
Study Urban Agglomerations (M.Sc.)

International and interdisciplinary formation in sustainable planning, development, management and operation of city-regions and large agglomerations

The Master’s degree course has a strong international orientation. It is implemented by the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, in cooperation with renowned international partner universities for an international exchange course in the third semester.


M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations is a 2-year full-time course. The course is taught completely in English. The course leads to the international academic degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.).


Info Meeting 

Would you like to find out more about Urban Agglomerations?
Join our online information session on September 4th at 2:00 p.m. (CEST).

Register here for the online Info Meeting soon.



Urban Agglomerations

Master of Science (M. Sc.)


4 semesters, full-time

ECTS credit points


Program starts

Winter semester

Application deadline

May 1st:

for applicants with degrees from foreign non EU countries

September 15th :

for applicants with German and other EU degrees




By Stiftung Akkreditierungsratuntil 30.09.28

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New: Certificate Programs

Starting in the upcoming summersemester, we will be offering the following continuing education certificates:


Discover the program

The Master's program Urban Agglomerations, is a 2-year full-time course. The course is taught completely in English. The course leads to the international academic degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.).

The course is based on an integrated international orientation. It is organized and implemented by the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, in cooperation with renowned international partner universities for an exchange course during the third semester.

The exposure to teaching and planning environments of different cultures forms an important intention of the degree course, contributing to intercultural sensibility and competencies.

The Master's degree course consists of four semesters. The specific study content during the first two semesters at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences provides the students with a broad understanding and basic knowledge of urban agglomerations.

The modules concentrate on a structured study program and introduce and covers all relevant topics, including planning, environmental infrastructure, mobility, governance, as well as social and cultural issues.

The third semester is an international exchange semester. The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences has cooperation agreements with partner universities worldwide, offering master’s degree programs in similar fields.

In the fourth semester, the students return to the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences to write their master’s thesis.

Who can apply?

Graduates from all countries across the world holding a diploma, a bachelor or an equivalent first academic degree conforming to EU first degree standards in:

  • Architecture
  • Civil Engineering
  • Urban, Regional, Landscape or Environmental Planning
  • Facility Management 
  • Surveying,
  • Real Estate
  • Geo-Informatics
  • Urban Geography
  • or other planning-related disciplines

Additionally, graduates who are training for a career and relevant position in either the public or private sector, e.g., urban and regional administration and authorities such as planning and management departments, development corporations, free-lance consultants, real estate agencies, research institutes, etc. are welcome to apply.


Career prospects

The course is practice-oriented and qualifies graduates to continue their professional career in the public, semi-public or private sector in urban and regional administrations and local authorities with their planning or management departments, development corporations, free-lance consultants, real estate agencies, research bodies, international institutions, etc.

The primary aim of the course is to prepare students to approach and solve complex urban problems in interdisciplinary teams as well as to prepare them to be responsible decision-makers in their future tasks in both developed and developing countries.

Due to the program’s international and interdisciplinary focus which targets a diverse group of applicants from a variety of technical disciplines, it is not a classical urban planning course. It is therefore not listed under the Chamber of Architects and Town Planners of Hesse and does not entail an eligibility for membership in this Chamber.


Tuition fees

The study program is subject to tuition fees.

Application fee:

100 € for each application

Fees for enrollment for the winter semester:

12.000 € tuition fee for the whole study program (payment in 4 instalments possible)

+ administration fee for each semester in the respectively applicable amount (approx. 375€) 

Fee for retaking examinations:

300 € for each retake of the examination

Fee for retaking the Master's thesis examination:

1.500 €  for each retake of the examination


Fees for single modules without enrollment at the university:

500€ for each module with 5 ECTS points

1.000€ for each module with 10 ECTS points


For more information please contact the coordination office: ua-info(at)




04.11.2022 - 05.11.2022
Excursion to Munich

The semester has started and we are very happy to welcome our new Urban Agglomerations Master students. In November we had our first excursion to Munich, where we visited different projects of the Munich urban development -from the royal city center to the Olympic Park to new cooperative housing projects and the trade fair city on the former airport site.


Open House Exhibition 2022

Every year, the Faculty of Architecture presents an exhibition to highlight inspiring work from students at the university. Two of our newly graduated students, Vivek Krishnan and Cinthya Tello León had their excellent master theses showcased at the Open House this year. You can find more information about the exhibition here.


Erasmus+Blended Intensive Program, Helsinki, Spring 2022. “Urban Commons and City Development”

Five of our current students participated in a multidisciplinary program hosted by U!reka Lab. The aim of the program was to investigate how prinicples of urban commons can be used in case studies from different cultural settings. The program consisted of webinars with workshops taking place in Helsinki, Finland. Our students were able to work with students from universities in Finland, Portugal, Netherlands and the Czech Republic. You can find more information on the blog: U!reka Lab: Urban Commons.

Arrival of New Students Winter Semester 2021/2022

A warm welcome to our Urban Agglomeration students for the winter semester 2021/2022! The new semester began with an introductory week, which included a welcome session where students were able to introduce themselves to staff as well one another and discover the campus, library and other services. We wish them all the very best with the new semester as they embark on their new journey!


