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Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt

Professor of Performance Measurement and Management Control

Prof. Dr.
Joachim Sandt
Prof. Wirtschaftsinformatik
Building 4, Room 517


Academic Director International Business Administration (B.A.)


Office hours

Lecture period:

Non-lecture period:

tuesdays 11:00-12:30 hours

by appointment via email

by appointment via email

Focus in teaching and research

  • Management control
  • Management accounting
  • Performance measurement
  • Stratety implementation

About the person

Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt has been professor of performance measurement and management control at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences since April 2017.

In addition, he is visiting professor for the Executive MBA programs at the bmi Executive Institute, Vilnius, Litauen, and Université catholique de Louvain - Louvain School of Management, Brüssel. From 2019 until 2022 Joachim was a visiting professor at the Executive MBA program at the Stockholm School of Economics Russia, St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Before he was professor at the THM Giessen and iubh – International University Bad Honnef.

2009 he was a visiting scholar at the University College Dublin.

Before his academic career, Joachim worked as a management consultant and project manager at CTcon Management Consultants and as an independent one. In his consulting and training he was and is working with companies of different industries and sizes on the topics of performance measurement and management control.

Joachim studied business administration at the University of Paderborn and as a Fulbright scholar at the American University, Washington, D.C. He earned his Ph.D. at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar. His dissertation was on Managing with performance measures – status quo, determinants and results.

During his studies he volunteered for the international student organization AIESEC, he is now supporting by being a member of the advisory board of the AIESEC local committee Frankfurt (


At the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Joachim gives courses in German and English, mainly in the Bachelor programs in Business Administration, International Business Administration and Aviation Management (dual studies) as well as in the Master of Science in Accounting and Finance. Lectures are among others:

- Management accounting and control
- Operational management accounting and control
- Current issues in management accounting and control

- Advanced management accounting and control
- Current issues in management accounting and control
- Research project

More information on the lectures for the students are on the e-learning platform Moodle (

At Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences teaching and research is focusing on an application and practice. Therefore, guest lectures and field trips are embedded in the lectures. Joachim organizes these events and integrates them in the courses by preparatory sessions (in which students have to make themselves familiar with the respective industry and company) and after-action-reviews. The past guest lectures and field trips are listed below.

  • Svea Scherleithner, Global Head of Sustainability  Heraeus Precious Metals: Carbon Footprint Reporting at Heraeus Precious Metals
    11 May 2023
  • Michael Nowotny, Managing Director, Agaplesion Elisabethenstift Darmstadt:
    Management and control in a non-for profit hospital
    24 May 2023
  • Sandra Naumann, SVP Zentrales Controlling, Schenker Deutschland AG Nationaler Fernverkehr
    Management control in an international logistics company
    25 May 2023
  • Stefan Mangels, CFO Galleys & Lavatories Division, Safran Cabin:
    Divisional Controlling and Cash Flow Management at Safran Cabin
    01 June 2023
  • Martin Haberland, Controller Materials Eastern Europe & APAC, thyssen krupp:
    Controlling of business unit subsidiaries at thyssen krupp Materials Eastern Europe
    06 June 2023
  • Matthias Nienhaus, VP Finance, Hanne Mittelstädt, Controlling Manager (Alumna), LILLYDOO:
    Driver-based financial planning and budgeting in a start-up
    14 June 2023
  • Dennis Ohletz, Multi-Project management, Lufthansa Cargo:
    Project portfolio management at Lufthansa Cargo
    05 July 2023
  • Christian Wirtnik, VP Konzepte und Methoden, Finanzbereich, Fraport AG
    Managing an controlling an airport in and after the pandemic
    27 November 2022

  • Stephan Römheld, CFO Central Europe, DER Touristik:
    Managing and controlling a tourism company in turbulent times
    06 December 2022

  • Sven Salchow, Abteilungsleiter Controlling, Patrick Wirth, Referent Controlling, MAINGAU Energie GmbH
    Controlling and OKR at MAINGAU Energie GmbH
    18 January 2023

