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Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler

Professor of Business Administration with special focus on Aviation Management

Prof. Dr.
Yvonne Ziegler
Professorin für Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit besonderem Schwerpunkt Internationales Luftverkehrsmanagement
Building BCN, Room 226

Office hours

Lecture period:

Non-lecture period:

Mon., 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

by appointment by e-mail

Mon., 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
by appointment by e-mail

Focus in teaching and research

  • General Business Administration
  • Aviation Management


Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler has been professor of General Business Administration with special focus on international Aviation Management since 2007. From 2010-2017, she headed the MBA Aviation & Tourism Management program and from 2010-2013 the dual program in Aviation Management. She helped develop the Tourism Management program and get it accredited. As Dean of the Business and Law faculty from 2010-2013, she realized the objective of moving the faculty significantly in the direction of applied science. In the area of teaching, during her term she initiated two solid consecutive Master programs "Accounting and Finance" and "Global Logistics" and also expanded the research activities of the faculty by reducing teaching loads and establishing doctoral cooperations. She was also able to significantly increase third-party fund-raising,  which ensured the faculty reached a top position in the ranking of Hesse's universities in terms of research funding.  With the Institute for Economic and Legal Research Frankfurt, which was founded during her time in the Dean's office, an institution was created that could help implement the motto of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, "Stronger with knowledge through practice."

From 2012 to 2015, she headed a €2.9 million project of the European Union "Institutional Capacity Building for the Civil Aviation Sector,” in which she, together with an Indian partner university, introduced the MBA Aviation Management as double-degree program in India at the locations Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore.  

At the moment, she is conducting research with national and international partners on the following topics:

For more than 13 years, Prof. Dr. Ziegler has worked in management positions in the aviation industry, including as Director of Pricing & Yield Management Europe at the Lufthansa AG and as Area Vice President Marketing & Sales at the LSG Skychefs Germany GmbH. Dr. Ziegler also has 10 years of foreign experience in academia and management. She received her doctorate in Personnel Management at the Wirtschaftsuniversität in Vienna.


You can find information and work papers for the courses under my courses on the Moodle platform.