Upcoming International Exchange Semester WS 2021/2022

Summer Semester 2021 is here! Students have already begun classes and have also decided on which partner universities they are set to attend in the upcoming winter semester. These include Poznan University of Technology, Malmö University, Istanbul Technical University, Politecnico di Milano, Krakow University of Technology and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


Renewed Accreditation (2020-2028)

After a panel of external experts (Stiftung Akkreditierungsrat) reviewed the M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations program and held discussions with lecturers, faculty and university administrative staff as well as graduates and current students, the program was officially reaccredited for another 8 years. This would not have been possible without the excellent and continued contributions and commitment from all those involved in our program.

Passenger Transport Energy Use in Ten Swedish Cities: Understanding the Differences through a Comparative Review

A scientific article about energy conservation in the passenger transport sector of cities was recently published by Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Kenworthy. The article can be found here: Passenger Transport Energy Use in Ten Swedish Cities: Understanding the Differences through a Comparative Review

Urban Agglomerations Student and Rugby Player for ScFrankfurt 1880

One of our students, Ian Minjire from Kenya, shows us how well one can combine studies and sports. An article was published showcasing the engineer and his passion for rugby.
More details can be found at the following link: JKUAT Alumnus Secures a Sports Scholarship in Germany
His achievements were also broadcasted on Kenyan national television:

Place-Making through the Creation of Common Spaces in Lima’s Self-Built Settlements: El Ermitaño and Pampa de Cueva as Case Studies for a Regional Urbanization Strategy

A scientific article about common spaces in self-built settlements in Lima was published by a group of UA students together with Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Kenworthy and Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz in December 2019. The article can be found here: Place-Making through the Creation of Common Spaces in Lima’s Self-Built Settlements

Arrival of the New Students

On Monday, 14th October 2019 at 10:00 a.m., the students of the 12th year of Urban Agglomerations started their studies. They were welcomed by the program director, the coordinators and by the President of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The opening ceremony was followed by a three-day introductory event.

Anatomy of an Informal Transit City: Mobility Analysis of the Metropolitan Area of Lima

A group of UA students worked together with Prof. Dr. Jeffrey Kenworthy and Dr. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz on a scientific article about the metropolitan area in Lima. The article dealt with the difficult issue of mobility in rapidly motorizing cities using Lima as a case example. Lima was found to be a city that relies heavily on transit but mostly on poorer quality and informal modes of transport. If Lima wants to progress in the area of sustainable transport, it needs to develop a strong backbone of formal modes of transport preferably rail, stop building freeways and devote attention to radically improving the situation for non-motorized modes. The article was published in July 2019 and can be found here: Anatomy of an Informal Transit City: Mobility Analysis of the Metropolitan Area of Lima

Reports about the Exchange Semester

After returning from their exchange semester, our students presented the experiences they were able to gain at our partner universities during the last winter term. Students from our M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations program studied at our partner universities in Sweden, Poland, Italy and Turkey.

Master's Thesis Presentations

On 16th and 17th September 2019, 13 master’s theses from our students of the current summer semester were presented to the public.

20.06.2019 - 23.06.2019
Excursion to Lyon

In June 2019, students and lecturers from the M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations program, Barrier-Free-Systems and UMSB spent an extended weekend in Lyon in France and visited many urban developments and some architectural projects. Each student prepared a short report on project for which they then presented on the tour. Examples of these projects: included the urban development projects Part-Dieu, La Duchère, La Confluence, the development of the riverbanks and public spaces in the historic city centre, the Croix-Rousse district and housing estates from the 1920s such as the Gratte-Ciel district and Les États-Unis. Furthermore, we visited the Musée des Confluences designed CoopHimmelb(l)au and the Museum and Roman Theaters Lugdunum designed by Bernard Zehrfuss.


The Master’s course: Urban Agglomerations is completely taught in English. It comprises of twelve modules that are 5 to 30 credits each and the final Master’s Thesis (30 credits). The complete course therefore is 120 ECTS-credits.

The students spend three semesters in Frankfurt (semester 1, 2 and 4) and one exchange semester (semester 3) at an international partner university.




    Modules from winter semester 2020:



    There are 13 study modules, and each terminates with an exam.
    Examinations are either oral, written or submitted as project work and are defined in the description of the respective modules.

