
Study Infrastructure and Environmental Protection (B.Eng.)

Informations for students of Infrastructure and Environmental Protection (B.Eng.)

Are you interested in how to make infrastructure more sustainable?


You would like to work on a sustainable mobility transition?

Are you interested in structural, technical and environmental issues in the field of built infrastructure and would like to take responsibility for the long-term and climate-protective development of our spatial and built environment in a sought-after professional field?

If so, the Infrastructure and Environmental Protection degree program at Frankfurt UAS is the right place for you.


This degree course is offered exclusively in German.

Further information can be found on the German page. 

Together we are shaping the urban and regional infrastructure of tomorrow!

Engineers specializing in infrastructure and the environmental protection are urgently needed in a wide variety of places:

They deal with the planning, construction, operation and management of facilities with a focus on water and transport infrastructure. They develop plans and concepts on behalf of road construction authorities, railroad infrastructure companies, water supply and water disposal companies, national and international engineering firms with large offices in Frankfurt, municipalities as well as ministries and authorities.




Infrastructure and Environmental Protection



7 terms, full-time



ECTS credit points


Program start

winter semester

Admission requirements


Course catalogue

Modularization during the studies is a study structure, in which courses such as lectures, exercises, practical internships, excursions, excursions or seminars about certain topics are combined in modules. The structure of a module is determined by the competence, which is to be achieved upon completion of the module.

The module manual entails information on the duration, credits, type of examination, requirements, study results, workload, type of learning, content, literature, and the representative of the module of a degree course. Further information can be found in the guideline on modularization and credit point awarding of the Bund-Länder commission. The module overview and the study content can be downloaded in form of a PDF.

Admission requirements

Admission semester: Winter semester only

Admission requirement: Fachabitur/Abitur



Secretary's Office (Faculty 1)
Building 1, Room 431
Fax : +49 69 1533-2374

Head of the Examination Office

Deputy of the Examination Office

Prof. Dr.
Jonas Hahn
Professorship for Real Estate Management
Building BCN (City Gate), Room 512

Please contact the Student Services Center at international.admission(at)


Office Hours

The current office hours can be found on the pages of the International Admission.

Info-Center of the Frankfurt UAS

You can contact the Info-Center of the Frankfurt UAS by phone via +49 69/ 1533 - 0 and the ticket system.

You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ.

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Additional information concerning Frankfurt UAS

Website editorial teamID: 10732
last updated on: 08.02.2024