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Prof. Dr. J. Winter

Professor of Business Information Systems

Office hours

Lecture period:

Non-lecture period:

by appointment via email

by appointment via email (Online via Zoom)

Focus in teaching and research

  • Business Information Systems
  • Enterprise Resource Planning with focus on SAP
  • Business Process Management
  • Databases
  • Information Retrieval
  • Knowledge Management
  • Distributed Systems




[27] Winter, J.: Transformation der Produktionsplanungs- und Controlling-Fallstudien (IDES) von SAP ERP nach SAP S/4 (GBI), In: Proc. of SAP Academic Community Conference DACH 2022 (ACC2022), Magdeburg, 2022.

[26] Unterstein, M.; Winter, J.: Low-Code Entwicklung mit Oracle APEX - Wege und Irrwege. iX - Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik, Hannover 2021.

[25] Winter, J.: "Ressourcenökonomisierung bei verteilter Suche" (Poster). In: 4. Forschungssymposium "Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen 2017" des Instituts für wirtschafts- und rechtswissenschaftliche Forschung Frankfurt, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 2017 (not peer-reviewed).

[24] Winter, J.: "Phasenübergreifendes Geschäftsprozessmanagement auf XML-Basis" (Poster). In: 4. Forschungssymposium "Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen 2017" des Instituts für wirtschafts- und rechtswissenschaftliche Forschung Frankfurt, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 2017 (not peer-reviewed).

[23] Winter, J.: „Forschungsprojekt SPIRIX“, In: Tagungsband des Symposiums "Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen“, Institut für wirtschafts- und rechtswissenschaftliche Forschung Frankfurt, Fachbereich 3, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 2015 (not peer-reviewed). 

[22] Winter, J.: "SPIRIX – Suche in Verteilten Systemen" (Poster). In: 1. Forschungssymposium des Instituts für wirtschafts- und rechtswissenschaftliche Forschung Frankfurt, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 2014 (not peer-reviewed).

[21] Winter, J.; Christen, M.: "Zentrale Suchmaschinen - Die neuen Bottlenecks des Internetzeitalters?". In: Krah, H.; Müller-Terpitz, R.: "Suchmaschinen"; Passauer Schriften zur interdisziplinären Medienforschung, Bd. 4, Passau, 2014.

[20] Christen, M.; Winter, J.: "Zentrale Suchmaschinen: notwendige Werkzeuge für effektiven Informationszugriff oder effektive Torwächter zwischen Benutzer und freier Wissensgesellschaft?", In: "Suchmaschinen - die neuen Bottlenecks des Internetzeitalters?", IIM, Passau, 2013.

[19] Winter, J.; Seiler, J.: "Dezentrale Suche als Beitrag zur demokratischen Wissensgesellschaft?", In Proc. of IR-2012, Workshop on Information Retrieval 2012, at LWA'12 (Lernen, Wissen, Adaption), Dortmund, 2012.

[18] Winter, J.: Supporting Search Engines by Exploitation of Semi-Structured Online Sources. In: Proc. of Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Exploitation from semi-Structured Online Sources (KEESOS 2011) at XIV Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA 2011), St. Cristobal, Spain, 2011.

[17] Winter, J.: An Approach to XML Information Retrieval in Distributed Systems. It-Information Technology, Jahrgang 53 (2011) Heft 4, DOI 10.1524/itit.2011.0645, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München, 2011.

[16] Winter, J.: Democratisation of Digital Search by Decentralisation. In: Proc. of ACM 3rd International Conference on Web Science (WebSci'11), Koblenz, Germany, 2011.

[15] Winter, J., Kühne, G.: Achieving High Precision With Peer-to-Peer Is Possible! In: Focused Retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNSC), Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2010.

[14] Winter, J.: XML IR in Verteilten Systemen. In: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Bonner Köllen Verlag, 2010.

[13] Winter, J.; Kühne, G.: Experiments regarding the Efficiency Track and the Ad Hoc Track at INEX'09: Searching in Large-Scale Collections. In: Preproceedings of the 8th International Workshop of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX 2008), Brisbane, Australia, Dez. 2009.

[12] Winter, J.: XML Information Retrieval in Verteilten Systemen. (XML Information Retrieval in Distributed Systems). Dissertation, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany, 2009.

[11] Winter, J.; Stezel, J.: Searching Wikipedia Based on a Distributed Hash Table. In: Proc. of Workshop Information Retrieval, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), at LWA’09, Darmstadt, Germany, 2009.

[10] Winter, J.; Drobnik, O.: SPIRIX - A Peer-to-Peer Search Engine For XML-Retrieval. In: Advances in Focused Retrieval - Revised and Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5631, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany, 2009.

[09] Winter, J.; Jeliazkov, N.; Kühne, G.: Aiming For More Efficiency By Detecting Structural Similarity. In: Advances in Focused Retrieval - Revised and Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5631, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany, 2009.

[08] Winter, J.; Drobnik, O.: University of Frankfurt at INEX2008 - An Approach For Distributed XML-Retrieval. In: Preproceedings of the 7th International Workshop of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX 2008), Dagstuhl, Germany (2008).

[07] Winter, J.; Jeliazkov, N.: Recognition of Structural Similarity to Improve Performance In: Preproceedings of the 7th Internat. Workshop of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX 2008), Dagstuhl, Germany (2008).

[06] Winter, J.: Routing of Structured Queries in Large-Scale Distributed Systems. In: Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval (LSDS_IR'08) at ACM 17th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2008), Napa Valley, California, USA, Oct 2008, (acceptance rate: 58%).

