
Study Industrial Engineering and Management (M.Sc.)

If you study with us today, you can change the world tomorrow. This master's program enables you to solve technical problems with commercial competence. It ideally combines aspects of engineering with relevant areas of economics. Interdisciplinary, application-oriented and literally interdisciplinary. With us, it's all about Future from Monday to Friday.

Why us – why here?

Small groups, direct contact with the lecturers, practical relevance to companies, cosmopolitan atmosphere on campus, mega opportunities on the job market, exciting practical case projects, internationality and semesters abroad guaranteed - and last but not least: an interdisciplinary professional and personal education as a return on investment for life.


Greeting from the deanship

Additional information for ...
First-year students

Application (preconditions and test)
Registration for the aptitude test

The most important in brief

Study program

Industrial Engineering and Management


Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Standard period of study

4 semesters

Form of study


ECTS credits


Lecture language


Admission requirements



ZEvA until 30.09.2026

Start of studiy*

Every winter semester*

Application deadline for the summer semester

Application deadline for the winter semester


*About the semester dates.

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The study program

If you are an engineer who is equally interested in technology and business, then this degree program is just right for you, because it brings both worlds together! Industrial engineering combines technical and scientific aspects of engineering with the economic and legal aspects of economics. As a future industrial engineer, you will be able to look beyond departmental boundaries, coordinate the different interests and solve technical issues with commercial competence. The labor market's demand for well-trained industrial engineers is high. The trend toward specialization in the profession that has prevailed up to now is being replaced by a trend toward more interdisciplinarity. Instead of specialists, generalists are sought who, for example, have an overview of a complete production process in its technical processes and economic aspects. This degree program provides you with exactly this overarching know-how with a specialization in logistics - the interface between technology and business.

Career prospects

Industrial engineers find a broad professional field in many sectors. There is a high demand in industry, trade and the service sector. The preferred fields of activity are logistics, marketing, corporate management, controlling, research and consulting. But industrial engineers are also sought after in production, information, personnel and project management. The current top position of logistics has only emerged in the last five to seven years. Industrial engineers with an interdisciplinary background are ideally qualified to cover the broad spectrum of tasks within the supply chain of different industries. According to a survey by the professional association VWI, more than 90% of industrial engineers work in the private sector, two thirds of them in management positions - 15% in self-employed positions, 77% as employees in the private sector and 8% in the public sector.

Study structure

The degree program is designed for four semesters. It builds on your existing education as an engineer and provides you with the necessary skills in business administration, economics and law from the first to the third semester with a focus on business engineering-related disciplines with a focus on logistics. In the logistics modules in particular, there is intensive cooperation and close collaboration with companies from the real world. In the second semester, you will also work on a project together with a company or a social institution as part of the module "Practical Case Project". In the fourth semester, you may focus on your master's thesis with colloquium.

First semester

  1. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Grundlagen (economic basics)
  2. Empirische und quantitative Verfahren (empirical and quantitative methods)
  3. Strategisches Management (strategic management)
  4. Wirtschaftsprivatrecht (private commercial law)
  5. Strategisches und operatives Marketing (strategic and operational marketing)
  6. Rechnungswesen (accounting)

Second semester

  1. Praxisfallprojekt (Practical Case Project)
  2. Logistikmanagement I (Logistics Management I)
  3. Logistikmanagement II (Logistics Management II)
  4. Internationales Recht und Arbeitsrecht (international law and labor law)
  5. Personalmanagement (personnel management)
  6. Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling (corporate management and controlling)

Third semester

  1. Change Management und Konfliktmanagement (change management and conflict management)
  2. IT gestütztes Prozessmanagement mit ERP-Systemen (IT-supported process management with ERP systems)
  3. Supply Chain Management
  4. Unternehmensführung und Compliance (corporate governance and compliance)
  5. Entrepreneurship and Business Development
  6. Investition und Finanzierung (investment and financing)

Fourth semester

  1. Master Thesis with Colloquium

Great content – close to practice!

  • Interdisciplinary scientific and practice-oriented knowledge.
  • Technical procedures taking into account business aspects such as cost efficiency, resource requirements and market orientation.
  • Use of modern information technologies.
  • Acting and existing in an international business environment.
  • Methods of planning, organizing, designing and implementing work and business processes.
  • Project work by and with companies.
  • Team and social skills.
  • Focus on logistics - the interface between technology and business.
  • The Industrial Engineering and Management program comprises 120 credit points (ECTS) and has been accredited by ZEvA (Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency).
  • Upon successful completion of your studies, you will receive the Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree.

In addition to many good reasons for a stay abroad, there are also many ways to fulfill this dream. We support you from the initial idea through the application process to the actual planning.

Bylaws for the aptitude assessment procedure
Excerpts of Module Descriptions  

Other documents such as class schedules, applications, etc. can be found at: My studies.



Diplom Betriebswirtin (FH), MBA
Gülsüm Keskin
Fb3: Wirtschaft und Recht
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 809

Application and enrollment with national degrees

Application and enrollment with international degrees

Head of degree course

Prof. Dr.
Susanne Koch
Prof. Logistik des Luftverkehrs
Building 4, Room 520

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1772
last updated on: 08.15.2024