    Available exams



    ECTS Credits

    Examination of the module


    UA M1

    Urban Development and Sustainable Cities


    Written exam (120 minutes, 50%) and written assignment (8 weeks, 50%)


    UA M2

    Mobility in Cities


    Project work (12 weeks)


    UA M3

    Social and Cultural Challenges of Cities


    Oral presentation (10-20 minutes, 25%), written assignment (8 weeks, 25%) and project work (8 weeks, 50%)


    UA M4

    Land Management and Land Use Planning


    Project work (12 weeks)


    UA M5

    Geographical Information Systems (GIS)


    Written exam (150 minutes)


    UA M6

    Scientific Methods and Academic Skills


    Written assignment (6 weeks, 25%), written assignment 2 (6 weeks, 25%), written assignment 3 (8 weeks, 50%)


    UA M7.1

    Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation (A1-Niveau)


    Klausur 1 (60 Minuten, 35%), Klausur 2 (60 Minuten, 35%), Präsentation 5-10 Minuten, 30%)


    UA M7.2

    Deutsche Sprache und Kommunikation (A2-B1-Niveau)


    Klausur 1 (60 Minuten, 35%), Klausur 2 (60 Minuten, 35%), Präsentation 5-10 Minuten, 30%)


    UA M8

    Urban Infrastructure: Water and Sewage


    Written assignment (8 weeks)


    UA M9

    Urban Infrastructure: Waste and Energy


    Written assignment (8 weeks)


    UA M10

    Green and Public Spaces


    Project work (12 weeks)


    UA M11

    Interdisciplinary Project


    Project work (12 weeks) and presentation (10-20 minutes)


    UA M12

    International Exchange Course


    Depending on the requirements at the partner university

    English or other

    UA M13

    Master Thesis with Colloquium


    Master Thesis (18 weeks) and colloquium (40-60 minutes, 25%)


    The Master’s degree course: Urban Agglomerations (M.Sc.) offers an international and interdisciplinary study in sustainable planning, development, management and operation of city-regions and large agglomerations. This course is internationally oriented and therefore involves the exchange of perspectives from all over the world. It is implemented by the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, in cooperation with renowned international partner universities for an international exchange course in the third semester.

    The program is a 2-year full-time course taught completely in English. The course leads to the internationally recognized Master of Science (M.Sc.) academic degree.

    First start of the degree course: October 2008
    Accreditation until: September 2028

    Next application deadline:

    May 1st, for applicants with a first degree from non EU countries
    September 15th, for applicants with German and other EU degrees.

    Thesis topics

    Year of Graduation

    Thesis Topic



    Rethinking Dharavi. A Design Proposal for a Sustainable Future of an Informal Settlement in Mumbai

    Vijaylaxmi Umesh Shirol


    The Present and Potential Role of Cargo E-Bikes for Last-Mile Deliveries in European Cities

    Swikar Patil


    Building A Better Future – A Development Proposal for Revitalization of Jayanagar Neighbourhood in Bengaluru

    Sharanya Hoskote Bhavani Shankar


    Retail Redevelopment in City Centre – “The Zeil” Frankfurt Am Main. Preventing the decline of retail areas in inner cities through sustainable urban planning

    Serve Vosough


    Rediscover the Forgotten Puzzle Piece: Rejuvenating the Connection between Großauheim and Hanau Innenstadt by Urban Greenways

    Po Yiu (Canathy) Wong


    Impacts of the Beautification Projects in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Involuntary Relocation of Urban Underserved Communities

    Nishanthan Nadarajah


    Artificial Photosynthesis. A Case for Decentralized Energy Generation in Urban Agglomerations

    Muhammad Tahseen Abbasi


    Greening Up Pune. Programs and Mesures to increase the Benefits of Greening

    Karan Kirad


    Design Guidelines for Multicultural Urban Planning and Community Building

    JuYoung Kim


    Revitalization of Urban Villages in Delhi, India. A case study: Public participation in the development of Haiderpur village

    Atul Yadav


    Urban Agriculture and its Contribution towards Sustainable Cities and Communities

    Ashish Chougule


    Approaches for Mitigation of Urban Heat Islands. A Case Study in New Delhi

    Rex Kumar


    Approach for a Circular Economy in Industrial Waste Management to Promote Sustainable Urban Development. A Case Study of the Robert Bosch GmbH Chassis Systems Control

    Ha My Vo


    Ciudad Juárez: Towards a Water Sensitive Border City

    Brianda America Nieblas Ortiz


    Exploring the Use of Existing and Emergent Digital Technologies and Strategies in Enabling a Greater Sense of Place in an Urban Context: A Case Study of Fort Kochi, Kerala

    Vivek Krishnan


    Impact of Covid-19 on Cycling in Cities: An International Review

    Supriya Joshi


    Study of Sustainable Urban Paradigm for Katchi Abadis of Islamabad

    Asfandyar Shah


    Towards a Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Approach for Lima, Peru

    Cinthya Tello León


    Discovering Johannesburg’s Potential as a Water Sensitive City

    Sabena Thomas


    City of Wellbeing: Planning for Healthy and Inclusive Urban Environments

    Silvia Salazar Castro


    Increasing Cycling as a Non-Motorised Mode in Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Nazia Nawrin Hossain


    Towards a Pedestrianization Strategy for Amman, Jordan

    Dima Muti


    Sustainable Upgrading of Informal Settlements in Mumbai

    Vikrant Jantre


    Urban Decay in the Historic Core of Kolkata, India: Analysis, Opportunities and Strategies for Urban Regeneration

    Somraj Sarkar


    Future Prospects for Sustainable Public Transportation in Nairobi City

    Ian Stewart Minjire Kibira


    Accessibilty of Recreational Areas-An Infrastructural Analysis in the City of Hanau