[05] Winter, J.: Exploiting XML Structure To Improve IR In P2P Systems. In: Doctoral Consortium at 31st ACM Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval Conference (SIGIR2008), Singapore, July 2008 (acceptance rate: 44%).

[04] Winter, J.; Drobnik, O.: Cooperating Peers for Content-Oriented XML-Retrieval. (Only for private use of students). In: International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering(IJMUE), Vol. 3 No. 3, SERSC, July 2008 (invited paper).

[03] Winter, J.; Drobnik, O.: A Distributed Indexing Strategy for Efficient XML Retrieval. In: Efficiency Issues in Information Retrieval Workshop (EIIR2008) at European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR2008), Glasgow, Scotland, March 2008 (acceptance rate: 66%).

[02] Winter, J.; Drobnik, O.: Peer-to-Peer Cooperation for Content-Oriented XML-Retrieval. In: International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Computing for Information Search (P2PSearch 2007) at Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN2007), Jeju-Island, Korea, Dec. 2007 (acceptance rate: 30%).

[01] Winter, J.; Drobnik, O.: An Architecture for XML Information Retrieval in a Peer-to-Peer Environment. In: ACM PIKM 2007 at ACM 16th Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2007), Lisboa, Portugal, Nov. 2007 (acceptance rate: 40%). © ACM, (2007). This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in PIKM 201907, November 9, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal. Copyright 2007 ACM 978-1-59593-832-9/07/0011


Compulsory elective

For students of the Business Administration (BW) and International Business Administration (IBA) Bachelor programs


  • Please note the respective current information on Moodle concerning course times and exercise group assignment. 
  • Important: Please register for one of the exercise groups for this course on Moodle (there are two Moodle courses each: one password-protected course with the exercise materials, slides etc. and one freely accessible course for the assignment into exercise groups)


The course looks at the management of business processes (Business Process Management (BPM)), in particular the modeling of such processes with corresponding tools. Furthermore, it deals with the support of operational business processes through standard software. The market-leading SAP system is discussed as an example.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is the collective term for the entire planning and management processes of a business across the value added processes. ERP systems were developed with the objective to structure all standard business administration processes in a business in a uniform manner and allow for the use in as many countries and industries as possible.

The course is mostly practice-oriented. Several case studies will be implemented in the SAP system (focus on logistics). The corresponding business processes will first be modeled with suitable methods and studied.


  1. BPM Introduction
  2. BPM Petri nets
  3. BPM Business processes across businesses
  4. ERP systems (general)
  5. Introduction to SAP
  6. System-wide concepts in SAP
  7. SAP module Logistics
  8. SAP module Accounting
  9. Current trends in BPM and ERP


  • BPM exercises
  • SAP: Navigation and operation of the system
  • Case study 1: Production planning and management
  • Case study 2: Controlling

Lecture and exercise materials:

  • Available on Moodle 
    (password required - You will receive it in class)
  • Please note the copyright information from SAP & Co.

Obtaining course credit:

  • Written examination at the end of the semester
  • Examination content: BPM, ERP, and SAP theory, current topics (presentation), case studies (see last slide of the case studies), Petri net exercises


  • Muir, Nancy; Kimbell, Ian: Discover SAP, SAP Press.
  • Frick, Detlev; Gadatsch, Andreas; Schäffer-Külz, Ute G.: Grundkurs SAP ERP, Vieweg Verlag,.
  • Gadatsch, Andreas: Grundkurs Geschäftsprozess-Management, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden.
  • Rautenstrauch, Schulze: Informatik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Springer-Verlag.
  • Hesseler, Martin, Görtz, Marcus: Basiswissen ERP-Systeme. W3L-Verlag, Herdecke, Witten.
  • Weidner, Stefan: Schulungsunterlagen HCC München/Magdeburg.
  • Manish Patel: Discover SAP ERP Financials, SAP Press.

Vorlesung als Rechnerübung (Workshop) "Entscheidungsprozesse gestalten: ERP-Fallstudien mit SAP"

Compulsory elective for students of the Industrial Engineering Master program (Module 19.1)


  • Please note the respective current information on Moodle concerning course times and exercise group assignment. 
  • Important: Please register for one of the exercise groups for this course on Moodle (there are two Moodle courses each: one password-protected course with the exercise materials, slides etc. and one freely accessible course for assignment into exercise groups)


The course deals with the support of operational business processes through standard software. The market-leading SAP ERP system is discussed as an example.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is the collective term for the entire planning and management processes of a business across the  value added processes. ERP systems were developed with the objective to structure all standard business administration processes in a business in a uniform manner and to allow for the use in as many countries and industries as possible.

The course is mostly practice-oriented. Several case studies will be implemented in the SAP system (focus on logistics).


  1. ERP systems (general)
  2. Introduction to SAP
  3. System-wide concepts in SAP
  4. SAP module Logistics
  5. SAP module Accounting

Exercise SAP ERP ECC 6.0:

  • Navigation and operation of the system
  • Case study 1: Production planning and management
  • Case study 2: Controlling
  • Case study 3: Logistics

Lecture and exercise materials:

  • Available on Moodle 
    (password required - you will receive it in class)
  • Please note the copyright information from SAP & Co.

Obtaining course credit:

  • Written examination at the end of the semester
  • Duration: 90 minutes

Literature recommendations:

  • Muir, Nancy; Kimbell, Ian: Discover SAP, 2. Auflage, SAP Press, 2009.
  • Frick, Detlev; Gadatsch, Andreas; Schäffer-Külz, Ute G.: Grundkurs SAP ERP, Vieweg Verlag, 2008.
  • Gadatsch, Andreas: Grundkurs Geschäftsprozess-Management, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2009.
  • Rautenstrauch, Schulze: Informatik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  • Hesseler, Martin, Görtz, Marcus: Basiswissen ERP-Systeme. W3L-Verlag, Herdecke, Witten, 2007.
  • Weidner, Stefan: Schulungsunterlagen HCC München/Magdeburg.
  • Manish Patel: Discover SAP ERP Financials, SAP Press, 2009.