  • Svea Scherleithner, Global Head of Sustainability, Heraeus Precious Metals:
    Carbon Footprint Reporting at Heraeus Precious Metals at Heraeus Precious Metals
    05 May 2022
  • Stefan Mangels, CFO Galleys & Lavatories Division, Safran Cabin:
    Divisional Controlling and Cash Flow Management at Safran Cabin
    19 May 2022
  • Matthias Nienhaus, VP Finance, Hanne Mittelstädt, Controlling Manager (Alumna), LILLYDOO:
    Driver-based budgeting of an e-commerce start-up
    31 May 2022
  • Said Waly, Manager, Bearing Point:
    Finance Transformation mit SAP S/4 Hana
    31 May 2022
  • Bea Krug, Tableau A Salesforce Company (Alumna):
    Data analysis and visualization with Tableau Software
    02 June 2022
  • Michael Nowotny, Geschäftsführer, Agaplesion Elisabethenstift Darmstadt:
    Management and control of a hospital
    14 June 2022
  • Mathias Delors, COO, Stefan Weinmiller, Director Finance & Controlling, cosnova beauty
    Management and control of a rapidly growing family business
    22 June 2022
  • Martin Haberland, Business Unit Controller, ThyssenKrupp Material Services:
    Business Unit Controlling at thyssenkrupp Material Services
    28 June 2022
  • Stefan Rüter, SVP Head of Cost and Profit Management, Fraport (Alumnus):
    Managing and controlling of an airport in COVID-times
    30 June 2022
  • Dennis Ohletz, Referent Multiprojektsteuerung, Lufthansa Cargo:
    Multi-project management at Lufthansa Cargo
    05 July 2022
  • Tim Reitzammer, Team Lead Operational Excellence, Bo Rischmann, Senior Project Manager Operations, Emma – The Sleep Company (beide Alumni):
    Operations Strategy 2024 – KPI for Supply Chain Intelligence
    05 July 2022
  • Alexander Fuchs, Managing Director WISAG Airport Services:
    Management accounting and control in a family business in times of a pandemic
    10 November 2021
  • Simon Uhrig, Principal Expert – Sustainability, CFO Digital Strategy & Realization – Sustainability Initiative:
    Sustainability Management and Reporting at Merck KGaA
    17 November 2021
  • Stephan Römheld, CFO Central Europe, DER Touristik:
    Management accounting and control in turbulent times in the tourism industry
    07 December 2021
  • Sven Salchow, Head of Controlling, MAINGAU Energie GmbH
    Management accounting and control and  OKR at MAINGAU Energie GmbH
    15 December 2021
  • Jan Kienecker, SVP Finance & Controlling, Lufthansa Cargo
    Finance and controlling at Lufthansa Cargo
    10 January 2022
  • Wares Rasuli, Financial Controlling Manager, Emma – The Sleep Company
    Management accounting and conrol at Emma – The Sleep Company
    13 January 2022
  • Martin Haberland, Business Unit Controller, thyssenkrupp Material Services:
    Business Unit Controlling for thyssenkrupp Material Services
    17 January 2022
  • Dr. Roman Hagelstein, Controller, Deutsche Leibrenten Grundbesitz AG
    Superforecasting in management accounting and control practice
    19 January 2022
  • Said Wally, Manager, Bearing Point:
    Business Transformation with SAP S/4 Hana
    03. Februar 2022
  • Michael Nowotny, Managing Director DKD Helios/Helios Aukamm Klinik Wiesbaden
    Management and control in a hospital
    28 April 2021
  • Stefan Rüter, CFO Oman Airports:
    Management and control in an Arab country - being CFO at Oman Airports
    11 May 2021
  • Dr. Klaus Hufschlag, SVP CREST Finance Business Intelligence & Analytics, Deutsche Post DHL
    ESG-reporting and controlling at Deutsche Post DHL
    12 May 2021
  • Dr. Guido Kaupe, VP Finance, Accounting, & Controlling Messe Frankfurt
    COVID-19-challenges for accounting, controlling and finance at Messe Frankfurt
    19 May 2021
  • Sebastian Mertes, CFO Emma - The Sleep Company:
    Managing a rapidly growing 'startup'
    25 May 2021
  • Klaus Kenfenheuer, VP Corporate Investment Controlling Deutsche Post DHL:
    Investment and project controlling at DPDHL - present and future
    01 June 2021
  • Dennis Ohletz, Mulit-Project Management, Lufthansa Cargo
    Multi-project management at Lufthansa Cargo
    11. Juni 2021
  • Thomas Dippold, CFO SGL Carbon:
    Being a CFO and restructuring the company
    15 June 2021
  • Sebastian Meges, Head of Business Analysis & Financial KPIs, Group Controlling & Risk Management, Merck KGaA
    MIC – Management Information Cockpit at Merck KGaA
    16 June 2021
  • Christian Portz, COO Emma – The Sleep Company
    Management and control of operations in a D2C-business
    17 June 2021
  • Lars Ottmer, Head of Controlling SWISS
    New steering model at SWISS
    22 June 2021
  • Michael Eckert, Senior Program Manager Business Excellence at Merck KGaA
    Cost management in site management