    Ida Marie Olssøn


    A Critical Approach to the Urban Planning andTransport Implications of Ultra-High-Speed Rail, Hyperloop: A Case Study of the Mumbai to Pune Corridor, India

    Smriti Premsagar


    Impacts of River Renaturation in Germany: A study of the Socio-Ecological Impacts of the Emscher and Isar River Renaturation Projects in Germany

    Pratik Dani


    Urban Design Strategies to Mitigate the Urban Heat Island:A Case Study of Mumbai City

    Sania Khan


    The Role of Abandoned Railways as Strategic Places for Sustainable Development

    Prajakta Deshpande


    The Importance of Mobility as a Service in the Context of Smart and Sustainable Cities

    Dinorah Andrea Vargas Reyes


    Street Fight of the 21st Century: Learning from Barcelona’s Superblock Model on Sustainability in Transportation

    Samar Al Maaroufi


    Housing of immigrants in Columbia – A challenge for future living conditions

    Hirenkumar Bhagvandas Patel


    Strategies and Recommendations for Redeveloping the Settlements of Syrian Refugees

    Bachar Ntefeh


    Analysis of the Colombian Metropolitan Areas

    Andrés Felipe Mendoza Roa


    A Study of the Polycentric Urban Growth Strategy of Istanbul

    Khashayar Dashti


    Sustainable Management of the Channelized Water Streams in Bogotá

    Natalia Pulido Castro


    An Analysis of the Public Transport Performance in Brazilian Cities

    Sara Costa Sena Pereira


    Impact of High-Rise Development Plans on Property Values Frankfurt and Mumbai



    Lessons Learnt from the Changing Role of Public Spaces during the Arab Spring

    Ahmed Hamdi Ali Ihsan Hamdi


    Healing Cooum: A study of the Cooum river and it‘s restoration measures

    Varoon Venkat Shenoy


    A City by People? Public Participation in the Urban Planning of Leon, Mexico

    Natalia del Carmen Calixto Solano


    Proposal Pedestrianization of Kota Lama Semarang, Indonesia

    Muhammad Fahd Diyar Husni


    Mototaxis as Paratransit Modes in the Periphery of Lima

    Guillermo Franco Jauregui Fung


    Road Pricing as a Congestion Control Mechanism

    Ashish Talasadar


    Contemporary Shopping Spaces in the City of Bengaluru, India

    Sruthi Venkataramanan


    Waste as Resource-Energy Recovery Potentials of Sewage Sludge in Bengaluru City, India

    Mayura Varma Rajkumar Vatsala


    A Comparative Assessment on Bus Rapid Transit Systems in Latin America

    David Eduardo Castrillon Arango


    How to Transfer GIS Based Urban Models to Graphic-Optimized 3D-Tiles: State of the Art and Future Work

    Hung Che Yi


    Healing Monterrey trough Natural Infrastructure

    Ana Lucía Araujo Castro


    Revitalization of River Vishwamitri in the City of Vadodara, India

    Bhavsar Rahul


    Transitional Urbanism Forward Inclusive Rural Settlements

    Enna Aylen Briceño Córdoba


    Affordability of Housing and Transportation in Vancouver, Canada

    Jessica Wei-Lin Lam


    Introducing Low-Cost Technologies to Improve Thermal Comfort trough Participatory Design Based on The Social and Cultural Dynamics in Informal Settlements, Bogotá

    Abishek Ghayal


    Livability in Existing and Future Cities

    Anuradha Sharma


    World Heritage Historical Centers Protection and Development Policies

    Polina Khanukaeva


    Pedestrian Rights in Kathmandu Streets

    Jyotsna Shrestha


    Urban Innovation Process as a Factor for Sustainable Local Development in Germany and Mexico

    Cristina Salzazar Soto


    A Comparative Analysis of Eco-districts

    Shima Bouzari


    A sustainability analysis of harbour redevelopments in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Hamburg

    Shikha Salla Mohanraj


    Integration of electromobility into the city of Ahmedabad, India

    Mittal Patel


    The Urban and Socio-Economical Resilience of Tourism Based Developments: The Case of Playa del Carmen, Mexico

    Allyson Murillo Ruiz


    Smart Cities as a New Model for Urbanism in India

    Rajiv Singh Irungbam


    Housing Provision under the Effect of Current Development Strategies

    Öykü Ülgüner


    Capturing Land Value Appreciations Generated by Public Transport Improvements

    Evgenia Marinaki


    Concept design of a sustainable Transit Oriented Development in cooperation with a smart urban electrical grid

    Maria Tsioutsia


    urban Community Gardening as a Social Movement for More Sustainable Neighborhoods

    Olga Korovina


    The implementation of sustainable development principles in Tianjin Eco-City

    Biying Ding


    A Sustainability Assessment of the housing project Ciudad Verde in Soacha Colombia

    Jean Francisco Duque


    Formal and Informal Transport In Mexico City Public Transport

    Carolina Zabas Roeland


    Urban Safety. Food Production and Social Inclusion

    Alejandra Cid Patino


    An investigation of the anticipated spatial impacts of a high-speed train service in Chiangmai, Thailand

    Patchara Kanmuang

    All students applying for Urban Agglomerations have to prove a first degree conforming to EU first degree standards, awarded by a higher education institution in architecture, civil engineering, urban and regional planning, landscape and environmental planning, facility management, surveying, real estate, geo-informatics, urban geography or other planning-related disciplines.