More Literature:

  • Will: SAP R/3 Systemadministration, Basiswissen für das SAP R/3-Systemmanagement, Addison-Wesley.
  • Möhrlen, Kokot: SAP R/3 Kompendium, Markt und Technik Verlag.
  • Keller/Teufel: SAP R/3 prozessorientiert anwenden, Addison-Wesley Verlag.
  • Hildebrand/Rebstock: Betriebswirtschaftliche Einführung in SAP R/3, Oldenbourg Verlag 2000.

Practical course

For students of International Business Information Systems (IBA) Bachelor.


  • Please pay attention to the current information for this course given in the Elearning platform Moodle, especially with respect to lectures times/dates and enrollment for exercise groups.
  • It is important that you register to one of the exercise groups (see Moodle).
  • There are always two current Moodle entries for this course: one to register for a specific exercise group, one to get all your course material, slides, times/dates etc.

Course Description:

Students get acquainted with the employment of standard software within various organizational areas including accountancy. Basic aspects of adapting standard software to operational structures (i.e.customizing) and managing user authorization are discussed.
Students gain insights into several important application areas of business computer science.

The course is focused on the practical work with an Enterprise Resource Planning system (following the concept: learning by doing) in the areas of logistics and accountancy. Students should get a practical understanding of the integration of business processes by means of software within an enterprise. Exercises are carried out on an ERP system from SAP, a major software vendor in this.
Students get familiar with the SAP user interface, related customization tasks, and application components in different operational functions. Functions and modules include sales and
distribution, material management, production planning and control (PP), controlling (CO), and financial accounting (FI). Within the exercises, the SAP specific "IDES Mandant" will be used.

  • ERP / SAP introduction
  • SAP ECC 6.0 - the system and its navigation
  • IDES client
  • SAP - system-wide concepts (organization units, master data, transactions)
  • SAP modules logistics and accounting
  • Case studies:
    • PP: production planning
    • CO: controlling
    • LO: logistics
  • Current trends and research on ERP/SAP

Script, Slides, Material for practical exercises:

  • See Moddle course (Password protected; you will get the password in the lecture)


  • Written examen (Klausur) at the end of the semester 
  • 90 Minutes


  • Muir, Nancy; Kimbell, Ian: Discover SAP, 2. Auflage, SAP Press, 2009.
  • Manish Patel: Discover SAP ERP Financials, SAP Press, 2009.
  • Frick, Detlev; Gadatsch, Andreas; Schäffer-Külz, Ute G.: Grundkurs SAP ERP, Vieweg Verlag, 2008.
  • Gadatsch, Andreas: Grundkurs Geschäftsprozess-Management, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2009.
  • Rautenstrauch, Schulze: Informatik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  • Hesseler, Martin, Görtz, Marcus: Basiswissen ERP-Systeme. W3L-Verlag, Herdecke, Witten, 2007.
  • Weidner, Stefan: Schulungsunterlagen HCC München/Magdeburg.

More Literature:

  • Will: SAP R/3 Systemadministration, Basiswissen für das SAP R/3-Systemmanagement, Addison-Wesley.
  • Möhrlen, Kokot: SAP R/3 Kompendium, Markt und Technik Verlag.
  • Keller/Teufel: SAP R/3 prozessorientiert anwenden, Addison-Wesley Verlag.
  • Hildebrand/Rebstock: Betriebswirtschaftliche Einführung in SAP R/3, Oldenbourg Verlag 2000.
  • Maassen, A., und Schoenen, M. "Grundkurs SAP R/3," Vieweg+Teubner, Wiesbaden, 2008
  • Klenger, F., und Falk-Kalms, E. "Kostenstellenrechnung mit SAP R/3," Vieweg+Teubner, Wiesbaden, 2005
  • Friedl, G., Hilz, C., und Pedell, B. "Controlling mit SAP R/3," Vieweg
  • Bauer "Produktionscontrolling mit SAP-Systemen," Vieweg +Teubner, Wiesbaden, 2002

Lecture and exercise


  • Please note the information in Moodle concerning course times and exercise group assignment. 

Lecture content:

The lecture deals with the support of operational business processes through standard software. The market-leading SAP ERP system is discussed as an example.

Lecture topics:

  1. ERP systems (general)
  2. Introduction to SAP
  3. System-wide concepts in SAP
  4. SAP module logistics
  5. SAP module accounting
  6. SAP module HR
  7. Advanced ERP and SAP topics

Exercise SAP ERP ECC 6.0:

  • Navigation and operation of the system

  • Case study 1: Production planning and management

  • Case study 2: Controlling

  • Case study 3: Logistics

Exercise groups:
You can find the assignment to the exercise groups on Moodle (up to date version).

Lecture and exercise materials:

  • Available on Moodle
  • Password required - you will receive it in class
  • Please note the copyright information from SAP & Co.

