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FAQs – most frequently asked questions

When does the winter semester/summer semester start or when do the lectures start?

All information about the start of the semesters can be found under the following link: To the semester dates.


Where can I get information or advice?

The Central Student Advisory Service (Zentrale Studienberatung) offers comprehensive advice on questions regarding study decisions, study content and career prospects. You can find more information on the pages of the Central Student Advisory Service.

Questions regarding admission requirements and application procedures can be answered by the Office of Student Affairs.

Students with foreign degrees should contact the International Office (link).


What is the NC for my desired degree program?

Numerus Clausus means "limited number of students". The NC is not a value set by the university. The NC for a degree program is determined by the number of applications received and the number of places available. In the selection process, rankings are formed according to the average grades and the waiting semesters of the applicants for a degree program.

NC = The grade point average/number of waiting semesters had by the applicant who was awarded the last study place in the relevant degree program.

Since all applications must first be sifted for the calculation of the NC, it can only be announced at a very late stage.



What is a university entrance qualification? Is my university entrance qualification valid in Hesse?

A university entrance qualification is the diploma that entitles you to study at a German university. In principle, the following university entrance qualifications are valid in all German states:

  • General higher education entrance qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulreife)
  • Subject-related higher education entrance qualification (Fachgebundene Hochschulreife)
  • Advanced technical college entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife)
  • Master craftsman's examination
  • Certificate of successful participation in the university entrance examination for vocationally qualified persons (see ordinance)
  • The certificate of the Fachoberschule
  • The certificate contains an appropriate note, such as "in accordance with the agreement on uniform requirements for the acquisition of the Fachhochschulreife in (vocational) courses of education - resolution of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of .... - this certificate entitles the holder to study at universities of applied sciences in all states of the Federal Republic of Germany".


If you are not sure whether you have a university entrance qualification valid for Hessen, you have the possibility to have your certificate checked by us in advance. If your certificate consists of a scholastic and a practical part, please be sure to follow the instructions for determining the certificate date.


Where can I find the schedule of classes for the degree program?

All important documents such as timetables, applications, etc. can be found under: My studies.


Where can I get information about lectures that have been cancelled?

With the help of the "bulletin board", we provide short-term online information about schedule changes, room changes, relocations, and event cancellations. How to get to the bulletin board after enrollment is described in detail on the Warm-up for our first-year students (link to 7881) under the heading "Starting your studies step by step".

Website editorial teamID: 11156
last updated on: 12.07.2023