    Applications can be submitted via the following online platform:

    The application for Urban Agglomerations is subject to an application fee of 100 €. Information regarding the payment of the fee will be sent to you once we have received your application and all the associated documents. Please note that this process may take at least 1-2 weeks. Once the application fee has been paid, your application can be processed.

    Your application will then be checked by the International Office of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

    If all formal conditions are met, the International Office passes the application to the Faculty Committee, responsible for the admission.

    All international applicants need one set of authenticated and officially translated documents.
    Applicants with a first degree from China, Vietnam or India must provide an APS certificate.
    All German applicants need one set of documents and may present their authenticated official degrees and reports - as far as they were achieved in Germany - in German language.

    If you have any further questions with respect to this application and the Master’s program please contact us.


    Name of Study Program

    Urban Agglomerations

    Study Program

    Full time studies, regular period of study is 4 semesters (2 years), tuition fees


    Master of Science



    Beginning of Study Program

    The study program begins once a year in the winter semester.

    Admission restrictions

    First degree conforming to EU first degree standards (from a University or University of Applied Sciences), awarded by a higher education institution in architecture, civil engineering, urban and regional planning, landscape and environmental planning, facility management, surveying, real estate, geo-informatics, urban geography or other planning-related disciplines with a standard period of studies of at least 6 semesters (3 years) or 180 Credits;

    Professional experience of at least one year;

    English language ability (TOEFL 213 or IELTS 6 or Cambridge First Certificate (A) or equivalent test);

    Curriculum vitae;

    Letter of motivation;

    Portfolio of max. 10 pages presenting study and practice project;

    Letter of recommendation


    Application fee:

    100 € for each application

    Tuition Fee:

    12.000 € for the whole study program (payment in 4 instalments possible)

    + administration fee for each semester in the respectively applicable amount (approx. 350€)

    Fee for retake examinations:

    300 € for each retake examination

    Fee for retake examination of the master thesis:

    1.500 €  for each retake examination

    Additional Information

    The third semester is an international exchange course and has to be completed at a foreign partner university.

    The admission to the Master’s program is limited. Applicants must provide proof of a first degree conforming to EU first degree standards (from a University or University of Applied Sciences), awarded by a higher education institution in architecture, civil engineering, urban and regional planning, landscape and environmental planning, facility management, surveying, real estate, geo-informatics, urban geography or other planning-related disciplines with a standard period of studies of at least 6 semesters (3 years) or 180 ECTS credits.

    Professional experience of at least one year is required. This can be waived in case of excellent final results in the first degree.

    Non-native English-speaking students have to prove their English language ability through a TOEFL (CBT minimum score required: 213) or IELTS (minimum score required: 6) or Cambridge First Certificate (minimum score required: A) test or an equivalent certification. If the Bachelor’s (or comparable) degree has been obtained at a university, where the primary language of instruction was English, language skills are accepted as sufficient and confirmation of this from the university must be provided.

    Supporting documents to be submitted with the application form:

    • Curriculum Vitae
    • Letter of motivation in English which describes professional experience, interests as well as professional aims after the studies
    • Portfolio of max. 10 pages in DIN A4 format as a PDF file (max. 10 MB), presenting study and practice projects
    • Letter of recommendation from an academic supervisor or professor or employer

    If the number of qualified applicants exceed the number of places in the Master’s program, the written documents and applications will be decisive. The quality of both the first degree and the professional experience as well as the quality of the letter of motivation will affect the selection criteria.

    Download a list of all required application documents.

    The study program is subject to tuition fees which amount to 12.000 € for the whole study program.
    In addition, an administrative fee for each semester has to be paid in the respectively applicable amount (approx. 350 €).

    A fee is also charged for retaking examinations. These amount to300€ for each retake examination in the modules UA M1 - UA M11 and 1.500 €  for each retake examination of the master's thesis.


    The international master program was a memorable experience. Great and passionate lecturers opened my eyes to ideas and innovations I now appreciate in life. Their drive and push made me want to be successful. I also met great friends and discovered the lovely Frankfurt city among others on exchange.

    Ian Minjire, Kenya

    I am a Peruvian architect and I graduated from the UA Programme in 2019, which contributed greatly to developing a passion for sustainable urban mobility, as well as obtaining the necessary tools for scientific research and urban planning. I completed a six-month internship at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the TRANSfer Project, which aims to achieve climate-friendly transport measures in emerging economies. I am currently developing a doctoral research project in the field of motorised and non-motorised three-wheelers as first- and last-mile connectivity in Latin America. During the Winter Semester 2020-2021, I will also be a lecturer of one UA course along with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Peterek.