Obtaining course credit:

  • Written examination at the end of the semester
  • Duration: 90 minutes

Literature recommendations:

  • Muir, Nancy; Kimbell, Ian: Discover SAP, 2. Auflage, SAP Press, 2009.
  • Frick, Detlev; Gadatsch, Andreas; Schäffer-Külz, Ute G.: Grundkurs SAP ERP, Vieweg Verlag, 2008.
  • Gadatsch, Andreas: Grundkurs Geschäftsprozess-Management, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2009.
  • Rautenstrauch, Schulze: Informatik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  • Hesseler, Martin, Görtz, Marcus: Basiswissen ERP-Systeme. W3L-Verlag, Herdecke, Witten, 2007.
  • Weidner, Stefan: Schulungsunterlagen HCC München/Magdeburg.
  • Manish Patel: Discover SAP ERP Financials, SAP Press, 2009.

More Literature:

  • Will: SAP R/3 Systemadministration, Basiswissen für das SAP R/3-Systemmanagement, Addison-Wesley.
  • Möhrlen, Kokot: SAP R/3 Kompendium, Markt und Technik Verlag.
  • Keller/Teufel: SAP R/3 prozessorientiert anwenden, Addison-Wesley Verlag.
  • Hildebrand/Rebstock: Betriebswirtschaftliche Einführung in SAP R/3, Oldenbourg Verlag 2000.

Lecture and exercises for BA International Business Information Systems


  • Please note the respective current information on Moodle concerning course times and exercise group assignment.
  • Important: Please register for one of the exercise groups for this course on Moodle (there are two Moodle courses each: one password-protected course with the exercise materials, slides etc. and one freely accessible course for the assignment into exercise groups).

Lecture documentation and exercise materials:

  • Lecture slides and materials:
    • Slides in index:  Fb3-Server1\skripte$\Winter\Datenbanken and on Moodle
  • Exercises:
    • SQL reference manual
    • OracelXE (free oracle version Express Edition): 
  • e-Learning with Moodle:
    • Moodle (password-protected materials, password announced in lecture).


  • Lecture blocks:
    • Introduction to data bases
    • Relational model
    • Relational algebra
    • Null markers
    • Normalization of relations
    • Entity relationship model
    • Quality criteria
    • Transactions
    • Data bases on the internet
    • XML data bases
  • Exercise:
    • SQL Standard

Obtaining course credit:

  • Written examination at the end of the semester
  • Duration: 90 minutes

Literature notes:

  • Unterstein, Michael; Matthiessen, Günter: Relationale Datenbanken und Standard-SQL, Addison-Wesley Verlag, 4. Auflage, München.  (Grundlage der verwendeten Folien und Übungen)
  • Ullman, J.: Principles of Database Systems, Computer Science Press (ISBN 0-7167-8069-0).
  • Batini; Ceri; Navathe: Conceptual Database Design, The Benjamin/Cummings Pub.(ISBN 0-8053-0244-1).
  • Atzeni, P.; Ceri, S.; Paraboschi, S. et al.: Database Systems, McGraw-Hill(ISBN 0-07-709500-6).
  • Kemper, A.; Eickler, A.: Datenbanksysteme – Eine Einführung, 6. Auflage Oldenburg Verlag.
  • Ramez Elmasri; Shamkant B. Navathe: Grundlagen von Datenbanksystemen, Pearson Studium.
  • Vossen, Gottfried: Datenbankmodelle, Datenbanksprachen, Datenbank-management-Systeme, Oldenburg Verlag.

Practical Course on "Databases": Exercises with SQL


For students of International Business Information Systems (IBIS) Bachelor.


Practical exercises, covering topics of the lecture "Database Systems", especially database exercises with Oracle SQL.


  • Scripts, Slides etc: see Moodle
  • SQL-reference
  • OracelXE (Kostenlose Oracle-Version Express Edition): 


  • Unterstein, Michael; Matthiessen, Günter: Relationale Datenbanken und Standard-SQL, Addison-Wesley Verlag, 5. Auflage, München.
  • Ullman, J.: Principles of Database Systems, Computer Science Press(ISBN 0-7167-8069-0).
  • Batini; Ceri; Navathe: Conceptual Database Design, The Benjamin/Cummings Pub.(ISBN 0-8053-0244-1).
  • Atzeni, P.; Ceri, S.; Paraboschi, S. et al.: Database Systems, McGraw-Hill(ISBN 0-07-709500-6).
  • Kemper, A.; Eickler, A.: Datenbanksysteme – Eine Einführung, 6. Auflage Oldenburg Verlag.
  • Ramez Elmasri; Shamkant B. Navathe: Grundlagen von Datenbanksystemen, Pearson Studium.
  • Vossen, Gottfried: Datenbankmodelle, Datenbanksprachen, Datenbank-management-Systeme, Oldenburg Verlag.



  • Pay attention to the current information for this course in Moodle concerning course dates and times.
  • As a participant of this course, please register for the Moodle course, so you are added to our mailing list.

Lecture content:

The lecture deals with the Principles of Business Information Systems.
It is accompanied by the PC exercises in application software1.

Lecture topics:

    • Foundations: Business Information Systems as science
    • depiction of data and information: Of Bits and Bytes
    • Computer structure and architecture
    • Distributed systems
    • Networks
    • Operating systems
    • Algorithms and programs
    • Procuring IT services
    • IT projects

    Lecture materials (slides, exercises etc.):

    • In the e-Learning system Moodle (password required - you will obtain the password ONLY in class)

    Obtaining course credit:

    • Written examination at the end of the semester
    • The PC exercises count at 5%
    • Duration: 90 minutes

    Literature recommendations:

    • Stahlknecht, Peter; Hasenkamp, Ulrich: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik., Berlin - Heidelberg - New York.
      (Many of the used illustrations and information were taken from this book)
    • Hansen, H.R.: Wirtschaftsinformatik I, Grundlagen betrieblicher Informationsverarbeitung, Stuttgart 2009.
      (Basic knowledge of economics, business administration) 
    • Gumm, H.P.; Sommer, M.: Einführung in die Informatik. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 2009.

