
Study Architecture (M.A.)

Design and construction - from the first idea to the final detail

The master's degree course Architecture at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences has an application-oriented profile that is close to practice. The degree course focuses on applied design and project work, which is accompanied by a large number of elective modules. The students have the chance to specialize in the fields of their choice.

The module 'design and construction in architecture' is a mandatory module and forms the core of the studies. Additional modules from the areas of 'building and planning', 'economy, theory, history, building theory and urban development', and 'special fields of construction, of the material and the support structure' as well as from the obligatory modules of other building-related master's degree courses can be chosen. A series of lectures in the fields of architecture, civil engineering, design and art complement the process of specialization.

This degree course mainly focuses on 'design and construction', which is why the design and construction modules form the core of the  study structure. They are accompanied by elective modules from a selection of foundation studies, which allow a specialization during this course of studies. The thesis is an independent work that rounds off the studies in the frame of a design project.

Further information about this degree course can be found on the German version of this page.

Apply now!

(German only)

The application deadline for applicants with German degrees is February 15.

The application deadline for applicants with foreign degrees is January 15.

If you wish to apply with a foreign degree please refer to our International Office for further information on application procedures.




Master of Arts (M.A.)


4 Semester, full-time

ECTS-Credit Points


Program start

Summer and winter semester

Application deadlines

with german credentials:

SS 15. February

WS 01. August


with foreign credentials: SS 15. January/WS 15. July




By ACQUIN e.V. till 30.09.24.

Secretary's Office (Faculty 1)
Building 1, Room 431
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374
Heinrich Lessing
Studiengangsleitung Architektur B.A. und Architektur M.A.
Building 1, Room 521
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374

Please contact the Student Services Center at international.admission(at)


Office Hours

The current office hours can be found on the pages of the International Admission.




Info-Center of the Frankfurt UAS

You can contact the Info-Center of the Frankfurt UAS by phone via +49 69/ 1533 - 0 and the ticket system.

You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ.

Note: If you're using a "gmail" email address, some of our responses are currently being returned as undeliverable. Until the problem is resolved, we kindly ask you to refrain from contacting us via a "gmail" email address.

Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 1830
last updated on: 03.25.2024