    24 Juni 2021
  • Fabian Förster, Controller, Schunk Sinter Metalltechnik – Schunk Group
    Management accounting and control in a mediums-sized automotive supplier
    01 July 2021
  • Beate Krug, Solution Engineer Tableau Software:
    Data analysis and visualization with Tableau
    06 July 2021, 14:15
  • Mahtab Ohletz, Business Unit Controller, ThyssenKrupp Material Services:
    Business Unit Controlling for ThyssenKrupp Material Services
    06. November 2020
  • Dr. Roman Hagelstein, Controller Deutsche Leibrenten Grundbesitz AG
    Superforecasting controllers’ practice
    01. December 2020
  • Stefan Rüter, CFO, Oman Airport Management Company (OAMC)
    Managing and controlling in an Arab country – being CFO at OAMC
    16. December 2021
  • Dennis Ohletz, Mulit-Project Management, Lufthansa Cargo
    Multi-project management at Lufthansa Cargo
    08. January 2021
  • Jan Kienecker, Head of Finance and Controlling, Lufthansa Cargo
    Controlling at Lufthansa Cargo
    20. January 2021
  • Susanne Völker, Partner, Robert Lindemann, Associate Manager, KPMG:
    Digitization in accounting
    21. January 2021
  • Dr. Benjamin Rausch, Head of Group Controlling - Digital Finance & Valuation, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG
    Automated Goodwill Impairment Test
    26. January 2021
  • Dennis Ohletz, Mulit-Project Management, Lufthansa Cargo
    Multi-project management at Lufthansa Cargo
    12. Mai 2020
  • Michael Nowotny, Geschäftsführer DKD Helios Klinikum Wiesbaden
    Unternehmenssteuerung in einem Krankenhaus
    13. Mai 2020
  • Jürgen Deischl, Abteilungsleiter Kaufmännisches Objekt- und Bauprojektmanagement Infrastruktur, Fraport
    Infrastrukturcontrolling am Flughafen Frankfurt
    28. Mai 2020
  • Alexander Fuchs, Geschäftsführer WISAG Airport Services
    Unternehmenssteuerung in einem Familienunternehmen in der Corona-Krise
    09. Juni 2020
  • Susanne Völker, Partnerin, Robert Lindemann, Associate Manager, KPMG:
    Digitalisierung im Rechnungswesen
    18. Juni 2020
  • Mahtab Ohletz, Business Unit Controller, ThyssenKrupp Material Services:
    Business Unit Controlling for ThyssenKrupp Material Services
    23. Juni 2020
  • Sebastian Mertes, CFO Emma – The Sleep Company:
    Managing a Startup – The use of KPIs, OKRs and Dashboards at Emma Sleep
    01. Juli 2020
  • Michael Nowotny, Geschäftsführer DKD Helios Klinikum Wiesbaden
    Unternehmenssteuerung in einem Krankenhaus
    27. November 2019
  • Stefan Römheld, Vice President Controlling DER Touristik Central Europe
    Controlling bei DER Touristik
    03. Dezember 2019
  • Said Waly, Finance Consultant SAP, Deloitte Consulting
    SAP ERP FI und CO sowie SAP S/4 Hana und SAP Fiori
    18. Dezember 2020
  • Burkhard Trageser, Leiter Bereichscontrolling Retail & Real Estate, Fraport AG
    Bereichscontrolling Fraport Retail & Real Estate
    19. Dezember 2019
  • Jan Martin Kienecker, Vice President Finance and Controlling, Lufthansa Cargo
    Controlling at Lufthansa Cargo
    14. Januar 2020
  • Stefan Reißig, Lufthansa Airlines, Lufthansa AG
    Strategische Personalplanung bei Lufthansa Airlines
    15. Januar 2020
  • Dr. Sebastian Göbel, Head of Digital Controlling and Business Analytics, Fresenius Kabi
    Digital Controlling und Business Analytics bei Fresenius Kabi
    29. Januar 2020
  • Simon Uhrig, Head of Risk Management, Merck KGaG
    Risk Management bei der Merck Group
    05. Februar 2020
  • Exkursion zum KPMG Insights Center
    Digital Finance
    16. Mai 2018
  • Christian Ebli, Dr. Sven Kleinknecht, Deloitte GmbH
    Entscheidungsunterstützung und Risikoüberwachung bei Outsourcing und IT-Fremdbezügen
    05. Juni 2019
  • Michael Nowotny, GF DKD Helios Klinikum Wiesbaden
    Unternehmensführung und -steuerung in einem Krankenhaus
    12. Juni 2019
  • Burkhard Trageser, Leiter Bereichscontrolling Retail & Real Estate, Fraport AG
    Bereichscontrolling Fraport Retail & Real Estate
    18. Juni 2019
  • Said Waly, Finance Consultant SAP, Deloitte Consulting
    Finance transformation – The new role of the CFO and digital finance
    18. Juni 2019
  • Dr. Guido Kaupe, Bereichsleiter Finanz- und Rechnungswesen, Controlling, Messe  Frankfurt GmbH
    Finance transformation bei der Messe Frankfurt
    19. Juni 2019
  • Martin Theimer,  Leiter Controlling, Fabian Förster, Referent Controlling, Schunk Sinter Metalltechnik GmbH
    Controlling in einem mittelständischen Unternehmen
    25. Juni 2019
  • Sebastain Menges, Head of Business Analysis & Financial KPI, Merck, Michael Eckert, Controller
    Controlling und Management Reporting bei der Merck KGaA
    02. Juli 2019

At Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences guest lecturers by managers and professionals are a crucial part of teaching. In addition to the insights shared, they offer our students to network for internships, jobs, etc.

Within the major Management Accounting and Control, guest lectures are embedded in the curriculum. To open some of them to the public, we start the Speaker Series Management Accounting and Control.

Winter semester 2023/24

  • Heiko Mußmann, Sustainability Manager, Bayer
    Sustainability at Bayer – Strategy and management
    23 January 2024
  • Stefan Rüter, SVP Controlling and Financial Planning, Fraport (Alumnus)
    Financial control in an international airport management group
    29 November 2023
  • Mathias Delor, COO, Stefan Weinmiller, CFO, cosnova
    Management and control in a rapidly growing family business
    07 November 2023

Summer semester 2023

  • Dr. Jörg Beißel, CFO, Lufthansa Airlines
    Financial management and control in a VUCA environment
    21 June 2023
  • Sergio-Miguel Zunino, Head of Accounting Integration Manager, Bayer AG
    Post Merger Integration of Monsanto
    10 May 2023

Winter semester 2022/23

  • Angela Stuhr, CFO
    WISAG Aviation Service Holding
    Management and control in a large family group
    24 January 2023, 18:00 hours
  • Dr. Christian Herold, Partner, Stefan Huppertz, Senior Manager
    WTS Advisory
    ESG – Sustainability reporting and management
    11 January 2023

Summer semester 2022

  • Mathias Delors, COO, Stefan Weinmiller, Director Finance and Controlling,
    cosnova GmbH
    Management and control in a rapidly growing familty business
    22 June, 18:00 hours
  • Adrian Fuchs, Team Lead Accounting, Hella Schuster, Team Lead Taxes,
    Emma - The Sleep Company
    Finance (Accounting, Tax & BI) in a rapidly growing E-Commerce company
    07 June 2022, 18:00 hours
  • Thomas Dippold, CFO SGL Carbon
    The CFO in a transformation
    24 May 2022, 18:00 hours
  • Susanne Völker, Partner Audit/Financial Advisory, KPMG Deutschland
    Digitalization in accounting
    11 May 2022, 18:00 hours


Joachim’s research in the area of performance measurement and management control is mainly empirical, often in cooperation with companies (e.g., Using guest feedback for improving performance in a luxury hotel). He presents his research results at conferences (e.g., conferences of the European Accounting Association and the Performance Management Association) and publishes it in journals (e.g., Controlling and Management Review). More information below.