    Additional literature:

    • Tannenbaum, Goodman: Computer Architektur. Prentice Hall, 2005. 
    • Oberschelp, Vossen: Rechneraufbau und Rechnerstrukturen. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2006. 
    • White: So funktionieren Computer. Markt und Technik Verlag 2004. 
    • Thome: Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Pearson Studium, 2006.
    • L.L. Peterson, B.S. Davie: Computer Networks - A Systems Approach, 4rd edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007;
    • W. Stallings: Data and Computer Communications, Pearson Education. Inc., 2007 
    • A. S. Tanenbaum, M. Van Steen: Distributed Systems, 2nd edition, Pearson Education inc, 2007



    • Please have a look at Moodle for further information about this course.
    • Please register in Moodle in order to get messages via the Moodle-Mailinglist of this course.


    The lecture covers advanced topics of Business Information Systems. Parts of the lecture will intensified by exercises in "Application Software II".


    1. Databases
      • Data organisation and databases,
      • ANSI 3-Scheme architecture,
      • Entity Relationship Modeling
      • data independence, data integrity
      • relational databases, relational algebra
    2. Data Securiy and Data Protection:
      • Basics
      • Privacy
    3. E-Commerce and E-Business
    4. Business Process Modelling and Management

    Material (slides, exercises etc.):

    • Moodle: Moodle
      (password protected – you will get the key in the lecture)

    "Schein" / Certificate:

    • Written examen at the end of the semester
    • Duration: 90 Minutes
    • Participating in the PC-Exercises can earn you up to 5% Bonus Points.


    • Date, Chris J., Introduction to Database Systems (8th), International Paperback Edition, 8th Edition 2003, Addison Wesley; 
    • Elmasri, Ramez, Navathe, Shamkrant, Fundamentals of Database Systems: Global Edition, 2010, Pearson Education. 
    • Mertens et al.: Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 4. Aufl., Berlin, 2001.
    • Matthiessen, G.,Unterstein, M., Relationale Datenbanken und Standard-SQL, Konzepte der Entwicklung und Anwendung, Addison Wesley, 2009; 
    • Stahlknecht, Peter; Hasenkamp, Ulrich: Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik.
      11. Aufl., Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 2005.
      (Aus diesem Buch stammen viele der verwendeten Abbildungen und Informationen)
    • Hansen, H.R.: Wirtschaftsinformatik I, Grundlagen betrieblicher Informationsverarbeitung. 
      (Grundwissen der Ökonomik, Betriebswirtschaftslehre) 
    • Gumm, H.P.; Sommer, M.: Einführung in die Informatik. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München, 2009.

    More Literature:

    • Tannenbaum, Goodman: Computer Architektur. Prentice Hall, 2005. 
    • Oberschelp, Vossen: Rechneraufbau und Rechnerstrukturen. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2006. 
    • White: So funktionieren Computer. Markt und Technik Verlag 2004. 
    • Thome: Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Pearson Studium, 2006.
    • L. L. Peterson, B.S. Davie: Computer Networks - A Systems Approach, 4rd edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007;
    • W. Stallings: Data and Computer Communications, Pearson Education. Inc., 2007 
    • A. S. Tanenbaum, M. Van Steen: Distributed Systems, 2nd edition, Pearson Education inc, 2007
    • Tannenbaum, Goodman: Computer Architektur. Prentice Hall, 2005.
    • Oberschelp, Vossen: Rechneraufbau und Rechnerstrukturen. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2006. 
    • White: So funktionieren Computer. Markt und Technik Verlag 2004. 
    • Thome: Grundzüge der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Pearson Studium, 2006.
    • L. L. Peterson, B.S. Davie: Computer Networks - A Systems Approach, 4rd edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007.
    • W. Stallings: Data and Computer Communications, Pearson Education. Inc., 2007. 
    • A. S. Tanenbaum, M. Van Steen: Distributed Systems. 2nd edition, Pearson Education inc, 2007. 
    • G. Schneider: Electronic Commerce. 9th edition, Course Technology, 2010.
    • S. R. Magal, J. Word: Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems. 1st edition, Wiley, 2009. 
    • G. Curtis, D.Cobham: Business Information Systems: Analysis, Design and Practice. 6 edition, Dewq, 2008.
    • P. Bocij, S. Hickie, A. Greasley: Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management, Financial Times Management, 4th edition, 2009. 
    • G. Schneider: Electronic Commerce. 9th edition, Course Technology, 2010. 
    • S. R. Magal, J. Word: Essentials of Business Processes and Information Systems. 1st edition, Wiley, 2009. 
    • G. Curtis, D. Cobham: Business Information Systems: Analysis, Design and Practice. 6 edition, Dewq, 2008. 
    • P. Bocij, S. Hickie, A. Greasley: Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management, Financial Times Management, 4th



    • Please note the information on Moodle concerning course dates and times.
      • please register for the Moodle course, so you are added to our mailing list.
      • Please print the course documentation if available

    Course content:

    The exercise conveys know-how in using PC application software.
    It accompanies the Business Information Systems course.


    1. Using the Windows operating system;
    2. Text development with MS Word;
    3. Presentation techniques with MS PowerPoint;
    4. Project management with MS Project;
    5. Internet: information acquisition and design

    Lecture materials (slides, exercises etc.):

    • Moodle: Moodle
    • password required - you will obtain the password ONLY in class

    Obtaining course credit:

    • The PC exercises can be counted for at most 5% bonus credits for the "Business Information Systems" examination
    • You should NOT participate in the course for these bonus credits, but only if you are interested in learning the offered content!