  • Ziegler, Y./ Uli, V. (2021): Supply Chain Management and Blockchain: bridging the antecedents of the technology with the status quo of Use Case Applications. In: International Journal of Value Chain Management Vol. 12, No.3.
  • Ziegler, Y./ Uli, V./ Wortmann, J. (2021): Blockchain Innovation in Pharmaceutical Use Cases: Pharma Ledger and Mytigate. In: Journal of Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Procurement Vol. 3, No. 4
  • Ziegler, Y./ Uli, V./ Kramer A./ Keller F. (2019): The Impact of Blockchain Networks on Logistics. In: Conference Proceedings 38th International Conference on Organizational Science Development in Portorož, Slowenien. „Best Paper Award 2019“.
  • Ziegler, Y., Troester, J., Sazali, A.M. (2017): Impact of the new distribution capability (NDC) Standard on future Aviation Distribution – a critical analysis. In:  In: Journal of Air Transport Studies, Volume 8, Issue 2, Summer 2017 
  • Levy, D./ Ziegler, Y. (2016): European Air Travel Tax. In: Journal of Air Transport Studies, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2016.
  • Ziegler, Y./ Pütz, G./ Sazali, M. (2016): Halal Logistics. In: IWRF (publ.): Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen 2016, Conference volume for the 3rd Symposium "Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen" on April 22, 2016, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen.
  • Dhital, D./ Ziegler, Y. (2016): Additive Manufacturing - Application Opportunities for the Aviation Industry. In: Journal of Air Transport Studies, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2016.
  • Ziegler, Y. (2015): Zukunft des Luftverkehrs – Perspektive 2030: Ökonomische und soziale Risiken und Nachhaltigkeitsziele für den Luftverkehr in Deutschland. Workshop of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung on May 26, 2015
  • Levy, D./ Ziegler, Y./ Koch, S. (2014): Risk Assessment Profiling Procedure (RAPP) for Air Cargo Security. In: Journal of Air Transport Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2014.
  • Lang, K./ Ziegler, Y./ Linz, M. (2012): Business Aviation in Europa: Marktanalyse und Zukunftsausblick, 2012.
  • Linz, M./ Ziegler, Y./Lang, K. (2011): Business Aviation in Europe: Current State and Future Outlook, in: Air Transport Research Society (publ.): 15th Air Transport Research Society World Conference (ATRS 2011). Sydney/Australia, June 29 - July 3, 2011, Conference CD.
  • Khachatryan, K./ Graml, R./ Ziegler, Y. (2022): Sexual Identity Management of Working Lesbian Women. In: Organization Management Journal.
  • Ziegler, Y./ Graml, R./ Khachatryan, K./ Uli, V. (2021): Working Mothers in East and West Germany: A cluster analysis using a three-stage approach. In: Gender in Management. Emarald Publishing. Article Id: 677324
  • Graml, R./ Hagen, T./ Ziegler, Y./ Khachatryan, K./ Herman, R. (2020): The L-Word in Business - Insights into discrimination and life satisfaction of lesbian women. In: Collection of Multi-Disciplinary Gender-focused research (2020). Cambridge Scholars Publishers
  • Ziegler/ Graml/ Weissenrieder (2016): Ist die gläserne Decke noch aktuell? Explorative Untersuchung unternehmensinterner Normen, Werte und Prozesse auf die Karrierechancen von Frauen. In: GENDER – Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft (under peer-review)
  • Ziegler, Y. (2016): リーダー的地位に在る日本女性 (Japanese Women in Leadership positions), Shigakusya Publishing
  • Weissenrieder/Graml/Ziegler (2016): Akzeptanz von Führungskräften, In: Odgers & Berndtson (publ.): Manager Barometer 2015/16: Fifth annual survey of the Odgers Berndtson Executive Panel in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
  • Weissenrieder, C., Graml, R., Hagen, T., Ziegler, Y. (2015): Explorative Untersuchung der Unternehmenskultur auf die Karrierechancen von Frauen, Working Paper No. 7 of Faculty 3, 7/2015, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.
  • Ziegler, Y., Graml, R., Weissenrieder, C. (2015): Career perspectives of working mothers - 1. Frankfurt career study, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2015.
  • Ziegler, Y. (2013): Working Mums in Germany, In: Conference proceedings at the 31st IFUW Conference in Istanbul on 16-21 August 2013.      
  • Ziegler, Y., Graml, R., Weissenrieder, C.: Study of influencing factors of the organizational culture on the number and acceptance of women in leadership positions in the aviation industry in Germany. In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (70/2012).
    Gender Diversity Culture Check
  • Ziegler, Y./ Graml, R. (2011): Children, career, compromise. In: Human Resources Manager, Ed. 3/2011
  • Ziegler, Y./ Graml, R. (2011): The Illusion of the compatibility of family and career. In: GIP - Gleichstellung in der Praxis, edition 2/2011
  • Ziegler, Yvonne (2001): Career possibilities for women in businesses in Japan. In: Robertson, Caroline (Publ.): Japan wohin? - Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert. Karlsruhe,
  • Ziegler, Yvonne (1999): Japanische Karrierefrauen. Munich und Mering, 1999.
  • Ziegler, Y./ Bhatti S./ Gelhardt L. (2014): Corruption in Germany - How to Deal with a Lack of Moral and Ethics. In conference proceedings UCCI Caribbean Conference on corruption, 2014, 19-21 March 2014
  • Ziegler, Yvonne (2010): Triple win: Close collaboration between businesses and universities pays off - and builds loyalty in future leaders. In: MBA Magazin 04, Berlin 2010


The declared objective of research work in the area of gender mainstreaming is to raise awareness for the situation of working mothers and identify potential improvements for executives in businesses.

Women are underrepresented in management functions in Germany and earn less than their male colleagues. One of the reasons for this is the familiar difficulty in reconciling family and career. However, at the moment there are almost no surveys on the career conditions of working mothers or female executives with children. We want to remedy this with our surveys and thus achieve a change in attitude in order to raise awareness in politics and businesses for this current topic.