    Franco Jáuregui, Peru

    When I graduated from Urban Agglomerations in 2013, I was living in Istanbul and I stayed living in Turkey. I started to write for some Italian on-line and printed magazines about sustainable planning and architecture. Now I continue writing books on different topics including the field of architecture.

    Virginia Elena Patrone, Italy

    Thanks to the experience through the master program at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, nowadays I work as an adviser in urban planning, sustainable building and housing at the Urban Development Direction at the National Planning Department (DNP) of Colombia. Based on my academic experience in Germany and Sweden I currently implement in consultancy on national planning levels, urban policies and environmental programs, data analysis and assessment on infrastructure, climate change and urbanization.

    Alexandr Rodriguez Larin, Colombia

    Currently I‘m a research assistant at the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL). Since 2014, I have a position as a PhD candidate at the Institute of Economic and Cultural Geography, University of Hanover. While pursuing the international master’s program, I got the opportunity to study the fundamentals of urban sustainability and attend a number of workshops, focusing on several case studies in Europe and South America. This experience taught me that the key factors regarding prosperity and resilience is deeply rooted in the innovativeness of cities.

    Milad Abbasiharofteh, Iran

    I am an Indian Architect, graduated out from the Urban Agglomerations program in March 2016. I am currently working as an intern at Radbonus UG in Köln. Here, my task is to analyze the bicycle infrastructure of different German cities and also to perform market research. Choosing Urban Agglomerations as a master’s degree is one of the best decisions I made as a student. This program has not only enhanced my research skills, but also enabled me to work in the field of sustainable urban development. It has provided me with adequate knowledge of the various urban challenges faced by today´s agglomerations around the world.

    Shikha Salla, India

    The multidisciplinary faculty of the program enabled my fellow students and I to develop distinct scholarship based on our own individual interests. Through their guidance, I was able to obtain integral insights on the topics I have used to define my early career. Since graduation, I have gone on to become an urban development consultant for projects across Latin America, Africa, Europe and North America. Currently based between Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and Frankfurt am Main, Germany, I am grateful for the intercultural and interdisciplinary foundations the program helped to set.

    Nicholas Kasang, USA

    I graduated from the M.Sc. Urban Agglomerations in 2014 and have since worked for non-governmental organizations, as well as for the public and private sector. Currently, I work for the Government as a Senior Business Development Analyst, working for the Regional Transport Authority, Metrolinx, in the Toronto Region in Canada. I am leading the Voice of the Customer for our Fare Payment System, helping improve our customer experience and satisfaction

    Carolina Zabas Roelandt, Belgium/Spain

    Program director

    Prof. Dr.-Ing.
    Michael Peterek
    Studiengangsleitung Urban Agglomerations
    Building HoST, Room B-309

    Coordination office

    Anna Milan
    Studiengangskoordination "Beratung in der Arbeitswelt (M.A.)"
    Building HoST, Room B 1. OG
    Fax : +49 69 1533-62637

    Teaching staff

    Prof. Dr.-Ing.
    Paola Alfaro - d'Alençon
    Fachbereich: Städtebau und Entwerfen im internationalen Kontext
    Building 1, Room 506
    Sonja AltmüllerCoordination of intensive courses
    Building 2, Room 469
    Prof. Dr.
    Jens Brauneck
    Head of program Geodata Management (B.Eng.)
    Building 1, Room 315
    Prof. Dr.-Ing.
    Jan Dieterle
    Chair of Sustainable Open Space and Urban Design; Head of Urban Planning (B.Eng.)
    Building 1, Room 507
    Prof. Dr.
    Caroline Günther
    Head of degree course: Barrier-free Systems: Planning and Building (M. Sc.)
    Building 1, Room 510
    Fax : +49 69 1533-2761
    Prof. Dr.-Ing.
    Christian Hähnlein
    Studiengangsleitung Infrastruktur – Wasser und Verkehr
    Building 2, Room 61
    Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
    Susana Restrepo Rico
    Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
    Building HoST, Room 309
    Prof. Dr.
    Timo von Wirth
    Professur für Nachhaltigkeit
    Building HoST, Room B03 319
    Anja Willmann
    Energiedesign und -simulation
    Building 2, Room 61

    Information on the publications of the professors who teach in Urban Agglomerations can be found on the websites of the respective persons.


    The professors who teach in Urban Agglomerations are also involved in our research institue Frankfurter Forschungsinstitut für Architektur • Bauingenieurwesen • Geomatik (FFin)


    Cooperation agreements

    The Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Germany) has cooperation agreements for an exchange semester with the following universities in Europe and overseas:



    Ghana, Kumasi
    Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
    Master Program: Development Planning & Management

    Griffith University

    Australia, Queensland
    Griffith University
    Master Program: Urban and Environmental Planning


    India, Delhi
    School of Planning and Architecture Delhi
    Master Program: Urban Planning


    Thailand, Bangkok
    KMITL King Mongkut‘s Institute of Technology, Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand
    Master Program: Master of Urban and Regional Planning

    German-Jordanian University

    Jordan, Amman
    German-Jordanian University, GJU
    Master Program: M. Sc. Program in Spatial Planning