    Literature recommendations:

    • Hassler, Peter: Grundtechniken, Anwendungen und Projekte für Office XP.
    • Jürgensmeier, Günter: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten mit Microsoft Word.    
    • Schwab, Josef: MS Project - Projektplanungen realisieren. Ein praktischer Leitfaden.



    • Please note the information provided in the Elearning platform Moodle.
      • Please register in the Moodle-course of this exercise such that we can contact you via Moodle-Mailinglist
      • Please print out the course material


    The exercise will cover practical knowledge regarding the use of application software (advanced).
    Some of its contents are based on the lecture "Business Information Systems II". 


    1. Database Applications with Oracle and SQL
    2. Use of Spreadsheets with MS Excel
    3. Business Process Modeling
    4. IT-based Accounting with SAP

    Material (Slides, Exercises etc.):

    • Find current course in Moodle (Password protected; you will get the key in the lecture)

    "Schein" / certificate:

    • You can earn up to 5% bonus points of the examen "Business Information Systems II" by taking part in this exercise.
    • However, you should not visit this course for this bonus points. You should visit if you want to learn about the offered topics!



    • Pay attention to the current information for this course in Moodle concerning course dates and times.
    • As a participant of this course, please register for the Moodle course, so you are added to our mailing list.
    • Take-home assignment topics are assigned at the start of the semester. A more detailed description of these topics is provided as a preview in Moodle. You may also sign up for your favorite topic.


    The course instills an understanding for the basic significance of knowledge and information management in today’s information society and the possibilities and difficulties in using large information quantities. In addition to business-process-oriented knowledge management using the example of information flow in inter-business business processes, the focus of the seminars lies on Information Retrieval. This subject deals with the computer-aided search for complex content in large data quantities, in which this data is rated according to its relevance to the search query; this is applied mainly in search engines.

    Individual areas of Information Retrieval are studied in more detail, including both technological and social aspects. The course discusses the principles of search engines, architectures, and components of search engines, calculating the relevance of search results, the search for multimedia objects and XML documents, the risks of searching on the Web, the quasi-monopoly of Google, and the private sphere when using search engines.


    • Principles of knowledge management, business-process-oriented knowledge management
    • Principles of information retrieval
    • Search engine technologies (e.g. crawling, indexing, ranking) and architectures, search in distributed systems
    • Relevance calculation on the basis of information retrieval models
    • Social aspects and applications of information retrieval
    • Risks when searching on the Web, e.g. manipulation and violation of privacy
    • Social search, multimedia retrieval, web retrieval, XML retrieval
    • Current trends in knowledge management and information retrieval


    Obtaining course credit:

    The entire "Knowledge Management" module (2 units) is assessed via an examination (Unit "Organizational learning", 50%) and a take-home assignment (Unit "KM and information retrieval", 50%)



    • Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Ribeiro-Neto, Berthier: Modern Information Retrieval. ACM Press Series / Addison Wesley, New York, USA, 2011.
    • Ferber, Reginald: Information Retrieval. dpunkt-Verlag Heidelberg, Deutschland, 2003 (Online-Version frei im Internet).
    • Lewandowski, Dirk: Web Information Retrieval (Online-Version des Buches ist frei verfügbar).
    • Krah, H.; Müller-Terpitz, R.: "Suchmaschinen"; Passauer Schriften zur interdisziplinären Medienforschung, Bd. 4, Passau, 2014.
    • Katenkamp, Olaf, Implizites Wissen in Organisationen; Konzepte, Methoden und Ansätze im Wissensmanagement, Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag 2011[FH Frankfurt - elektronische Ressource].
    • Balakrishnan, H; Kaashoek, F.; Karger, D.; Morris, R.; Stoica, I.: Looking Up Data in P2P Systems. In: Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, No. 2, USA, 2003.
    • Barbaro, Michael; Zeller, Tom Jr.: A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749. In: The New York Times, 9. August 2006.
    • Frieder, O.; Grossmann, D.: Information Retrieval. Algorithms and Heuristics. Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
    • Manning, Christopher; Raghavan, Prabhakar; Schütze, Hinrich: Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
    • Steinmetz, R.; Wehrle, K. (eds.): Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 3485, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2005.
    • Stock, Wolfgang: Information Retrieval. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München, 2007.


    • Kurs WPF1a: "Suchmaschinen Technologien"
    • Kurs WPF1b: "Gesellschaftliche Aspekte und Anwendungen von Suchmaschinen"


    • You can find more information on the topics discussed in both courses and information about the credit slip criterion (presentation and development of one of the topics) on Moodle. Please register there as a participant, to be added to the mailing list of the news forum.


    The courses discuss topics dealing with the technologies, techniques, applications, security, and social aspects concerning search engines specifically on the internet. This includes, for instance, the basics of search engines, architectures, and components of search engines, calculating the relevance of search results, the search for multimedia objects and XML documents, the risks of searching on the Web, a discussion of the quasi-monopoly of Google, and the private sphere when using search engines.

    While the course WPF1a focuses on the basic techniques and technologies of search engines, WPF1b also tackles social aspects as well as diverse search engine applications. Find out more on the topic list.

     Both courses also treat the topic of internet research with search engines and other online tools, primarily as part of practical exercises.

