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Prof. Dr. Judith Ehsen-Rühl

Professor for General Business Administration, in particular Accounting and Controlling

Focus in teaching and research

  • General Business Administration
  • Controlling
  •  Accounting


since 10/10

Professor for General Business Administration, in particular Accounting and Controlling, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences


Manager, specialized in questions of accounting according to IFRS, in particular consolidated and leasing, at PricewaterhouseCoopers at the National Office – Accounting Services


Auditor examination


Examination as Certified Public Accountant, Illinois, USA


Specialists at Ernst & Young AG, Audit Firm, in the area of Capital Markets, with specialization in Leasing Financial Accounting pursuant to German Commercial Code (HGB) and IFRS


Obtained doctorate in Economics, topic: "Possibilities and Limits for the Contract Design of Innovation Cooperations for Information Asymmetry"


Academic staff of Dr. Heike Y. Schenk-Mathes (Faculty Business Administration and Business Environmental Economy) and doctoral studies at the Technical University Clausthal


Program of Business Administration (Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Degree: “Diplom-Kauffrau” (Business Administration)

Accounting Profession meets Campus

The now 5th Accounting and Auditing Day will take place on November 23, 2019 at the Technical University Aschaffenburg. About 20 firms and organizations from the area of accounting, tax consulting, business consulting, and auditing (including the "Big-Four") will make it possible for students to attend workshops / specialized lectures and present themselves at trade fair stands. This gives students the unique opportunity to receive comprehensive industry information and make contacts with the firms and organizations.

There will be a shuttle service on this day. Drive to the event: Departure 8:00 from the campus of the Frankfurt UAS; Return: Departure approx. 5:45 from the campus in Aschaffenburg. Food is also provided (lunch and coffee).

You can find more information and the application form at (German only):

Please note the application deadline of October 31, 2019!

Under the motto "accounting profession meets campus," representatives from the accounting and auditing profession address current and practice-relevant issues in lectures and workshops and invite everyone to a discussion.

Students of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences can learn about the professional field of accounting and auditing and network together with students from other universities.

The participants are offered an introductory lecture and a panel discussion. They will discuss the relevance and quality of the final examination and entry into the field of auditing. The participants can also select two specialized lectures / workshops from 23 offered topics and visit them in small groups. Employees of participating firms and organizations will provide information about technical topics as well as professional and career opportunities at their stands; the representatives come from large and medium-sized auditing firms, the Chamber of Public Accountants, the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany, the German Institute for Internal Revision, and the Hessian Court of Auditors.

The event is organized by professors from universities in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatine under the leadership of Dr. Patricia Felhoff (University Aschaffenburg):

  • Dr. Frank Althoff (Technical University Mittelhessen)
  • Dr. Christopher Almeling (University Darmstadt),
  • Dr. Judith Ehsen-Rühl (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences),
  • Dr. Caroline Flick (Technical College Mainz),
  • Dr. Robin Mujkanovic (University RheinMain),
  • Dr. Holger Philipps (University Koblenz).

If you would like to participate, send the completed flyer by October 30, 2017 per email to

3rd Accounting and Auditing Day

Under the motto "accounting profession meets campus," representatives from the accounting and auditing profession address current and practice-relevant issues in lectures and workshops and invite everyone to a discussion.

Students of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences can learn about the professional field of accounting and auditing and network together with students from other universities.

The participants are offered an introductory lecture and a panel discussion. They will discuss the relevance and quality of the final examination and entry into the field of auditing. The participants can also select two specialized lectures / workshops from 20 offered topics and visit them in small groups. Employees of participating firms and organizations will provide information about technical topics as well as professional and career opportunities at their stands; the representatives come from large and medium-sized audit firms, the Chamber of Public Accountants, the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany, the German Institute for internal Revision, and the Hessian Court of Auditors.

Event organizers are six professors from universities in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatine under the leadership of Dr. Frank Althoff (Technical University Mittelhessen):

  • Dr. Christopher Almeling (University Darmstadt),
  • Dr. Judith Ehsen-Rühl (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences),
  • Dr. Caroline Flick (Technical College Mainz),
  • Dr. Robin Mujkanovic (University RheinMain),
  • Dr. Holger Philipps (University Koblenz).


Saturday, November 21, 2015, 9.30 - 5.30 pm


Technical University Mittelhessen Campus Gießen, Eichgärtenallee, Building C/C13/C14. We will organize a free bus transfer from the campus of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences to the Technical University Mittelhessen.


It is necessary to submit an application. Application deadline is November 11, 2015. The application requires a completed and signed application form to be dropped off or sent per mail to

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Faculty 3: Business and Law
Prof. Dr. Ehsen-Rühl (Building 4, Room 518)
Key Word: "Accounting Profession meets Campus 2015"
Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt am Main


Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Examination Office (Building 4, Room 210)
Key Word: "Accounting Profession meets Campus 2015"
Nibelungenplatz 1
60318 Frankfurt am Main

Are you interested in accounting and auditing?

Have you ever wondered about becoming an auditor?

Then come to the Accounting and Auditing Day at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt on Saturday, November 23, 2013  !