  • PMA - Performance Management Association, 9th bi-annual conference, Edinburgh, 28 June 2016:
    Cash Value Added – relevance lost? Financial performance measures for management control
  • PMA - Performance Management Association, 9th bi-annual conference, Edinburgh, 28 June 2016:
    Action controls for managing performance of an external service provider (together with Christoph Hoffmann)
  • PMA - Performance Management Association, 8th bi-annual conference, Copenhagen, 25 June 2014:
    Using guest feedback for improving performance in a luxury hotel (together with Christoph Hoffmann)
  • PMA - Performance Management Association, 7th bi-annual conference, Cambridge, 11 July 2012:
    The impact of performance measurement in a service factory – How performance measurement impacted employee behaviour and performance of the housekeeping operations of a British luxury hotel (together with Christoph Hoffmann, Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel London)
  • EAA – European Accounting Association, 33rd annual congress, Istanbul, 20 May 2010:
    Management control systems as a package: the relationship of financial measurement systems and Six Sigma
  • 5th conference: Impact of the Global Crisis on Performance Management of the University of Prague, 16 September 2009:
    Financial measurement systems and Six Sigma as part of a management control systems package – decoupled, loosely or tightly coupled systems
  • IAFA – Irish Accounting and Finance Association, 22nd annual conference, Dublin, 7 May 2009:
    Management contol systems as a package: the relationship of financial measurement systems and Six Sigma
  • EAA – European Accounting Association, 31st annual conference, Rotterdam, 25 April 2008:
    Controllership under IFRS – Some critical observations from a German-speaking country (zusammen  Hendrik Angelkort and Barbara Weissenberger)
  • ÖCI – Österreichisches Controller Institut, 29th Austrian Controllers’ Day , 21 November 2008, Vienna:
    Integrating financial and managerial accounting – implications of adopting IFRS
  • PMA - Performance Management Association, 4th bi-annual conference, London, 28 July 2006:
    Process Management by Activity-Based Costing or Continuous Improvement Programs? Effectively Implementing a Process View of the Organization
  • EAA - European Accounting Association, 29th annual congress 2006, Dublin:
    Cooperation between Management Board and Supervisory Board – Empirical Evidence from a German Study, 24 March 2004 (together with Bernhard Hirsch)
  • EAA - European Accounting Association, 25th annual congress 2001, Athen:
    General managers’ use of performance measures and its impact on success, 19 April 2000 (together with Jürgen Weber und Utz Schäffer)
  • Adjusted EBIT – EBIT before bad stuff? Stand und Entwicklung der Anpassungen der operativen Gewinnkennzahlen in DAX- und MDAX-Unternehmen 2013-2019 [Status quo and development of adjustments of operating profit figures of German listed corporations 2013-2019], in: Controlling – Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 34. Jg. (2022), Nr. 2, S. 66-75.
  • Emma – The Sleep Company (B): From OKR to Big Lever Workshops – Management and control of a €400 million revenue business. Case, The Case Centre, Reference No. 122-0029-1, 2022.
  • From Bettzeit to Emma – The Sleep Company (A): Management and control of a rapidly growing start-up with OKR. Case, The Case Centre, Reference No. 122-0029-8, 2022.
  • Profit margins tell a story – Identify the company. Case, The Case Centre, Reference No. 121-0092-1, 2021.
  • Housekeeping at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge. Managing the performance in a service factory. Case, The Case Centre, Reference No. 120-0131-1, 2020, (together with Christoph Hoffmann).
  • Cash Value Added – Relevance Lost!, in: Controlling & Management Review, Jg. 62 (2018), Nr. 9, S. 40-46.
  • Unternehmenssteuerung mit Kennzahlen – eine „Dauerbaustelle“?. Interview mit Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt [Management Control with KPI – a permanent “hassle“], in: Controller Magazin, Jg. 41 (2016), Nr. 16 (November-Dezember), S. 20-16
  • Cash Value Added – relevance lost? Financial performance measures for management control,THM Business School Working Paper, Giessen 2016
  • Action controls for managing performance of an external service provider, THM Business School Working Paper, Giessen 2016 (together with Christoph Hoffmann)
  • The impact of performance measurement in a service factory. How performance measurement impacted employee behaviour and performance of the housekeeping operations of a British luxury hotel, IUBH International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef-Bonn Working Paper, Bad Honnef, 2012 (together with Christoph Hoffmann)
  • Der Controller als Change Agent. Interview mit Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt [The Controller as a Change Agent. Interview with Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt], in: Controller Magazin, Vol. 37 (2012), No. 1 (January-February), pp.4-9
  • Controlling und Change Management. Aufgaben der Controller in Veränderungsprozessen [Managment accounting and change management. Management accountants’ tasks in change processes], Band 78 der Schriftenreihe Advanced Controlling, Weinheim 2011 (together with Jürgen Weber)
