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Study Psycho-social Counseling and Law (M.A.)

Information for prospective students of Psycho-social Counseling and Law (M.A.)

The application-oriented master's degree course 'Psychosocial Counseling and Law' qualifies and prepares graduates on a scientific basis for psychosocial, social and legal questions.



Psycho-social Counseling and Law
Master of Arts


6 Semester, part-time

ECTS-Credit Points


Program start

Summer semester

Application deadlines




Modified admission procedure

Please note the admission requirements. The corresponding excerpt from the examination regulations of the Master Psychosocial Counseling and Law can be found below under "Admission requirements".

The Master's degree course Counseling and Social Law has the following to offer

  • a well-founded practice-oriented scientific education
  • Counseling competencies in the four basic orientations of social intervention theories, systematic-solution-oriented, psychoanalytical and person-centered)
  • Evaluation methods for the internal and external evaluation of counseling services
  • An integration of legal and psychosocial counseling methods
  • Individual teaching counseling outside of institutions of higher education
  • The acquisition of practical supervision and coaching competencies
  • A possibility to complete a doctorate after graduating

The degree course

The standard period of study is six semesters (or 120 credits in accordance with ECTS). The degree course is modularly structures and includes 12 modules.
The teaching takes place during the performance of the tasks. During the semester every fourteen days on Thursdays and Fridays including three-day long block events from Thursday until Saturday usually at the beginning and at the end of the semester.
The overall workload is 3600 hours.

The degree course includes a total of 765 hours lectures (51 hours per week during the semester). 75 hours group work, as well as 2760 hours self-study (including 20 hours individual teacher counseling in an individual setting over the entire period of studies plus 100 hours study-accompanying practice.

After the third semester, an extensive specialization in two areas is possible. This way the different work areas of the participants in the specialized fields are considered.

1. Focus Counseling / Law / Case Management

The focus Counseling / Law / Case Management qualifies on a scientific level for tasks in psychosocial counseling in connection with legal questions. You develop differentiated counseling competencies, you can carry out crisis interventions and develop your own counseling style from various counseling methods.

2. Counseling and Psychotherapy in the life span

The master's degree course is structured in a way that in addition to the stated areas on the page of Psychosocial Counseling and Law further foci are on counseling, mediation and crisis interv+G65ention. In its psychosocial and therapeutic orientation, particular attention is drawn to the personality development and its disorders from childhood to adulthood. Center of attention is the intrapsychological relation patterns as basic components of the social and psychological experience and activities. The counseling competence based on well-founded developmental psychological and diagnostic knowledge is also reflected based on social-political and legal framework conditions.

The integrative approach of the degree course includes the ability of the students to theoretically substantiate a problem in the field counseling / psychotherapy with regard to psychosocial aspects, as well as its legal aspects independently and link it with an expert selection of counseling methods.

The degree course Psychosocial Counseling and Law (M.A.) consists of 12 modules. You can find detailed information about the modules regarding the degree course here:

Module manual M.A. Psychosocial Counseling and Law


[Translate to EN:]

㤠3 Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
(1) Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung zum Studium sind
a. ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium an einer staatlich anerkannten Hochschule aus den Bereichen des Gesundheits-, Sozial- oder Pflegewesens mit einer Regelstudienzeit von mindestens sechs Semestern bzw. mit mindestens 180 ECTS-Punkten (Credit Points) und
b. 400 Stunden Beratungserfahrungen im Bereich der psychosozialen und / oder rechtlichen Beratung. Diese Beratungserfahrung kann während oder außerhalb des vorangegangenen Hochschulstudiums erworben worden sein. Die Beratungserfahrung kann im Rahmen einer Berufstätigkeit, eines Praktikums und / oder einer ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeit erworben worden sein.


(2) Hochschulabsolventinnen und Hochschulabsolventen einer staatlichen Hochschule mit einer Regelstudienzeit von mindestens sechs Semestern bzw. mit mindestens 180 ECTS-Punkten (Credit Points) aus anderen als in Absatz 1 Buchstabe a genannten Bereichen müssen Beratungserfahrung im Bereich der psychosozialen und / oder rechtlichen Beratung von mindestens 2.500 Stunden nachweisen.

(3) Zum Nachweis der Zulassungsvoraussetzung nach Absatz 1 Buchstabe b bzw. nach Absatz 2 ist eine Bestätigung der entsprechenden Beratungsstelle bzw. Institution vorzulegen.“


The deadline for the receipt of the application ends on January 15.

Admission restrictions

The degree course is admission restricted. The study spot placement takes place via a local NC procedures.


The degree courseCounseling and Social Law is a consecutive master's degree course which is currently free of charge. 
With the entry into force of the Student Loan Act of Hesse (Hessisches Studienbeitragsgesetzes) no fee is charged since the winter semester of 2008/09.

Next to the regular semester fees a single payment fee of  €1150.00 is charged for the individual teaching therapy.