After the event’s great success in 2011 (more about this here), universities of applied sciences in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatine will once again organize the Accounting and Auditing Day. On this day, representatives from the accounting and auditing profession will present and discuss current and practice-relevant issues with the students during presentations.

In addition to the Big4, other numerous well-known medium-sized audit firms and associations will participate in the event and look forward to meeting you. Representatives of the profession (WPK, IDW) and the Auditor Oversight Commission will also be present at the conference. The Hessian Court of Auditors and representatives from the internal revision profession will also contribute a lecture.

The day begins at 9:30 with a welcome by the university administration and an exciting introductory lecture by Ralf Bose, the Head of the Special Investigations Department at the Auditor Oversight Commission, who will be speaking on the topic of "Auditing quality from the perspective of the Auditor Oversight Commission."

Afterward, students will have the opportunity to visit two specialized lectures / workshops in small groups. In these lectures / workshops, you can select from 19 topics listed on the flyer. In the breaks you can visit the information stands manned by employees of the participating firms and organizations and find out more about subject-related topics or about professional and career opportunities.

At the end of the day, Dr. Stefan Schmidt, Chairman of the "Auditing" department of the Main Committee (HFA) of the IDW and a partner at PwC, will present a brief presentation on the topic "How relevant is auditing?" Afterwards, there will be a panel discussion with four representatives of well-known auditing firms, who will discuss the question "Why should I become an auditor?" with you and answer your questions.

Use this excellent opportunity to learn more about the profession, participate in interesting practical presentations and workshops, discover career opportunities, and make contacts! First-year students are also welcome this year!

Time and place of the event:

November 23, 2013, 9:30-5:30 pm,

UAS FFM, Nibelungenplatz 1, Building 4


You can find the application form here.

Please submit the completed and signed form to:

Dr. Judith Ehsen-Rühl


This Accounting and Auditing Day was organized under the leadership of Dr. Judith Ehsen-Rühl and involved the following universities:

  • University RheinMain, Wiesbaden Business School (Dr. Robin Mujkanovic)
  • University Darmstadt (Dr. Christopher Almeling)
  • Technical College Frankfurt (Dr. Judith Rühl)
  • Technical University Mittelhessen, THM Business School (Dr. Frank Althoff)
  • Technical College Mainz (Dr. Caroline Flick)
  • University Koblenz (Dr. Holger Philipps).

This event took place on November 23, 2013. 


  • Financial Reporting and Capital Markets
  • International Accounting
  • External Accounting
  • Financial Accounting


  • Ehsen-Rühl, Judith: Replik zur Bilanzierung und Steuerpflicht der Forschungszulage. In: Deutsches Steuerrecht, Heft 6/2021 (gemeinsam mit Althoff, Frank)
  • Ehsen-Rühl, Judith: Bilanzierung von Forschungszulagen nach IFRS. In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, Heft 15/2020 (gemeinsam mit Althoff, Frank)
  • Ehsen-Rühl, Judith: Bilanzierung von Forschungszulagen nach HGB. In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, Heft 13/2020 (gemeinsam mit Althoff, Frank)
  • Ehsen-Rühl, Judith: Konsolidierungspflicht ohne Stimmrechtsmehrheit? – Beherrschungsmöglichkeit durch potenzielle Stimmrechte nach HGB mit einem Vergleich zu IFRS. In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, Heft 9/2016 (gemeinsam mit Althoff, Frank)
  • Ehsen-Rühl, Judith: Konsolidierungspflicht ohne Stimmrechtsmehrheit? – Beherrschungsmöglichkeit aufgrund potenzieller Stimmrechte nach IFRS. In: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung, Heft 4/2016 (gemeinsam mit Althoff, Frank)
  • Rühl, Judith: Faktische Beherrschung durch Präsenzmehrheit im Konzernabschluss nach HGB und IFRS. In: Zeitschrift für kapitalmarktorientierte Rechnungslegung, Heft 12/2012, S. 553-562 (gemeinsam mit Althoff, Frank)
  • Rühl, Judith: Current developments in International Financial Reporting Standards: IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial Statements, and IFRS 12, Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities. In: EU Working Papers 4/2011 Budapest Business School (A Budapesti Gazdasági Föiskola Külkereskedelmi Föiskolai Karának), S. 77-88
  • Vertragliche Gestaltung von Innovationskooperationen – Optimierung bei Informationsasymmetrie. Wiesbaden (Dissertation, TU Clausthal, 2001)
  • Kooperationsformen auf dem Energiemarkt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Contracting. In: Handbuch Energiemanagement, hrsg. Von Beck, Hans-Peter u.a. (2000), Heidelberg, Abs. 9203, S. 1-37 (zusammen mit Schenk-Mathes)

Current developments in International Financial Reporting Standards: IFRS 10, Consolidated Financial Statements, and IFRS 12, Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities. Contribution to the Symposium session: “Economy” of the Conference on Sustainability and Maintenance International Partner Days of Budapest Business School FIMB 09/2011

Semester introductory lecture for the winter semester 2012/13 on the topic

Significance of International Accounting in Germany

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Prof. Dr. Judith Ehsen-RühlID: 5216