  • Six Sigma und Controlling – ein effektives Tandem besonders in Krisenzeiten [Six Sigma and Management Accounting – an effective combination especially in an economic crisis], in: Weber, J./Vater, H./Schmidt, W./Reinhard, H. (Hrsg.): Turnaround in stürmischen Zeiten, Weinheim, 2010, pp. 349-364
  • Management control systems as a package: the relationship of financial measurement systems and Six Sigma, IUBH International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef-Bonn Working Paper 2009
  • IFRS: Can of worms or silver bullet for accountancy systems?, in: CIMA insight, February 2009 (e-magazine of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London – together with Hendrik Angelkort and Barbara Weissenberger)
  • IFRS-Rechnungslegung – Risiko oder Erfolgsfaktor für die Controllerarbeit. Proaktive Auseinandersetzung als Erfolgsgrundlage [Financial accounting according to IFRS - Risk or success factor for management accountants], in: CFO aktuell – Zeitschrift für Finance & Controlling, Vol. 2 (2008), No. 5, pp.188-191 (together with Hendrik Angelkort and Barbara Weissenberger)
  • Veränderungen im Rollenverständnis von Controllern unter IFRS -Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse [Changing controllers’ roles under IFRS – conceptual and empirical evidence], in: Ernst, E./Reinhard, H./Schmidt, W./Vater, H./Weber, J. (Hrsg.): Die neue Rolle des Controllers – Aufgaben, Anforderungen, Best Practices, Stuttgart, 2008, pp. 61-79 (together with Hendrik Angelkort and Barbara Weissenberger)
  • Prozessmanagement und Prozesscontrolling in der Hotellerie [The Management and Control of Processes in the Hospitality Industry], in: Gardini, M. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Hospitality Management. Managementkonzepte, Wettbewerbskontext und Unternehmenspraxis, Frankfurt 2008, pp. 353-372.
  • Event-Controlling – Events strukturiert planen und steuern zum Erreichen eines Return on Event [Return on event - Management control of events], in: Wünsch, U./Thuy, P. (Hrsg.): Handbuch strategische Event-Kommunikation - Veranstaltungen in Theorie und Praxis: Fallstudien, Erfahrungsberichte, Reflexionen, Berlin, 2007 , S. 55-69.
  • Performance Measurement. Übersicht über Forschungsentwicklung und –stand [Performance Measurement – Development and current state of the research], in: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management – ZfCM, 49. Jg. (2005), Heft 6, S. 30-48.
  • Der Beitrag deutscher Aufsichtsräte zu einer verantwortungsvollen Unternehmensführung deutscher Unternehmen. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse [The contribution and role of the supervisory board for good corporate governance. Empirical results from German], in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik – zfwu, 6. Jg. (2005), Heft 6, S. 179-194 (together with Bernhard Hirsch).
  • Prozesskostenmanagement und KVP – Verankerung des Prozess(-kosten-) gedankens mit Hilfe von kontinuierlichen Verbesserungsprogrammen (KVP) [Process Management and Continuous Improvement Programs (CIP)], in: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management – ZfCM, 49. Jg. (2005), Sonderheft 1, S. 46-51.
  • Management mit Kennzahlen und Kennzahlensystemen. Bestands­aufnahme, Determinanten und Erfolgsauswirkungen, [Managing with performance measures and performance measurement systems], Gabler-Verlag: Wiesbaden, 2004.
  • Corporate Governance – die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Vorstands­vorsitzenden und Aufsichtsräten in Deutschland [Coprorate Goverance – the relationship between management board and suervisory board in Germany], Frankfurt 2004 (together with Bernhard Hirsch und Ray & Berndtson).
  • Projektbudgetierung[Budgeting for projects] , in: Bernecker, M./Eckrich, K. (Hrsg.): Herausforderung Projektmanagement, München 2003, S. 335-354.
  • Kennzahlen für die Unternehmensführung – verlorenes Heimspiel für Controller? [Performance measurement – a lost home game for management accountants?], in: Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management – ZfCM, 47. Jg. (2003), Heft 1, S. 75-79.
  • Erfolgreiche Gestaltung der Führungsunterstützung durch Kennzahlen [Successful management support by performance measures], in: Weber, J./Kunz, J. (Hrsg.): Empirische Controllingforschung. Begründung – Beispiele - Ergebnisse, Wiesbaden 2003, S. 93-127.
  • EFQM und BSC – Konkurrenz oder Ergänzung der Managementkonzepte? Eine Gegenüberstellung für die Praxis [EFQM and BSC – Competing or supplementary systems?], in: Controller Magazin, 27.Jg. (2002), Heft 1, S. 43-50 (together with Björn Radtke).
  • Balanced Performance Measurement Systems and Manager Satisfaction,Forschungspapier des Center for Controlling & Management, Nr. 2, Vallendar 2001 (together with Utz Schaeffer und Juergen Weber).
  • Erfolg durch Kennzahlen. Neue Empirische Erkenntnisse [Successfull management with performance measures. New empirical results],Band 21 der Reihe Advanced Controlling, Vallendar 2001 (together with mit Juergen Weber).
  • Small is beautiful: Berufsstart in einer kleinen Unternehmensberatung [Smallis beautiful: Starting a career in a small management consulting company], in: WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 26. Jg. (1998), Heft 3, S. 222-223.


