Dr. Martin Hillebrand
Lehrbeauftragter für Statistics for Business

nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail
Vorlesungsfreie Zeit:
nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail
- Statistik
- Finance
- Digitalization/AI
- Data Science
- Risikomanagement
Zur Person
- Quantitativer Analyst beim Europäischen Rettungsfonds ESM, Luxemburg
- Lehrbeauftragter an der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
- Mitglied des Fintech Advisory Committees der International Capital Markets Association (ICMA)
- Review Editor of the Journal for Artificial Intelligence in Finance
- 2008 Preisträger der International Risk Managers Association (PRMIA)
- Seit 2013: Quantitativer Analyst beim Europäischen Rettungsfonds ESM, Luxemburg: Investoren- und Banken-Profiling, Primär- und Sekundärmarktanalysen, Analysen zum Markt-Sentiment
- 2009-2013: Risikoanalyst bei der Deutschen Finanzagentur: Aufbau des quantitativen Kreditrisikomonitoring
- 2007-2009: Quantitativer Analyst bei Sal. Oppenheim, Derivatives Trading: Entwicklung von Pricing und Hedging Tools
- 2007: Risikoanalyst bei der Deutschen Bank: Entwicklung von automatisierten Kreditentscheidungen für das Retail Banking
- 2004-2007: Post-Doc an der TU München: Forschung zur Kreditrisikomodellierung
Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltung
Publikationen und betreute Abschlussarbeiten
„Sentiment analysis of European bonds 2016 – 2018” (with Peter Schwendner and Martin Schüle), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 2 (20), 2019
”European Government Bond Dynamics and Stability Policies: Taming Contagion Risks” (with Peter Schwendner, Martin Schüle, Thomas Ott), Journal of Network Theory in Finance 1 (4), 2015
”Interaction of Market And Credit Risk: An Analysis of Inter-Risk Correlation and Risk Aggregation” (with Klaus Böcker), Journal of Risk Vol 11 No 4, 2009
”On Robust Corner-Preserving Smoothing in Image Processing”, monograph, Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008
”Outlier robust corner-preserving methods for reconstructing noisy images” (with Christine Müller), Annals of Statistics 2007, Vol.35 No. 1, 132-165
”Modelling and estimating dependent loss given default”’ RISK, September 2006
”On consistency of redescending M-kernel smoothers” (with Christine Müller), Metrika 2006, Vol. 63 No. 1, 71-90
”On Robust Corner-Preserving Smoothing in Image Processing” (Dissertation, 2003)
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
- "Showing how EU solidarity calmed markets over Brexit" (with Peter Schwendner), ESM Blog, 19/01/2021
- "Neues vom Referenzemittenten Was bringt die erste grüne Bundesanleihe?" (mit Christian Thier), Börsenzeitung, 07. November 2020
"The Investor Structure of Green Bonds - an Analysis in comparison to Non-Green Bonds", bachelor thesis of Tanja Nickel, 2020 (with Prof. Christian Thier, UAS Frankfurt, in German)
"Appearance of Blockchain Bonds: An Assessment of Blockchain Impact on Bond Issuance Process in European Debt Capital Market", double master thesis of Wanli Chen and Qianxia Wang, 2019 (with Prof. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School of Finance) Download (pdf)
“Pricing CDOs with CreditRisk+”, diploma thesis of Yan Ge, 2007 (with Prof. Claudia Klüppelberg, TU München)
“Calibration of a CreditRisk+ model, a methodical comparison”, diploma thesis of Stefan Teubler, 2007 (with Prof. Claudia Klüppelberg, TU München)
“Credit Risk Modeling and Valuation: The reduced Form Approach and Copula Models”, diploma thesis of Stephanie Höfling, 2006 (with Prof. Claudia Klüppelberg, TU München)