of Healthcare Management (M.A.)

Future requirements in the health care sector can only be mastered if the handling of the complexity and insecurity, as well as the promotion of innovations that is the development and control of new healthcare  concepts and offers become self-concept of professional care management. It is our concept to qualify you for these complex tasks by making you deployable in all areas of the organization of the healthcare system and internationally.



Healthcare Management

Master of Arts (M.A.)


4 semester, full-time

ECTS-Credit Points


Program start

Winter semester

Application deadlines

with German degrees: september 15th


with foreign credentials: July 15th



General information

The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences has been offering for a master's degree course for the management of nursing care and healthcare institutions since the winter semester of 2010/11; a scientific-founded, practice-oriented and with international orientation. This master's degree course is the substitution for the diploma degree course Care Management.


Goal of the consecutive master's degree course in healthcare management is to qualify you for the special managerial tasks in companies  or as an entrepreneur in the healthcare industry.

The relevance of this application-oriented degree course is the well-founded, scientific and practice-related training. The connection between theory and practice allows a targeted handling of the changing requirements in networking and the integration of the care areas in the healthcare system.  

The degree course also supports the conveyance of international technical aspects and competence development for the coping with complex tasks in the healthcare and nursing care industry.

The regular course of study is two years and is completed with a master's thesis. You will have the opportunity to undergo a doctorate afterwards as well. The 14 modules are distributed over a period of four semesters. The degree course is full-time with lectures on fixed days of the week. This way it is well planable for students and employed professionals and can be combined well with an existing job.

The modules consist of six management-related modules, three modules from the field contract and remuneration policies, as well as three modules from the field internationalization. 25 credits are for the final thesis of the total of 120 credits that need to be achieved.

Study content

The degree course entails the following profile-shaping topics:

  1. Leadership and controlling tasks
    Goal of the topical focus is the formation of a special qualification for higher management tasks in companies or as an entrepreneur in healthcare.

  2. Contract and remuneration policy, supply concepts
    The students are enabled to independently discuss the elements of the contract and remuneration policy, as well as the current networking concepts in the healthcare system.

  3. Internationalization
    The degree course supports the conveyance of knowledge and competence development for the completion of international tasks in the healthcare system by conveying international technical content.

A random allocation cannot take place due to aptitude test.

The admission is unlimited. You can find the admission application that needs to be filled out here.

Additional information

The following criteria need to be met in order to start your studies: 

a) a completed degree at an institution of higher education with at least six semesters or at least 180 ECTS credits in a relevant degree course. The degree must be achieved at a state-recognized institution of higher education. The following degree courses are considered relevant among others: care, care management or nursing education

b) and the proof of completed vocational training in a care profession or in a health profession with close contact to patients. Care professions are for instance: nursing care, pediatric nursing care, geriatric care, midwifery and delivery care, special needs care. Health professions with close contact to patients are for instance: occupational therapy, physiotherapy, surgical technical assistant, anesthesiologist assistant, medical-technical assistant, medical-technical radiology assistant.

1st semester

  • Change management in institutions and organizations
    10 credit points / 90 units / 210 self-study units
  • Academic skills
    5 credit points / 45 units / 105 self-study units
  • Quality management and systems
    5 credit points / 60 lessons / 90 self-study units
  • Controlling in nursing care and healthcare institutions
    5 credit points / 60 units / 90 self-study units
  • Marketing and lobbying in nursing care and healthcare facilities
    5 credit points / 60 units / 90 self-study units

2nd semester

  • Management
    10 credit points / 90 units / 210 self-study units
  • Project management
    10 credit points / 75 units / 225 self-study units
  • Contract and remuneration policy in the healthcare and nursing care industry 
    10 credit points / 90 units / 210 self-study units

3rd semester

  • Public health, nursing and healthcare professions, healthcare policies
    10 credit points / 90 units / 210 self-study units
  •  Care concepts
     5 credit points / 60 units / 90 self-study units
  •  International healthcare systems  
     10 credit points / 90 units / 210 self-study units
  •  Social and economic ethics        
     5 credit points / 30 units / 120 self-study units

4th semester

  • Management-oriented scientific work
    5 credit points / 30 units / 120 self-study units
  • Master thesis and colloquium
    25 credit points / 0 units / 750 self-study units


Module handbook in accordance with the examination regulations from 2010

Module handbook in accordance with the examination regulations from 2016

Occupational profile

What professional tasks are you being qualified for?

  • For comprehensive training for relevant expert and leadership functions in all fields of healthcare.
  • For a special qualification for management tasks in companies or as an entrepreneur in the healthcare industry.
  • For the conveyance of expert competencies for the targeted handling of networked care structures, as well as current challenges of current financing questions.
  • For the targeted development of competencies for coping with international tasks in the healthcare industry.

Career prospects

Elevated managerial tasks

  • on the national and international healthcare market,
  • at authorities and municipalities,
  • at healthcare and nursing care companies,
  • at institutions of consumer protection,
  • in the development of attractive, marketable companies and service offers
  • as well as independent organization development, project management, quality management, counselling tasks.
Eva Hahnenstein-JacobSecretary for faculty 4
Building 2, Room 103
Fax : +49 69 1533-2809
Prof. Dr.
Wolfram Burkhardt
Head of Nursing and Health Management (M.A.)
Building 10, Room 423
Phone : 069 1533 2656

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1703
last updated on: 06.11.2024