    Poland, Poznan
    PUT Poznan University of Technology, Poland
    Master Program: M.Sc Architecture


    Poland, Warsaw
    Warsaw University of Technology, PW
    Master Program: M.Sc. Architecture and Urban Planning


    Turkey, Istanbul
    ITU Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Faculty of Architecture
    Master Programs: Master of Urban Planning


    Italy, Milano
    Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    Master Program: Urban Planning


    Belgium, Antwerp
    University of Antwerp
    Master Program: Urbanism and Spatial Planning


    Poland, Krakow
    Krakow University of Technology, PK
    Master Program: M.Sc. Architecture


    Turkey, Izmir
    Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
    Master Programs: Urban Design, Urban Planning

    University of Malmö

    Sweden, Malmö
    University of Malmö, Sweden
    Master Programs: Sustainable Urban Management, Project Management and Organisation


    Norway, Trondheim
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    Master Program: Urban Ecological Planning


    Brasil, Santo André
    Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo André, Brasil
    Master Program: Territorial and Planning Management


    Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
    Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
    Master Program: Mestrado en Engenharia Urbana (Master in Urban Engineering)


    Colombia, Bogota
    Universidad Piloto de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia
    Master Program: Urban Management 


    Costa Rica, Cartago
    Tecnológico de Costa Rica
    Master Program: Bachiller en Arquitectura y Urbanismo (Bachelor in Architecture and Urbanism, 10 semesters)


    Brasil, Curitiba
    Universidade Catolica do Paraná - PUCPR, Curitiba, Brasil
    Master Program: Pós-Graduação em Gestão Urbana


    Chile, Concepción
    Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile
    Master Program: Habitat Sustentable y Eficiencia Energetica


    Mexico, Toluca
    UAEM Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, Mexico Facultad de Architectura y Diseno
    Master Program: Sustainable Regional and Metropolitan Studies


    Peru, Lima
    Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, PUCP, Lima
    Master Program: Bachiller en Arquitectura (Bachelor in Architecture, 10 semesters)


    Each year the Master’s program: Urban Agglomerations and partner universities from South America organize an annual meeting. In September 2013, the meeting took place at the Universidad Autonomá del Estado de México (UAEM) in Toluca, Mexico. This meeting was the fourth of its kind and was arranged as a workshop and for the first time, students from each university were invited to participate. Apart from the UAEM as the hosting university and the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, professors from the partner universities PUCPR Curitiba, Brazil; UFABC, Santo André, Brazil and Uni Piloto, Bogotá, Colombia; attended the workshop, which took place from 17-24 September 2013.

    The main theme of the workshop was “Sustainable Development in Metropolitan Regions” and the students had the possibility to study and discuss metropolitan regions by examining the city of Mexico. Excursions, lectures, round tables and project work formed part of the agenda. Five students from the master’s program: Urban Agglomerations participated.

    The workshop consisted of a lively, international group of students. Active discussions among students and lecturers enriched the communication between the involved participants coming from different areas of research. Overall, it was an intensive and interesting week, in which, apart from the professional input, new insights to cultural aspects were gained. The main focus of discussions was informal housing, as well as transportation and open spaces in the city. Mexico City is a good example to examine and do research on regarding these topics, as the problems of a mega-city are visible and can easily be identified. The challenges of informal settlements, when spreading out along the borders of the city, were clearly understood. Traffic, infrastructure and crime are only a few aspects which lead to serious problems within the metropolis.

    Since 2010, the master’s program: Urban Agglomerations and partner universities from South America arrange an annual meeting of the international network “Urban Knowledge Net”. In 2014, it was organized by the Universidad Piloto de Colombia in Bogotá. “Urban Knowledge Net”, initiated by Prof. Michael Peterek and Caroline Günther, is an international cooperation between the master’s program: Urban Agglomerations and postgraduate program from partner universities from Latin America, where lecturers from the individual postgraduate courses and research projects deal with topics of sustainable metropolitan regions.

    For the second time, this meeting was arranged as a workshop. Students from all the participating master programs were invited to join and learn. The topic of the workshop was “Integration of Metropolitan Regions” and it took place between 22-27 September 2014. Apart from participants from the Universidad Piloto de Colombia, as the hosting university, and the master’s program: Urban Agglomerations, professors from the partner universities from PUCPR Curitiba, Brazil, UFABC, Santo André, Brazil, UAEM, Toluca, Mexico, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile, attended the workshop.

    After the official opening of the international colloquium, which was organized as an accompanying event to the network meeting, various lectures were held by professors and students from the participating universities. The topics of the lectures dealt with the integration of metropolitan regions.

    Apart from the theoretical discussions, different field trips were organized to give a practical connection to the topic. One field trip was a visit to the operator and system of Transmilenio, the public transportation system of Bogotá. A second field trip brought participants to the outskirts of Bogotá to visit an environmental project, as well as a housing quarter, established on the furthermost border of the city. In both cases it was possible to get an intense insight of the problems this mega-city is confronted with.