In the context of life-long learning, training is - additionally to teaching and research - another task of universities. The faculty’s strategy for training focuses on offering MBA programs and conferences for professionals and managers.

Joachim teaches in the MBA program of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, e.g., the modules Project Management und Applied Research Project as well as executive MBA programs of other universities. Furthermore, he continues giving inhouse-trainings for companies (if interested contact j.sandt(at) or the KompetenzCampus of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (

For life-long learning for professionals and managers Joachim organizes with his colleague Prof. Dr. Matthias Schabel the Frankfurter Management- und Controlling-Tag. The conference focuses on current issues of performance measurement and management control (e.g., Management control in the digital age). More information on these conferences is provided below.

Frankfurter Management- und Controlling-Tag (FMCT)

Die Frankfurter Management- und Controlling-Tage – Plattform zum Thema Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling für Fach- und Führungskräfte im Rhein-Main-Gebiet

Wir verstehen uns als Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften insbesondere der praxisorientierten der Lehre und Forschung verpflichtet – gemäß dem Motto unserer Hochschule Wissen durch Praxis stärkt.

Im Fachbereich Wirtschaft und Recht betreuen mehr als 60 Professorinnen und Professoren mit weiteren Lehrbeauftragten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis über 3.300 Studierende und forschen praxisorientiert. Der Fachbereich bietet elf Bachelor-, sechs konsekutive Master- und zwei MBA-Programme an.

Wir möchten mit den Frankfurter Management- und Controlling-Tagen eine Plattform schaffen für Fach- und Führungskräfte aus der Rhein-Main-Region. Sie soll Impulse im Bereich Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling für die eigene Arbeit und die Gelegenheit des unternehmensübergreifenden Austauschs geben. Wir sind als staatliche Hochschule nicht gewinnorientiert, die Teilnahmegebühren werden ausschließlich für die Frankfurter Management- und Controlling-Tage genutzt. Wir möchten damit unserem öffentlichen Auftrage auch im Sinne des Wissenstransfers in Unternehmen nachkommen, insbesondere der Region Rhein-Main.

Das Themengebiet Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling soll aus wissenschaftlicher, vor allem aber auch praktischer Unternehmenssicht mit verschiedenen Vorträgen beleuchtet werden, zu jeweils unterschiedlichen aktuellen Schwerpunktthemen (2018: Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling im digitalen Zeitalter).

Zielgruppe sind Fach- und Führungskräfte aus Unternehmen, die sich für Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling interessieren und nach Impulsen für ihre eigene Arbeit suchen. Dabei sprechen wir dezidiert nicht nur Controller an, sondern vor allem auch Manager, denn sie treffen die Entscheidungen, Controller als Business Partner unterstützen sie, Unternehmenssteuerung ist Manageraufgabe.

Wir möchten die Frankfurter Management- und Controlling-Tage als regelmäßige Veranstaltung für Praktiker an der Frankfurt University etablieren und freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen und spannende Vorträge, Diskussionen und Gespräche.