Registration fees with the Frankfurt UAS remain in place. Please inquire about the amount at the Admissions Office under studienbuero(at)

Additional information

You can find more information about the application here

A completed degree course is obligatory for the six-semester long profession-accompanying degree course. The degree must be from the fields of health, social or nursing care, which requires a standard period of study of at least six semesters or 180 ECTS credits. University graduates from other fields must provide evidence of at least 2,500 hours of counseling experience in the field of psychosocial and/or legal counseling.

Goal of the application-oriented master's degree course, which is accredited since 2002, is to ensure qualification and quality standards for a scientifically founded psychosocial counseling in connection with legal knowledge.G77 Mediation-related competencies and crisis intervention are integral parts of the counseling understanding. The professionalization of counseling shall be supported by research competence and the use of scientifically tested and supported theories and procedures.

The integrative counseling approach is for the counseling of persons and groups in their life and work environment, as well as in their developmental tasks. On the one hand it is attempted to improve the offers of demanding counseling units for people in particularly difficult situations and work situations in the sense of a consumer and client protection and on the other hand, meet the demand for expert leadership and teaching competencies.

The master's degree course takes into consideration that the professional counseling occupations in the Federal Republic of Germany underlie the legal regulations, which statutorily regulate counseling. At the same time the socio-political importance of counseling is underlined and critically questioned with social phenomena. The expansion of the social state lead to the fact that social relations have become more and more statutorily regulated. In social politics and social work the statutory regulation process has become irreversible it its core. The consequence is that due to the different counseling offers more differentiated legal claims of clients must be considered.

In order to reach that goal, the students must be able to theoretically substantiate a problem in the field of counseling including psychotherapeutic perspectives, as well as psychosocial and legal aspects independently and connect it with a professional choice of counseling methods. During the studies social law, psychosocial counseling and intervention methods are conveyed together.

Basic counseling competencies are developed from the four basic orientations of social intervention theories (behavior-oriented, systematically-solution-oriented, psychoanalytical and person-centered). The broad spectrum of these methods shall serve the diversity of the problems of the clients and the work fields and provide the students with the chance to develop their own counseling style and an individual profile.

The carried out counseling services provided by students at their workplace or as a freelancer provide the starting point for the counseling competencies during lectures, case solutions or practical seminars, integrative workshops, exercises and supervision.  This way the counseling qualification can be developed in accordance with the field of activity and tasks specific.

Students have the chance to complete their counseling practice and case documentations in the frame of a practical project a work group called: AG TuWas at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. This work group 'AG TuWas' is a long-term project of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences with consultation questions regarding the areas of the Social Act II and XII.

With the academic degree 'M.A. Psychosocial Counseling and Law' you can work in the following fields among others:

  • Partnership, family and life counseling
  • separation and divorce counseling / family mediation
  • Education counseling
  • guardian ad litem / child's advocate
  • debt counseling
  • Intercultural counseling
  • unemployment and employment counseling
  • Counseling of older people (particularly care counseling and supervision counseling)
  • alcohol and addiction counseling
  • counseling of people with disabilities
  • counseling in the work-world (i.e. supervision, mediation and coaching)
  • case management

The master's degree course is designed so that the already mentioned work fields can be extended by foci in counseling, mediation and crisis intervention.

An increase in counseling services is noticed in every part. The counseling sector is considered to be a basic growth sector, which particularly in crisis situations reveals a trend to other department+G146s.

These processes lead to the fact that the counseling requirements has drastically grown. This is revealed in the presence in numerous acts in which the legal claims for counseling are nominated and new forms of counseling. (i.e. SGB I, SGB II, SGB III, SGB VIII, SGB IX, SGBXI, SGB XII).

Counseling is offered for almost every problem. Pensioner, debtor, elderly, care, social and pregnancy conflicts, family, drug, occupation, separation, teenager and educational counseling etc. are basically for all citizens and are not only used by the so-called social risk groups. In addition to those counseling services, the counseling of groups and institutions with coaching, supervision and organizational counseling is added.

The degree course has mainly conveyed an institution-related profile but at the same time diverse cross-institution counseling competencies, which are also fundamental for freelance tasks.
With an increasing counseling requirement, the requirements for a well-founded scientific training of counselors and the scientific competencies for the quality assurance, which is conveyed in a practice-oriented manner.

The master’s degree course has the purpose of building on the basic qualifications of a first degree. A degree from an institution of higher education in the fields of healthcare, social services or nursing care is therefore a mandatory requirement. Direct access to doctoral studies is available, which facilitates a foundation for a higher pay scale in accordance with collective agreements.

The profile development of professionals in the consulting field shall be promoted through the internationally recognized Master of Arts (M.A.) degree, which allows the completion of doctoral studies.

The requirements for the access to higher civil service are met.

The accreditation committee considers the requirements for the access to ‘higher’ civil service on the basis of the assessors’ evaluation met and in accordance with the Conference of the Ministers of the Interior from June 06, 2002 and the Conference of the Ministers of Education from May 24, 2002.

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1918
last updated on: 04.03.2024