    Literature notes:

    • Ferber, Reginald: Information Retrieval. dpunkt-Verlag Heidelberg, Deutschland, 2003 (Online-Version im Internet frei verfügbar).
    • Dirk Lewandoski: Web Information Retrieval (Online-Version ebenfalls frei verfügbar).
    • Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Ribeiro-Neto, Berthier: Modern Information Retrieval. ACM Press Series / Addison Wesley, New York, USA, 1999.
    • Balakrishnan, H; Kaashoek, F.; Karger, D.; Morris, R.; Stoica, I.: Looking Up Data in P2P Systems. In: Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, No. 2, USA, 2003.
    • Barbaro, Michael; Zeller, Tom Jr.: A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749. In: The New York Times, 9. August 2006.
    • Frieder, O.; Grossmann, D.: Information Retrieval. Algorithms and Heuristics. Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
    • Manning, Christopher; Raghavan, Prabhakar; Schütze, Hinrich: Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
    • Steinmetz, R.; Wehrle, K. (eds.): Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 3485, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2005.
    • Stock, Wolfgang: Information Retrieval. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München, 2007.


    • Kurs WPF1a: "Suchmaschinen Technologien"
    • Kurs WPF1b: "Gesellschaftliche Aspekte und Anwendungen von Suchmaschinen"


    • You can find more information on the topics discussed in both courses and information about the credit slip criterion (presentation and development of one of the topics) on Moodle. Please register there as a participant, to be added to the mailing list of the news forum.


    The courses discuss topics dealing with the technologies, techniques, applications, security, and social aspects concerning search engines specifically on the internet. This includes, for instance, the basics of search engines, architectures, and components of search engines, calculating the relevance of search results, the search for multimedia objects and XML documents, the risks of searching on the Web, a discussion of the quasi-monopoly of Google, and the private sphere when using search engines.

    While the course WPF1a focuses on the basic techniques and technologies of search engines, WPF1b also tackles social aspects as well as diverse search engine applications. Find out more on the topic list.

     Both courses also treat the topic of internet research with search engines and other online tools, primarily as part of practical exercises.

    Literature notes:

    • Ferber, Reginald: Information Retrieval. dpunkt-Verlag Heidelberg, Deutschland, 2003 (Online-Version im Internet frei verfügbar).
    • Dirk Lewandoski: Web Information Retrieval (Online-Version ebenfalls frei verfügbar).
    • Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Ribeiro-Neto, Berthier: Modern Information Retrieval. ACM Press Series / Addison Wesley, New York, USA, 1999.
    • Balakrishnan, H; Kaashoek, F.; Karger, D.; Morris, R.; Stoica, I.: Looking Up Data in P2P Systems. In: Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, No. 2, USA, 2003.
    • Barbaro, Michael; Zeller, Tom Jr.: A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749. In: The New York Times, 9. August 2006.
    • Frieder, O.; Grossmann, D.: Information Retrieval. Algorithms and Heuristics. Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
    • Manning, Christopher; Raghavan, Prabhakar; Schütze, Hinrich: Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
    • Steinmetz, R.; Wehrle, K. (eds.): Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 3485, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2005.
    • Stock, Wolfgang: Information Retrieval. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München, 2007.


    • Kurs WPF1a: "Suchmaschinen Technologien"
    • Kurs WPF1b: "Gesellschaftliche Aspekte und Anwendungen von Suchmaschinen"


    • You can find more information on the topics discussed in both courses and information about the credit slip criterion (presentation and development of one of the topics) on Moodle. Please register there as a participant, to be added to the mailing list of the news forum.


    The courses discuss topics dealing with the technologies, techniques, applications, security, and social aspects concerning search engines specifically on the internet. This includes, for instance, the basics of search engines, architectures, and components of search engines, calculating the relevance of search results, the search for multimedia objects and XML documents, the risks of searching on the Web, a discussion of the quasi-monopoly of Google, and the private sphere when using search engines.

    While the course WPF1a focuses on the basic techniques and technologies of search engines, WPF1b also tackles social aspects as well as diverse search engine applications. Find out more on the topic list.

     Both courses also treat the topic of internet research with search engines and other online tools, primarily as part of practical exercises.

    Literature notes:

    • Ferber, Reginald: Information Retrieval. dpunkt-Verlag Heidelberg, Deutschland, 2003 (Online-Version im Internet frei verfügbar).
    • Dirk Lewandoski: Web Information Retrieval (Online-Version ebenfalls frei verfügbar).
    • Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Ribeiro-Neto, Berthier: Modern Information Retrieval. ACM Press Series / Addison Wesley, New York, USA, 1999.
    • Balakrishnan, H; Kaashoek, F.; Karger, D.; Morris, R.; Stoica, I.: Looking Up Data in P2P Systems. In: Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, No. 2, USA, 2003.
    • Barbaro, Michael; Zeller, Tom Jr.: A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No. 4417749. In: The New York Times, 9. August 2006.
    • Frieder, O.; Grossmann, D.: Information Retrieval. Algorithms and Heuristics. Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
    • Manning, Christopher; Raghavan, Prabhakar; Schütze, Hinrich: Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.
    • Steinmetz, R.; Wehrle, K. (eds.): Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 3485, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2005.
    • Stock, Wolfgang: Information Retrieval. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, München, 2007.

    Thesis papers

    Topics for thesis papers are mainly offered in the following areas:

    • Development / implementation of applications
    • Databases, SQL, database applications
    • Search engines / information retrieval
    • ERP / SAP
    • Business process management
    • Business information systems
    • Computer science, e.g. distributed systems
    • XML (e.g. XML networks, XML retrieval)
    • Thesis papers in collaboration with businesses

    If you have an interesting proposal from a different related area, please talk to me directly or write me an email (stating your program, semester, proposed topic (with a brief concept if you like), optional: which of my courses you have taken).

    The topics mentioned above are directed in particular at students in the following programs:

    • IBIS / Business Information Systems BA
    • SIM Master
    • WING Master
    • Computer Science BA / Business Information Systems Master also welcome


    Topic areas, not specific titles!

