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Prof. Dr. Erika Graf

Professor for International Business Administration

Prof. Dr.
Erika Graf
Director of Internationalisation Strategy
Building 4, Room 518


Director of Internationalisation Strategy of Faculty 3: Business & Law

Office hours

Lecture period:

Non-lecture period:

Mon, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

by appointment via email

by appointment via email

Focus in teaching and research

  • General Business Administration 
  • Marketing
  • International Management
  • Sustainability


  • Sustainability
  • Gender & Cross-cultural Marketing in Social Media
  • International Marketing
  • Marketing productivity


Erika Graf has been a professor for International Business Administration at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences since April 2011. Before that, she was a professor for International Business at the International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef, Bonn. She acquired her Bachelor Degree in Marketing Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz and her Master Degree in International Business – with honors from the Beta Gamma Sigma society – at the Pace University in the US.

During her doctoral thesis at the NIMBAS University (Netherlands) and the University of Bradford (Great Britain), she worked as a Senior Consultant, mainly for customers in the service industry, including financial services, travel management, and retail. She also has comprehensive professional experience as marketing manager and sales directorin one of the largest food companies in the world and in the international headquarters of a medium-sized family business.

Professor Graf has comprehensive teaching experience as a professor for Marketing, Market Research, and Corporate Governance, as lecturer for Change Management and Human Resource Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz and from numerous training events and seminars in marketing strategy, market research, project management, and presentation techniques that she has performed within the company. Her research focus lies on customer loyalty, international marketing, sustainability marketing, and marketing productivity, for which she has published diverse articles in specialized journals. In addition, she performed a series of research studies on these topics in collaboration with universities and businesses. Professor Graf is a frequent lecturer during conferences and seminars. She is a member of the American Marketing Association and the Marketing Club Frankfurt.


  • Introduction to Marketing (Bachelor – IBA) in English
  • International Marketing (Bachelor – IBA) in English
  • International Strategic Management (Master SIM/Lead) in English
  • International and Cross-Cultural Management (Bachelor – TouMa) in English
  • Sustainability (interdisciplinary general program) in English

(You can find course materials in Moodle, you will receive the passwords during the lecture or during office hours.)


  • Graf, Erika; Selvanathan, Thars (2018) Das Nachhaltigkeitskonzept in HR: Im Rek-rutierungsverfahren kaum Bedeutung, PERSONALQuarterly, 70/03 (2018), S. 30-35.
  • Graf, E.; Wentland, S. (2017): How Lidl Adjusted To The Finnish Grocery Retail Market. Case Study. The Case Centre, Ref. No.: 517-0072-1. Cranfield, UK.
  • Graf, E.; Höchstötter, N. (2016) Leadgenerierung durch Webmonitoring - Chancen für KMUs, Update 23, Hochschule Mainz (Hrsg.), WiSe 16/17, S. 64-69. German only:
  • Erika; Arp, Sabrina (2015) Nachhaltigkeit in der Pharmaindustrie, Healthcare Marketing, Nr. 04/April, Jg. 10
  • Graf, Erika; (2014) Mit gutem Gewissen, Interview mit Ney, R. in: Apotheke und Marketing, 12/2014
  • Graf, E.; Rothe, A.; Thomas, B.; (2011) Diversity Management Wenig Kenntnisse – aber konkrete Erwartungen, Personalwirtschaft, 2, S. 28-29
  • Graf, Erika (2006) Rechnen sich Kundenbindungsprogramme bei FMCG?, Absatzwirtschaft, 10/2006
  • Bibo, Andreas; Graf, Erika (2001) Rabattpolitik – Das neue Instrument im Marketing-Mix, Marketing Journal, 4/2001
  • Graf, Erika (2001) Coupon-Schneider zählen zu den besten Kunden, Lebensmittelzeitung, Nr. 43/2001
  • Graf, Erika (2001) Setzt sich Couponing in Deutschland durch? Lebensmittelzeitung, Nr. 48/2001
  • Graf, E. (2016) Die Akzeptanz und Nutzung von Web Monitoring bei KMUs, Konferenzbeitrag: Institut für wirtschafts- und rechtswissenschaftliche Forschung (IWRF) am Fachbereich Wirtschaft und Recht der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences 3. Symposium „Wissenschaft und Praxis im Austausch über aktuelle Herausforderungen“ am 22. April 2016, Frankfurt.
  • Graf, E. (2015) Gender and Cultural Influence on Market Mavens in Social Networks. Paper presented at the 60th World Conference on Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship & Sustainability  (ICSB 2015) Dubai, UAE, June 6-9, 2015
  • Graf, E. (2014) Raising Sustainability Awareness and Understanding in Higher Education. Paper presented at the 59th World Conference on Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship & Sustainability  (ICSB 2014) Dublin, Ireland, June 11-14, 2014
  • Graf, E., Hoppe, T., Walser, M. (2005) Time to ROI – Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechungen von personalisierten Portalen in der Telekommunikationsindustrie, in Kooperation mit der Justus-Liebig-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Prof. Dr. Amberg
  • Amberg, M., Graf, E., Möller, S., Walser, M. (2005) Metastudie zur “Wirtschaftlichkeit der Linux/OSS-Migration, in Kooperation mit der Justus-Liebig-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Graf, E., Hoppe, T., Walser, M. (2004) Nutzenmessung von Kundenportalen bei Energieversorgungsunternehmen, in Kooperation mit der Justus-Liebig-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Prof. Dr. Amberg
  • Graf, E., Hofman-Linhard, A., Vetter, A., Walser, M. (2003) Time to ROI – Wirtschaftlichkeits-berechnung von CRM Systemen in der Kreditwirtschaft, in Kooperation mit der Justus-Liebig-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Prof. Dr. Amberg
  • Graf, E., Hoppe, T., Walser, M.(2003) Kundenwertmanagement und -messung in der TK-Branche, in Kooperation mit der Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt., Prof. Dr. Gedenk
  • Graf, E., Holderbaum, K., Walser, M. (2003) Time to ROI – Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalysen in der Assekuranz, in Kooperation mit der Justus-Liebig-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Prof. Dr. Amberg,
  • Graf, E., Hofman-Linhard, A., Walser, M. (2003) eSales Aktivitäten deutscher Banken
  • Graf, E., Walser, M. (2002) eSales-Aktivitäten in der Reisebranche
  • Graf, E., Walser, M. (2002) Kundenbindung im Onlinehandel


General information on certificate issue

Do you need a certification for applications to foreign universities (e.g. for exchange semesters, Master programs) or for scholarships and foundations? Please make an appointment during my office hours. Bring the following documentation to this meeting:

1. Current transcript of grades

2. CV

3. Application / motivation letter for the program for which you want the certification

4. Any other references (internships, Abitur).

In terms of the application deadlines, plan for one to two weeks after submission of all documentation. Please inform me of the result of your applications (acceptance / rejection at the respective university / foundation).

General information on Letters of recommendation

In case you need a letter of recommendation to foreign universities (e.g. for exchange semesters, master's degrees) as well as grants and foundations, please schedule an appointment during office hours. Please have the following documents with you for the appointment:

1. Current transcript

2. CV

3. Application/Letter of Motivation for the program for which the recommendation is to be created

4. Other certificates (internships, high school diploma).

In terms of deadlines please plan one to two weeks from receipt of all documents. Please inform me of the outcome of your application (acceptance / rejection of the respective university / foundation).

Prof. Dr. Erika GrafID: 5249