About the project: "Preliminary study - Lesbian women at work – The L-Word in business"

About the project "Career perspective of working mothers"

About the project "Gender Diversity Culture Check"

Business Aviation describes the flight plan-independent non-scheduled air services. Its customer group is currently very restricted due to the comparatively high cost, so it represents a niche market. However, the European market for business aviation, the second-largest in the world after the US, was able to show clear growth in recent years due to favorable framework conditions. As a result of this growth, the industry is increasingly becoming the focus of academic interest. The research work in the area of business aviation has the objective of filling the existing research gaps in this previously neglected market segment.

The major contribution of the project is the development of an up-to-date business aviation market analysis as well as an elaborated outlook on the anticipated business aviation future, which provides a valuable basis for strategy development. The analysis based on secondary data is conducted to assess the European market environment followed by a Porter five forces analysis based on secondary data and expert interviews to assess the current state of European business aviation. In order to give an industry outlook, the Delphi methodology is applied and the findings of an extensive future study on the business aviation future in the year 2025 are presented. The sample consists of 57 aviation strategy experts with an average industry experience of over 22 years evaluating future projections. For this purpose, an innovative Real-Time Online-Delphi methodology has been used.

The project "Business Aviation in Europe" deliver both a current analysis of the market for business aviation and a comprehensive outlook on the future developments in this market segment and thus provides a valuable basis for strategy development.

The analysis of the current business aviation market is initially based on an analysis of secondary data that serve for the establishment of a strategic industry analysis (PESTE). This is followed by a five-force analysis according to Porter, which describes the different market forces (competition in the industry, potential of new entrants into the industry, power of suppliers, power of customers, threat of substitute products) in this market segment based on insights from expert interviews with representatives of different providers of business aviation services.

In order to provide an outlook on the further development of this industry until 2015, a comprehensive online delphi panel was performed in real time with 57 industry experts, who on average have 22 years of industry experience.

Download summary of Business Aviation in Europe.

Download presentation of the research projects.

EU project

Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler supports the capacity development in Indian Aviation

Since the winter semester 2011, the Frankfurt UAS has offered the only career-integrated continuing education Master MBA Aviation Management in Germany for executives and future executives in aviation. The program was specifically designed by Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler, professor of General Business Administration with special focus on International Aviation Management, in cooperation with three businesses: the Fraport AG, the Munich Airport GmbH, and the DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung, in Langen. It was logical to expand the marketing of the successful concept to an international basis. In 2012, Dr. Ziegler was awarded a project tendered by the European Union and funded with €2.9 million for her submitted research and continuing education concept on the topic of "Capacity Building in the Indian Aviation Industry."

The project pursues three goals: the qualification of Indian employees in aviation, a sustainable qualification of the Indian partner university (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)) located in Dehradun to be able to offer its own Master program based on European quality standards, and joint research activities of both universities on select hot topics in Indian aviation.

The MBA Aviation Management was started in 2013 with team teaching with teachers of the Indian partner university in the three metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore, where many airlines or maintenance firms have employees. At the moment, about 50 employees are completing the MBA program.

The Indian partner university has adapted the German MBA program and added it to its program portfolio. Students therefore acquire degrees from both universities. The teachers of UPES are coached in particular in terms of the academic standards of the teachers and project employees of the Frankfurt UAS.

The joint research manifests itself in six doctorates on topics in air freight security,  revenue management, social media marketing, hedging of kerosene, privatization of airports, and the study of success factors for Indian low-cost airlines. Three doctoral students are academic employees of the Frankfurt UAS and three of UPES.

The research results will be presented and publicized in conferences. For instance in the beginning of 2014, during the "Aviation Security" conference organized by Dr. Ziegler and her team in Mumbai in which security experts of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) participated, the research topic "Air freight security – ACC3" was discussed in a panel discussion with international and Indian scientists and industry experts. 

"The EU project undertaken by the Frankfurt UAS is a very important project in our collaboration with India. It makes an important contribution to capacity development in the Indian aviation industry."

