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Foreign countries and practical experience

Stays abroad

An obligatory stay abroad and an obligatory internship abroad are part of the Bachelor degree course Social Work :transnational.

The stay abroad is planned to take place in the 4th semester. All courses at the partner universities have in common that they closer analyze the social problems and legal and political solution approaches from the perspective of the individual states (competence acquisition). Language courses can be accredited to the amount of 5 cp and work shadowing in social institutions with 5 cp.

The contents are determined through preparatory learning agreements. The partner university confirms that 30 credits were attained in the lectures offered in the English language.

The obligatory internship abroad is supposed to take place at the end of the studies (8th semester).

Partner universities

Several European and non-European partner universities take part in the degree course Social Work :transnational. There are degree-course related agreements in place with the following partner universities so far:

Shanghai University, China

Himachal Pradesh University, India

Sapir College, Israel

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Université Ibn Zohr, Marocco

Aydın Üniversitesi, Turkey

Yeditepe University, Turkey

Practical phases

Internships of at least 1280 working hours (approximately 160 days) are to be completed for the degree course Social Work :transnational. Of which 2/5 are to be completed in an accompanying internship within Germany (module 18) and 3/5 in an accompanying internship abroad (module 25).

The internship in Germany is to be completed in a work field beyond the national state and social reference frame and the social problematic situations are marked by developing cross-border. The accompanying internship in Germany shall also entail social-administrative tasks.

The internship abroad (module 25) can be completed at a recognized institution in a non-European country. The institutions are considered recognized if,

  • they offer services in the field of social work,
  • they are funded by public funds or by a recognized carrier of the development services in accordance with § 3 development helper law and are evaluated on a regular basis
  • the expert guidance through a cooperation partner of the respective institution of higher education is guaranteed locally.

Individual case recognitions are decided by the internal internship committee in accordance with the responsible site pursuant the statutes for the practical year.

The internship abroad  is prepared and accompanied by the following measures:

  • Preparation and evaluation of the stay abroad at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences am Main
  • Getting to know the social problems of the receiving countries via the respective module of BASA, about relevant events in the frame of the international summer school
  • Support during the stay abroad via the contact of the lecturers and consultations by colleagues, particularly via chats, video conferences, blogs and "practical diaries“ 
  • Contact study opportunities at a partner university in the region.

Passing the practical modules (module 18 and 25) requires the confirmation of at least 1280 hours practical work in a social institution, with which an internship agreement was concluded beforehand in accordance with the statutes (currently in the completion process and approval stage) about the implementation of the respective internship.

Funding opportunities

We inform you in great detail about funding opportunities and help you in your search for adequate internships in Germany and abroad.

Examples of funding opportunities for:

Further information can be found on the pages of the International Office, which will also consult you.

Website editorial teamID: 2560
last updated on: 05.11.2022