    • Implementation of a web interface with database connection (e.g. exercise group assignment of lectures, administration of sound/image/text files, special recipe data base…)
    • Analysis and comparison of CMS systems for a specific application (e.g. website of a music club)
    • Analysis and implementation of controlling functionalities for small businesses using open source ERP or Excel (if appl. in the comparison)
    • Administration of grades and examinations for lecturers and teachers using open source software or Excel (if appl. in the comparison)
    • Open source ERP systems with focus on personnel planning
    • SQL standard in comparison with its actual implementation in specific DBMS
    • Study on search behavior on the internet with central search engines
    • e-Learning or mobile learning for ERP/DB / other courses
    • Mobile ERP
    • ERP (or Business Information Systems) in teaching - possibilities for individual support; gender promotion etc.
    • The SAP case studies or DB online shop as simulation
    • Expansion of the UAS alumni portal on Java basis
    • Business process modeling with Petri nets
    • Continuous business process management
    • XML data bases, use of XML in data bases etc.
    • Techniques for ensuring privacy when searching
    • Study on the use of search engines in terms of privacy aspects
    • Relevance feedback techniques of search engines (e.g. for XML retrieval)
    • Open source / cookie-free web search engines in comparison with Google
    • Development of a prototypical open source search engine
    • P2P search engines / search on distributed systems
    • Multimedia retrieval
    • Enterprise search - searching in businesses
    • Searches on the social web


    Start looking for your topic on time – in our experience it takes a while until you decide on an area and can develop a structure for it. Take into account that a Bachelor thesis has a work load of 300 hrs in 2 months; i.e. between registration and submission you really don't have much time to visit lectures, study for examinations, or go to work – plan on time.

    You should also perform literature research in the preparation phase – if you want to decide on a subject area, you first have to get an overview of it. Careful preparation will benefit you later in the writing phase. 

    Colloquium dates in the non-lecture period are usually very difficult to coordinate. For this reason, make your plans so that your date is during the lecture period (take correction time into account). For the last two weeks of the writing phase, you should also ensure that that you can reach me in case of problems (also coordinate the time frame when planning). In the WS, you should register your paper at the latest by mid-November, in the SS by mid-May.


    Do not look at the colloquium as an oral examination, but as a technical discussion (even though there will be a grade). Here, you can show yourself as an expert in the discussed field by presenting the most important insights and results of your paper in brief (ca. 10 minutes). You can use slides if you wish. Afterwards (or during), we will discuss these results (ca. 20 minutes).

    Notes on formal requirements:

    • In terms of the form of the paper, organization and uniformity are especially important to me (e.g. I don't care whether the footnote is written before or after the period; but it should be uniform). The references are important (see below).
    • Please take note of the section "Useful Information for Students" on my website, in particular concerning citations / references. Pay attention to the quality of your sources and reference all your statements adequately. 
    • You can find more information here:

    Useful information for students

    • You can find notes on academic papers (principles to ensure good academic practice, guidelines, design suggestions, notes on libraries and data bases, tutorials for research, trainings, tutorial programs etc.) on the pages of Faculty (FB) 3.
    • Requirements for written papers: Comprehensive collection by Dr. Jankowski, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Faculty 3. Comments on content, title pages, layout, citations, scheduling... incl. reference to multiple-choice test on the e-Learning platform Moodle
    General information for citations
    • If you reference knowledge in academic papers (e.g. seminar papers, take-home assignments, thesis papers etc.) that you have not developed yourself, then you must cite it (not only literal quotes!)
    • It is important to have well-organized, uniform, and complete references.
    • Wikipedia is not an academic source and should therefore only be referenced if absolutely necessary (e.g. illustrations).
    • You can find a lot of additional information about proper citations in applicable literature or on the Internet...
    Citations in paper for which I act as an advisor
    • You should reference every source in the text itself per brief reference (e.g. format [Arki02]) and then state author, title, year, and page in a footnote. The complete information (e.g. publisher, place of publication) then follows in the bibliography.
    • In the bibliography, please always format the title in bold.
    • Please, even for internet sources, also ensure that you always cite author, title of the page, location, date (unless otherwise stated, this information is often provided in the imprint) and the date you accessed it.
    • Notes on format: Computer Science citations
    • [Balz01] Balzert, H.: Lehrbuch der Software-Technik I, Software-Entwicklung, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg-Berlin, 2001.
    • [Baum90] Baumgarten, B.: Petri-Netze -- Grundlagen und Anwendungen, BI-Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim-Wien-Zürich, 1990.
    • [BBBK00] Bastide, R.; Buchs, D.; Buffo, M.; Kordon, F.; Sy, O.: Questionnaire for a Taxonomy of Petri Net Dialects, Mai 2000, http:/, Abruf am 01.09.2005.
    • [BCHK03] Billington, J.; Christensen, S.; van Hee, K.; Kindler, E.; Kummer, O.; Petrucci, L.; Post, R.; Stehno, C.; Weber, M.: The Petri Net Markup Language: Concepts, Technology, and Tools. In: Proc. 24th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN 2003), Eindhoven/Niederlande 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2679, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2003.
    • [BoCe00] Bonifati, A.; Ceri, S.: Comparative Analysis of Five XML Query Languages. In: ACM SIGMOD Record, 29(1), S. 68-79, März 2000.
    • [Bosa97]Bosak, J.: XML, Java and the future of the Web, Sun Microsystems, 1997, http:/, Abruf am 23.08.05.
    Prof. Dr. J. WinterID: 5370