"Indian employees in the aviation industry profit from the excellent quality of the program, which was implemented by the Frankfurt UAS and sponsored by the EU."

... Commercial Director of the low-cost airline flydubai:

"I hope that there will be more excellent research and continuing education initiatives in the future that will help develop the aviation expertise in India."

LOEWE3 project

Research project of the Frankfurt UAS ensures more transparency and safety in the pharmaceutical supply chain 

Prof. Dr. Yvonne Ziegler, Professor of Aviation Management at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS), starts a research project on pharmaceutical supply chain risk management with businesses from the pharmaceutical industry. The goal is to develop an IT tool to help pharmaceutical manufacturers manage the pharmaceutical supply chain on a risk basis. The total expenditures are listed at about one million Euros, half of which is carried by the project partners. The State of Hesse supports the practical research project "Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Risk Management in Aviation" (project number 555/17-37) as part of the LOEWE 3 support guideline with a subsidy volume of about 500,000 Euros.

The German pharmaceutical industry is one of the most important business segments in Germany with total sales of €39.5 billion in 2016. Its products make an important contribution to increasing quality of life and life expectancy of people. However, increasing globalization of production and sales and the continually changing framework conditions create great challenges for all involved parties of the pharmaceutical supply chain – the supply chain from production to the end customer.

The legal situation has tightened over recent years: The responsibility for product quality in the supply chain was reinforced to all parties involved in the process chain in the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) guidelines of the European Commission. The guidelines require a corresponding quality risk management from pharmaceutical companies, with the objective to achieve more safety and transparency along the supply chain. It specifies that the planning of transportation for pharmaceutical products must be made with awareness of possible risks so that they can be prevented if possible. As a consequence, producers, wholesalers, and logistic providers have an increasing wish to be able to use an intelligent IT system that comprehensively visualizes the transport chain under the aspect of increased safety.

For the first time, under the leadership of Frankfurt UAS, the pharmaceutical companies will sit at the same table with other partners involved in the logistics chain to work on a joint solution for a quality risk management. The goal of the project is to develop an web-based risk management tool to help businesses along the pharmaceutical supply chain with designing their network (strategic level) and with monitoring individual shipments (tactical level). The tool is being developed and then made ready for being placed on the market by the firm Cynatics Consulting GmbH in cooperation with Frankfurt UAS, the University RheinMain, and the University Fulda, with the Bayer AG, the Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, the Frigo-Trans GmbH, and the GEFCO Forwarding Germany GmbH.

"We will identify and digitize the supply chain with its complex network of internal and external business interfaces between manufacturers, suppliers, and customers together with our project partners as part of an integrated supply chain risk management system to help us minimize risks. Similar risk models have thus far only been seen in the financial sector. The pharmaceutical industry is entering new territory here,” explains Ziegler.  "At the moment there is no comparable IT tool in the pharmaceuticals or logistics industry." With the digital solution created, the path of temperature-controlled pharmaceuticals can be tracked from production to the customer and thus can be planned for the long-term while taking into account the aspects safety, growth, and increasing sales.

"This promotes the safety of the pharmaceutical products and thus benefits the consumer,", states Ziegler. The IT tool represents all supply chain roles and instances. This allows us to draw conclusions on the risks in the supply chain, for instance in the event of a strike in an Aviation business, in which the error probability increases for all worldwide stations of this business. The market potential includes all businesses involved in pharmaceutical distribution in Europe. "In the long term, we want to permit a risk management for all transportation means, since the tool can also be scaled to other transportation carriers (e.g. sea, rail, and road transportation). "In the age of digitalization and Industry 4.0, this optimizes the supply chain both in terms of safety and economy," emphasizes Ziegler.

The prototype of the IT tool developed over the course of the project is to be transferred to an IT service in an independent new company at the Hesse location.

Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Faculty 3: Business and Law
Astrid Kramer
Tel.: +49 69 1533-2956 

Press (German only)

econo vom 24.08.2012 (auch auf (German only))

Prof. Dr. Yvonne ZieglerID: 5372