    From the 5th to 9th October 2015, the annual meeting of the “Urban Knowledge Network” of the master’s program: Urban Agglomerations (M.Sc.) took place at the Universidad del Bío-Bío in Concepción, Chile. Most of the Latin American partner universities participated, as well as Prof. Michael Peterek and Prof. Caroline Günther from Frankfurt University.

    In the past, Chile has been confronted with many earthquakes and subsequently had to cope with numerous tsunamis. Dealing with such threats and defining strategies in order to adapt cities to such natural disasters, was a major challenge to the country as well as all other affected countries. In this context, a workshop took place at the Universidad del Bío-Bío, in addition to a network meeting. The topic of the workshop was “Global Climatic Change, Natural Disaster and Resilience” and concentrated on strategies for future prevention as well as mitigation. The workshop concentrated on research approaches and projects that are testing to anticipate events, mitigate disaster effects and build local resilience, in order to prepare communities for major challenges such as global warming and future disaster events.

    Thematically, the workshop invited all professionals interested and involved in neighborhood projects, risk and vulnerability analysis, climate change adaptation, mitigation strategies, integrated design approach, reconstruction projects, case studies on urban planning that contribute to enhance local resilience and empowerment. The workshop took place over two days, with many internationally renowned speakers.

    Summer School Urban Sustainability

    Bangkok, Thailand (2015)

    From July 13th to 29th, 2015, the master’s program: Urban Agglomerations organized its first international Summer School with the partner university, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) in Bangkok. The Summer School was sponsored by funding from the DAAD and the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). An interdisciplinary course on “Urban Sustainability” took place at the local International College.

    Six professors from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences and three colleagues from KMITL presented lectures in the fields of sustainable transport, urban theory, perception and culture, urban water supply and sanitation, land management, urban planning and universal design. The 18 students who participated came from seven different countries and diverse disciplines of architecture, landscape and urban planning, civil and energy engineering as well as environmental management.

    Students came from Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Nepal, Turkey, Italy and Germany. The students were mainly studying in their third to fifth year in architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, civil engineering, traffic management, energy engineering and environmental management.
    After the opening ceremony, conducted by the president of the KMITL, representatives of the German Embassy Bangkok and the DAAD German Academic Exchange Service, the course began.

    The program was divided into six learning units, dealing with the different aspects of urban sustainability:

    • Sustainable Transport - M.Eng. Dennis Knese
    • Urban Theory, Perception and Culture - Prof. Kathrin Golda-Pongratz
    • Urban Water Supply and Sanitation - Prof. Monika Horster
    • Land Management - Prof. Fabian Thiel
    • Urban Planning and Development - Prof. Michael Peterek
    • Universal Design - M. Sc. Caroline Günther

    Additionally, the group did four field trips together with colleagues from the KMITL. The aim was to intensify the specific contents of the units by investigating the real situation of the mega city Bangkok, and its urban, traffic, infrastructural and socio-cultural challenges. The field trips included:

    • a whole-day experience with the public transportation system (train, skytrain, metro, bus)
    • an excursion in the evening through quarters and neighborhoods in the city center
    • a visit to the campus of the Mahidol University. This university follows principles of a sustainable development on campus as well as in the neighborhoods (for example with projects concerning bike mobility, urban farming, waste- and water recycling)
    • a guided tour through the informal settlement Klong Toey, a traditional neighborhood in the center of the metropolis.

    During the summer school, the students worked on various case studies in four interdisciplinary groups. They were supposed to map, analyze and validate according to the knowledge they attained in the units and finally develop planning advice for future sustainable development of the urban area they were working on.
    In retrospect, the summer school was a great success for the master’s program: Urban Agglomerations. The intercultural and interdisciplinary exchange with all the participants was inspiring. Additionally, the collaboration with the partner university KMITL was excellent.

    Urban Agglomerations, as an international study program, combines theoretical knowledge and practical experience. We aim to connect theory and practice by offering specific events such as field trips, excursions, public lectures, or visits to institutions.

    In May 2018, the international Master’s program: Urban Agglomerations celebrated its 10th anniversary in an international week with lectures, workshops, excursions and a public celebration. In addition to alumni and students, numerous representatives of the partner universities worldwide participated.

    The publication celebrating the 10th anniversary of the program can be found here.


    At the beginning of every winter term we organize an excursion to a city in Germany to welcome the new students of our master program Urban Agglomerations. Apart from learning more about Germany at the beginning of the master program, the students also have the opportunity to get to know each other. This year we spent two days in Leipzig, a city that has a lot to tell about German history.”

    Apply now!

    Next application deadline for applicants with a German and other EU degrees for the winter term is September 15th.

    Next application deadline for applicants with a first degrees from from foreign non EU countries for the winter term is May 1st.

    Send us your application now.


    Prof. Dr.-Ing.
    Michael Peterek
    Studiengangsleitung Urban Agglomerations
    Building HoST, Room B-309
    Anna Milan
    Studiengangskoordination "Beratung in der Arbeitswelt (M.A.)"
    Building HoST, Room B 1. OG
    Fax : +49 69 1533-62637
    Website editorial teamID: 3236
    last updated on: 08.28.2024