Prof. Dr.
Joachim Sandt
Prof. Wirtschaftsinformatik
Building 4, Room 517
Prof. Dr.
Matthias Schabel
Head of degree course: Business Administration (B. A)
Building 4, Room 501
Fax : +49 69 1533-2949

Unternehmenssteuerung, Agilität und Resilienz – Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
20. September 2022, 09:15 – 16:30 Uhr (Präsenzveranstaltung), u.a. mit:


09:15   Eröffnung der Veranstaltung
                Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schabel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

09:25   Grußworte
                Prof. Dr. Kai-Oliver Schocke, Dekan Fachbereich Wirtschaft und Recht,
                Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

09:30   Unternehmenssteuerung zwischen „Weiter so!“ und Agilität
                Prof. Dr. Utz Schäffer, Direktor Institut für Management und Controlling,
                WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

10:30   Kaffee- und Teepause sowie Austausch

11:00   Entwicklung eines agilen und interdisziplinären Teams im Finanzbereich
                Dr. Benjamin Rausch, Head of Group Controlling – Digital Finance and Valuation, Munich Re

11:45   SGL Carbon – Transformation für Resilienz und Agilität
                Dr. Martin Gruhlke, Head of Corporate Controlling and Development, SGL Carbon

12:30   Mittagessen sowie Austausch

13:30   Planlos planen - Das New Steering Model der Swiss International Airlines
                Lars Ottmer, Head of Controlling, Swiss International Airlines

14:15   Von Null auf eine (halbe) Milliarde Umsatz –  Agil steuern bei starkem Wachstum
                Christian Portz, COO, Emma – The Sleep Company

15:00   Kaffee- und Teepause sowie Austausch

15:30   Podiumsdiskussion zum Schwerpunktthema
                Moderation: Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schabel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

                -  Dr. Martin Gruhlke, Head of Corporate Controlling, SGL Carbon
                -  Lars Ottmer, Head of Controlling, Swiss International Airlines
                -  Dr. Benjamin Rausch, Head of Group Controlling – Digital Finance and Valuation, Munich Re,

16:20   Verabschiedung
                Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schabel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences      

16:30   Ausklang bei Bier, Wein, Saft und Wasser und weitere Gelegenheit zum Austausch

Anmeldung demnächst freigeschaltet.

Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling im digitalen Zeitalter,
Donnerstag, 01. März 2018, 09:15-16:30 Uhr


09:15   Eröffnung der Veranstaltung
                Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schabel, FRA-UAS

09:30   Grußworte
                Prof. Dr. Swen Schneider, Dekan Fachbereich Wirtschaft und Recht, FRA-UAS

09:40   Unternehmenssteuerung, Controlling und Digitalisierung – aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends
                Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Weber, Direktor Institut für Management und Controlling,
                WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

10:40   Kaffee- und Teepause sowie Austausch

11:00   The end of planning as we know it – Planung im digitalen Zeitalter:
               das Beispiel Lufthansa
               Dr. Christian Langer, Vice President, Head of Digital Strategy, Innovation and Transformation Lufthansa
               Group und Head of  Digital Fleet Solutions Lufthansa Technik

11:45   Management Reporting via Apps - Digitalisierung des Berichtswesens bei Merck KGaA
                Sebastian Menges, Head of Business Analysis & Financial KPIs,
                Michael Eckert, Associate Director, Project Manager Management Information Cockpit (MIC), Merck KGaA

12:30   Mittagessen sowie Austausch

13:30   Leica Stores als Point of Experience – Markenerlebnis durch digitalen Vertrieb
                Helmut Heier, Director Retail Management
                Boris Bender, Head of Retail Design, Leica Camera AG

14:15   Housekeeping in der Hotellerie – Digitalisierung und Steuerung von Service Factories
                Christoph Hoffmann, Head of Innovation - Know Housekeeping, KnowCross Ltd.

15:00   Kaffee- und Teepause sowie Austausch

15:20   Quo vadis? Unternehmenssteuerung und Controlling 2030
                Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger, Lehrstuhl Accounting, Heinrich-Heine-Universität
16:15   Verabschiedung
                Prof. Dr. Joachim Sandt, Prof. Dr. Matthias Schabel, FRA-UAS

16:30   Ausklang bei Bier, Wein, Saft und Wasser und weitere Gelegenheit zum Austausch

Prof. Dr. Joachim SandtID: 5343